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In mathematical logic, proof compression by splitting is an algorithm that operates as a post-process on resolution proofs. It was proposed by Scott Cotton in his paper "Two Techniques for Minimizing Resolution Proof".[1]

The Splitting algorithm is based on the following observation:

Given a proof of unsatisfiability π and a variable x, it is easy to re-arrange (split) the proof in a proof of x and a proof of ¬x and the recombination of these two proofs (by an additional resolution step) may result in a proof smaller than the original.

Note that applying Splitting in a proof π using a variable x does not invalidates a latter application of the algorithm using a differente variable y. Actually, the method proposed by Cotton[1] generates a sequence of proofs π1π2, where each proof πi+1 is the result of applying Splitting to πi. During the construction of the sequence, if a proof πj happens to be too large, πj+1 is setted to be the smallest proof in {π1,π2,,πj}.

For achieving a better compression/time ratio, a heuristic for variable selection is desirable. For this purpose, Cotton[1] defines the "additivity" of a resolution step (with antecedents p and n and resolvent r):


Then, for each variable v, a score is calculated summing the additivity of all the resolution steps in π with pivot v together with the number of these resolution steps. Denoting each score calculated this way by add(v,π), each variable is selected with a probability proportional to its score:


To split a proof of unsatisfiability π in a proof πx of x and a proof π¬x of ¬x, Cotton [1] proposes the following:

Let l denote a literal and pxn denote the resolvent of clauses p and n where xp and ¬xn. Then, define the map πl on nodes in the resolution dag of π:

πl(c):={c,if c is an inputπl(p),if c=pxn and (l=x or xπl(p))πl(n),if c=pxn and (l=¬x or ¬xπl(n))πl(p)xπl(p),if xπl(p) and ¬xπl(n)

Also, let o be the empty clause in π. Then, πx and π¬x are obtained by computing πx(o) and π¬x(o), respectively.


43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Cotton, Scott. "Two Techniques for Minimizing Resolution Proofs". 13th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 2010.