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In [[mathematics]], a '''Fredholm operator''' is an [[Operator (mathematics)|operator]] that arises in the [[Fredholm theory]] of [[integral equation]]s. It is named in honour of [[Erik Ivar Fredholm]].

A Fredholm operator is a [[bounded linear operator]] between two [[Banach space]]s whose [[kernel (algebra)|kernel]] and [[cokernel]] are finite-dimensional and whose [[range (mathematics)|range]] is closed. (The last condition is actually redundant.<ref>Yuri A. Abramovich and Charalambos D. Aliprantis, "An Invitation to Operator Theory", p.156</ref>) Equivalently, an operator ''T''&nbsp;:&nbsp;''X''&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;''Y'' is Fredholm if it is invertible [[Quotient_ring|modulo]] [[compact operator]]s, i.e., if there exists a bounded linear operator
Summer weddings have of late become quite common along with people now deliberately plan a summer wedding. It can be fun and enjoyable if planned properly and with some precautions. Summers in several Indian cities may get quite hot and humid with day temperatures rising beyond 45 deg C at its highest.<br><br>When you go shop using a store, prices are chosen sustained by the electricity bill, and the cost of employees. If shop on the clothing site, They aren't charging you for those things, the actual cost will likely be less pricey. It cost them less provide you apparel off coursesmart.<br><br>Now aren't getting me absolutely. I am not frowning upon improvements unfortunately, it is you go so far as to basically lying about your characteristic look and other aspects of your life then that is often a problem.<br><br>One of the more common hiking safety tips is to make sure that you wear hiking boots when trekking through the lake. Sneakers, sandals, and other shoes will not protect an individual as well as shoes designed especially for hiking. You wish to be specific to break them in good before you wear them in the trails. Having brand new shoes on when hiking can cause sore feet and blisters at no more the special day. Avoid borrowing hiking boots from another folk as well, as with this particular know after getting broke in or too worn obtaining them by doing this.<br><br>Body adornments had been a part of Irish customs. Irish jewelry holds a wide number of style which guarantees to represent your individuality. Celtic jewelry like the Celtic cross, Celtic knot and the Triquetra (also called Trinity) can are a real attention-getter with their mysterious yet chic application form.<br><br>The economy has not been very kind to families usually are starting out, nor has it been great for seniors. These two types people tend for you to become hit challenging in a down economy because their budgets don't allow the above for much breathing accommodation.<br><br>As strange as may well sound, men like to know their lady say their name. Need to want to bombard his with his name; after all, he already knows it. But there is some primal urge as a result released calling it say your man's name in and intimate problem. It draws him to as well as turns him on. It causes him to focus more intently on you.<br><br>By doing everything your family can to help add along with cleaner environment, you are doing an even bigger thing than you might imagine. Of course even the littlest of actions count in big remedies.<br><br>Here's more info on [http://usmerch.co.uk/accessories/ fast n' loud] check out our own web page.
:<math>S: Y\to X</math>
such that
:<math> \mathrm{Id}_X - ST \quad\text{and}\quad \mathrm{Id}_Y - TS </math>
are compact operators on ''X'' and ''Y'' respectively.
The ''index'' of a Fredholm operator is
:<math> \mathrm{ind}\,T := \dim \ker T - \mathrm{codim}\,\mathrm{ran}\,T </math>
or equivalently,
:<math> \mathrm{ind}\,T := \dim \ker T - \mathrm{dim}\,\mathrm{coker}\,T;</math>
see [[dimension]], [[null space|kernel]], [[codimension]], range, and cokernel.
The set of Fredholm operators from ''X'' to ''Y'' is open in the Banach space L(''X'',&nbsp;''Y'') of bounded linear operators, equipped with the [[operator norm]]. More precisely, when ''T''<sub>0</sub> is Fredholm from ''X'' to ''Y'', there exists ''ε''&nbsp;> 0 such that every ''T'' in L(''X'',&nbsp;''Y'') with {{nowrap begin}}||''T'' &minus; ''T''<sub>0</sub>|| < ''ε''{{nowrap end}} is Fredholm, with the same [[Linear_transform#Index|index]] as that of&nbsp;''T''<sub>0</sub>.
When ''T'' is Fredholm from ''X'' to ''Y'' and ''U'' Fredholm from ''Y'' to ''Z'', then the composition <math>U \circ T</math> is Fredholm from ''X'' to ''Z'' and
:<math>\mathrm{ind} (U \circ T) = \mathrm{ind}(U) + \mathrm{ind}(T).</math>
When ''T'' is Fredholm, the [[Dual space#Transpose of a continuous linear map|transpose]] (or adjoint) operator {{nowrap|''T''&thinsp;&prime;}} is Fredholm from {{nowrap|''Y''&thinsp;&prime;}} to {{nowrap|''X''&thinsp;&prime;}}, and {{nowrap|ind(''T''&thinsp;&prime;) {{=}} &minus;ind(''T'')}}. When ''X'' and ''Y'' are [[Hilbert Space | Hilbert spaces]], the same conclusion holds for the [[Hermitian adjoint]]&nbsp;''T''<sup></sup>.
When ''T'' is Fredholm and ''K'' a compact operator, then ''T''&nbsp;+&nbsp;''K'' is Fredholm.  The index of ''T'' remains constant under compact perturbations of ''T''.  This follows from the fact that the index ''i''(''s'') of {{nowrap|''T'' + ''s''&thinsp;''K''}} is an integer defined for every ''s'' in [0,&nbsp;1], and ''i''(''s'') is locally constant, hence ''i''(1)&nbsp;=&nbsp;''i''(0).
Invariance by perturbation is true for larger classes than the class of compact operators. For example, when ''T'' is Fredholm and ''S'' a strictly singular operator, then ''T''&nbsp;+&nbsp;''S'' is Fredholm with the same index.<ref>T.&nbsp;Kato, "Perturbation theory for the nullity deficiency and other quantities of linear operators", ''J. d'Analyse Math''. '''6''' (1958), 273–322.</ref>  A bounded linear operator ''S'' from ''X'' to ''Y'' is '''strictly singular''' when its restriction to any infinite dimensional subspace ''X''<sub>0</sub> of ''X'' fails to be an into isomorphism, that is:
:<math>\inf \{ \|S x\| : x \in X_0, \, \|x\| = 1 \} = 0. \,</math>
Let ''H'' be a [[Hilbert space]] with an orthonormal basis {''e''<sub>''n''</sub>} indexed by the non negative integers. The (right) [[shift operator]] ''S'' on ''H'' is defined by
:<math>S(e_n) = e_{n+1}, \quad n \ge 0. \,</math>
This operator ''S'' is injective (actually, isometric) and has a closed range of codimension 1, hence ''S'' is Fredholm with ind(''S'')&nbsp;=&nbsp;&minus;1. The powers ''S''<sup>''k''</sup>, ''k''&nbsp;&ge;&nbsp;0, are Fredholm with index&nbsp;&minus;''k''. The adjoint ''S''<sup>∗</sup> is the left shift,
:<math>S^*(e_0) = 0, \ \ S^*(e_n) = e_{n-1}, \quad n \ge 1. \,</math>
The left shift ''S''<sup>∗</sup> is Fredholm with index&nbsp;1.
If ''H'' is the classical [[Hardy space]] ''H''<sup>2</sup>('''T''') on the unit circle '''T''' in the complex plane, then the shift operator with respect to the orthonormal basis of complex exponentials
:<math>e_n : \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} t} \in \mathbf{T} \rightarrow
\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} n t}, \quad n \ge 0, \, </math>
is the multiplication operator ''M''<sub>''φ''</sub> with the function ''φ''&nbsp;=&nbsp;''e''<sub>1</sub>. More generally, let ''φ'' be a complex continuous function on '''T''' that does not vanish on&nbsp;'''T''', and let ''T''<sub>''φ''</sub> denote the [[Toeplitz operator]] with symbol ''φ'', equal to multiplication by ''φ'' followed by the orthogonal projection ''P'' from ''L''<sup>2</sup>('''T''') onto ''H''<sup>2</sup>('''T'''):
:<math> T_\varphi : f \in H^2(\mathrm{T}) \rightarrow P(f \varphi) \in H^2(\mathrm{T}). \, </math>
Then ''T''<sub>''φ''</sub> is a Fredholm operator on ''H''<sup>2</sup>('''T'''), with index related to the [[winding number]] around 0 of the closed path {{nowrap|''t'' &isin; [0, 2&thinsp;''&pi;''] &rarr; ''&phi;''(e<sup>&thinsp;i&thinsp;''t''&thinsp;</sup>)&thinsp;}}''':'''  the index of  ''T''<sub>''φ''</sub>, as defined in this article, is the opposite of this winding number.
The [[Atiyah-Singer index theorem]] gives a topological characterization of the index of certain operators on manifolds.
An [[elliptic operator]] can be extended to a Fredholm operator. The use of Fredholm operators in [[partial differential equation]]s is an abstract form of the [[parametrix]] method.
==B-Fredholm operators==
For each integer <math>n</math>, define  <math> T_{n} </math> to be the restriction of  <math>T</math> to
<math> R(T^{n}) </math> viewed as a map from 
<math> R(T^{n}) </math>  into  <math> R(T^{n}) </math> (  in particular  <math> T_{0} = T</math>). 
If for some integer <math>n</math>  the space <math> R(T^{n}) </math> is closed and <math> T_{n} </math> is a Fredholm operator,then <math>T </math> is called  a B-Fredholm operator. The index of a B-Fredholm operator <math>T</math> is defined as the index of the Fredholm operator <math> T_n </math>. It is  shown that the index is independent of the integer <math> n</math>.
B-Fredholm operators were introduced by M. Berkani in 1999 as a generalization of Fredholm operators. <ref>Berkani  Mohammed: On a class of quasi-Fredholm operators
Volume 34, Number 2 (1999), 244-249 [http://www.springerlink.com/content/xr3637434785m705/]</ref>
|1= Functional Analysis
|2= Special topics
|3= Fredholm theory
* D.E. Edmunds and W.D. Evans (1987), ''Spectral theory and differential operators,'' Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-853542-2.
* A. G. Ramm, "[http://www.math.ksu.edu/~ramm/papers/419amm.pdf A Simple Proof of the Fredholm Alternative and a Characterization of the Fredholm Operators]", ''American Mathematical Monthly'', '''108''' (2001) p.&nbsp;855 (NB: In this paper the word "Fredholm operator" refers to "Fredholm operator of index 0").
* {{planetmath_reference|id=3353|title=Fredholm operator}}
* {{mathworld|urlname=FredholmsTheorem|title=Fredholm's Theorem}}
* {{springer|id=f/f041470|title=Fredholm theorems|author=B.V. Khvedelidze}}
* Bruce K. Driver, "[http://math.ucsd.edu/~driver/231-02-03/Lecture_Notes/compact.pdf Compact and Fredholm Operators and the Spectral Theorem]", ''Analysis Tools with Applications'', Chapter 35, pp.&nbsp;579–600.
* Robert C. McOwen, "[http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Summarize/euclid.pjm/1102780323 Fredholm theory of partial differential equations on complete Riemannian manifolds]", ''Pacific J. Math.''  '''87''', no. 1 (1980), 169–185.
* Tomasz Mrowka, [http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-965-geometry-of-manifolds-fall-2004/lecture-notes/lecture16_17.pdf A Brief Introduction to Linear Analysis: Fredholm Operators], Geometry of Manifolds, Fall 2004 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCouseWare)
{{Functional Analysis}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Fredholm Operator}}
[[Category:Fredholm theory]]

Latest revision as of 22:30, 29 December 2014

Summer weddings have of late become quite common along with people now deliberately plan a summer wedding. It can be fun and enjoyable if planned properly and with some precautions. Summers in several Indian cities may get quite hot and humid with day temperatures rising beyond 45 deg C at its highest.

When you go shop using a store, prices are chosen sustained by the electricity bill, and the cost of employees. If shop on the clothing site, They aren't charging you for those things, the actual cost will likely be less pricey. It cost them less provide you apparel off coursesmart.

Now aren't getting me absolutely. I am not frowning upon improvements unfortunately, it is you go so far as to basically lying about your characteristic look and other aspects of your life then that is often a problem.

One of the more common hiking safety tips is to make sure that you wear hiking boots when trekking through the lake. Sneakers, sandals, and other shoes will not protect an individual as well as shoes designed especially for hiking. You wish to be specific to break them in good before you wear them in the trails. Having brand new shoes on when hiking can cause sore feet and blisters at no more the special day. Avoid borrowing hiking boots from another folk as well, as with this particular know after getting broke in or too worn obtaining them by doing this.

Body adornments had been a part of Irish customs. Irish jewelry holds a wide number of style which guarantees to represent your individuality. Celtic jewelry like the Celtic cross, Celtic knot and the Triquetra (also called Trinity) can are a real attention-getter with their mysterious yet chic application form.

The economy has not been very kind to families usually are starting out, nor has it been great for seniors. These two types people tend for you to become hit challenging in a down economy because their budgets don't allow the above for much breathing accommodation.

As strange as may well sound, men like to know their lady say their name. Need to want to bombard his with his name; after all, he already knows it. But there is some primal urge as a result released calling it say your man's name in and intimate problem. It draws him to as well as turns him on. It causes him to focus more intently on you.

By doing everything your family can to help add along with cleaner environment, you are doing an even bigger thing than you might imagine. Of course even the littlest of actions count in big remedies.

Here's more info on fast n' loud check out our own web page.