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== Hollister Anvers 10 dans les deux prochaines années. ==
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Il met aussi en garde les hôpitaux pour s'assurer que leurs sites comprennent les risques ainsi que les avantages de la chirurgie robotique. Cas de base à des endroits comme Nomura est si je me souviens bien sur R $ 2,30, le renforcement de R $ 2,00 R $ 2,10 dans les deux prochaines années. <br><br>L'étude examinée par des pairs, publié dans la revue Science of the Total Environment, conclut:. Pour les mauvaises plus de gens qui ont regardé leurs films dans le passé ne donnez pas ce film un coup votre ne va pas être déçu si vous avez aimé un de leurs films d'avant ... <br><br>Le tribunal de grande instance peut également être d'accord avec le raisonnement de la neuvième circuit signifie seulement couples [ Hollister Anvers] de même sexe en Californie permettrait de maintenir le droit de se marier .. Étoiles ira avec une gamme LNH pour le match de ce soir, et le défenseur Stéphane Robidas dit, il est un bon moment pour commencer à développer . <br><br>Dans certaines classes, les enseignants ont été mis sous pression en ayant les étudiants marquent leur travail toutes les 20 minutes pour montrer comment ils progressent .. J'ai conseillé la campagne de Romney sur l'énergie tech, et [ Hollister Maastricht] j'étais stratège en chef pour un fonds boutique de risque et servi comme président CTO d'une technologie . <br><br>Ceci est une indication de la forme des choses à venir. Dans son rôle, Liz a été activement [ Hollister Belgique] impliqué dans le développement [ Hollister Lille] des hommes jeter depuis 2004.She a également été un succès dans la présentation des demandes de subventions et de garantir un financement substantiel de ministères et d'autres sources de financement telles que les emplois fédéraux et Innovations Fonds ainsi que foundations.Liz de bienfaisance . <br><br>Mais je suppose que vous n'avez pas pensé à tout cela .. Mettre en place pour aider les personnes en cas de catastrophe et bien connu pour être utilisé dans le tremblement de terre de 2010 en Haïti, le Google Person Finder a été utilisé une fois de plus pour aider les gens à trouver leur proches. <br><br>En 1988, 38 pour cent des hommes ne prenaient pas de médicaments réguliers. Malheureusement, la plupart du secteur parapublic écoles n'ont pas les journaux ou les sites d'actualité si l'enseignement sportswriting pour étudiants BPS est un effort J'espère continuer sous une forme ou another.I aussi hâte de suivre la couverture continue du Globe de la ville de Boston Ligue et j'espère que vous . <br><br>Avant, ils ont commencé avec ce non-sens la promotion des produits d'huile de serpent, que «vous ne pouvez pas le faire seul" .. Il est important de noter, cependant, que les jeunes évangéliques ont voté pour Barack Obama à un taux significativement plus élevé que d'autres dans cette catégorie et que, .<ul>
The '''impulse excitation technique''' is a [[nondestructive test]] method that uses [[natural frequency]], dimensions and mass of a test-piece to determine [[Young's modulus]], [[Shear modulus]], [[Poisson's ratio]] and [[damping]] coefficient.

== Hollister Belgique [11] Le nom en Europe vient du latin ==
Dimensions and mass of a test-piece can be easily measured. Natural frequency is determined by gently tapping the test-piece and analyzing the vibration. Tapping can be done using a small hammer or an automated tapping device. There are different ways to detect vibrations in the test-piece: [[piezoelectric sensor]], [[microphone]], laservibrometer or [[accelerometer]]. To optimize the results a microphone or a laservibrometer can be used as there is no contact between the test-piece and the sensor. Laservibrometers are preferred to measure signals with extreme frequencies. These kinds of signals are usually only induced in very thin test-pieces.

"Ils ont reconnu ces petits signaux, et une grande partie du dossier a été vraiment fait pour eux. Au lieu de deux avions frappant les bâtiments, de nombreux enfants ont pensé plusieurs avions avaient frappé les tours, [ Hollister Belgique] en fonction du nombre de fois qu'ils avaient vu l'événement rejoué à la télévision . <br><br>La société est dans un parc de bureaux sur Eighth Street, près de la. Course de l'année, pour Lizzy et toutes les filles. Les prix des transactions seront par défaut le prix du marché actuel. Mais Simon avait une nuit calme, l'enregistrement juste un hic sur l'avant-dernier jeu du match. <br><br>Les investissements dans le secteur de la technologie en Europe sont à 3.22 milliards de dollars jusqu'à présent en 2013, contre $ 3,58 milliards l'an dernier, selon les données Thomson Reuters. Il pleure quand il a besoin de quelque chose. Ups de caractère de son jeu de mode après avoir rencontré le couple de con dapper .. Certains Israël craignent gauche de l'échelle des colonies va bientôt passer le point de basculement où un retrait peut devenir trop difficile, et Israël sera contraint d'absorber l'essentiel de la Cisjordanie et de son . <br><br>Mais peut-être le plus. ]: Pas de pari [Aruru] este fuerte Buey Salvaje? . Les économistes ne s'entendent pas sur si les chiffres du mois dernier ont été un coup de chance ou un signe d'amélioration économique réelle _ et ce genre de tour les candidats peuvent s'attendre à des nouveaux numéros vendredi. Peuvent-ils voir à tous mes messages texte? Semble terriblement personnels et si elle n'a [ Hollister Lille] pas de pertinence à leur pétition contre moi est-il même possible Client: Mon conjoint n'est pas sur ce compte de téléphone cellulaire et elle a su que je l'ai eu avec pour beaucoup years.LADYLAWYER: Sont-ils assignant les enregistrements de quand vous étiez encore marié LADYLAWYER: Si les dossiers ils demandent sont pour le moment au cours de laquelle vous vous êtes marié, alors oui, [ Hollister Anvers] ils sont considérés comme pertinents par le tribunal, surtout si quelque chose comme infedelity ou actifs cachés ont été alléguées. <br><br>[11] Le nom en Europe vient du latin: Europa, qui à son tour vient du grec:, de eurys "large" et ops «visage» [12] [13] (PIE wer, «large» okw, "l'oeil" ). Dans la mythologie grecque Europa était la belle fille d'un roi phénicien Agénor nommé, ou Phoenix.. <br><br>Il faut, comme nous le savons, une virgule après chaque mouvement, faite par les hommes, sur cette terre .. Il s'agit de «Car tous ceux qui a, il sera donné, et il sera dans l'abondance, mais à celui qui n'a pas, on ôtera même ce qu'il a ». Le groupe a remporté l'argent au tirage du Lotto Max de vendredi soir dernier. Ceci est particulièrement important durant les mois [ Hollister Maastricht] d'été et près de fêtes traditionnelles.<ul>
===Flexure mode===
[[Image:Mechanic excitation flexure.JPG|thumb|left|310px|Test-piece vibrating in [[flexure]] mode]]
This figure gives an example of a test-piece vibrating in the [[flexure]]
mode. The induced vibration is also referred to as the out-of plane vibration. The in-plane vibration is the vibration vibrating vertically on the out-of plane vibration. The [[natural frequency]] of this vibration is measured to calculate [[Young's modulus]].
To damp the test-piece as little as possible it has to be supported at the nodes. The test-piece is mechanically excited at one of the anti-nodes to cause maximum vibration.
===Torsion mode===
[[Image:Mechanic excitation torsion.JPG|thumb|left|310px|Test-piece vibrating in the [[Torsion (mechanics)|torsion]] mode]]
This figure gives an example of a test-piece vibrating in the [[Torsion (mechanics)|torsion]] mode. The [[natural frequency]] of this vibration is measured to calculate the [[Shear modulus]].  
To damp the test-piece as little as possible it has to be supported in the nodes. The test-piece is mechanically excited at one of the anti-nodes to cause maximum vibration.
===Signal conditioning and calculating result===
After the signal is induced it has to be amplified and filtered. The resulting signal can than be introduced in a software package where it is logged. Software packages use algorithms to calculate [[Young's modulus]], [[Shear modulus]], [[Poisson's ratio]] and [[damping]] coefficient. The basic formulas used in these algorithms are discussed in the theory section.
Most software packages visualize the signal and show a graphic of the obtained frequencies.
===Area of application===
There is a wide range of untested applications in which impulse excitation techniques (IET) could be used. Today IET is mostly used in research and [[quality control]].
The advantage of IET in research projects is that it gives an in depth look into the internal structure of materials. Physical properties like [[damping]] and [[Young's modulus]] can be used for example to map out [[thermal shock]] behaviour of certain materials.  
Some machines even have the possibility to do measurements at very high temperatures, up to 1750 °C, or in [[vacuum]] conditions. This can be an advantage in understanding the physical properties of certain materials.
Applications in quality control work differently. Most of these applications need a reference piece they can relate to. Engine blocks for example can be tested by tapping them and comparing the recorded signal with a pre-recorded signal of another engine block of which there is certainty its properties are satisfactory.
From a material point of view most materials that have enough [[stiffness]] to vibrate can be measured using IET.
===Rectangular bar===
====Young’s modulus====
:<math>E = 0.9465\left( \frac{m f^2_f} {b} \right)\left( \frac{L^3} {t^3} \right)T</math>  
:<math>T = 1+6.585\left( \frac{t} {L} \right)^2</math>
:<var>E</var> is Young's modulus
:<var>m</var> is mass
:<var>f<sub>f</sub></var> is natural frequency in flexure dimension
:<var>b</var> is width
:<var>L</var> is length
:<var>t</var> is thickness
:'''The above formula can be used should L/t ≥ 20'''
====Shear modulus====
:<math>G = \frac{4Lmf_t^2} {bt}\left( \frac{B} {1+A} \right)</math>
:<math>B = \left( \frac{b/t + t/b} {4\left(t/b\right)-2.52\left(t/b\right)^2
+ 0.21\left(t/b\right)^6} \right)</math>  
:<math>A = \left( \frac{0.5062 -0.8776\left( b/t\right) + 0.3504\left( b/t\right)^2- 0.0078\left( b/t\right)^3} {12.03\left(b/t\right)+9.892\left(b/t\right)^2} \right)</math>
:Note we assume that b≥t
:<var>f<sub>t</sub\></var> is the natural frequency in the torsion mode
:<var>m</var> is mass
:<var>b</var> is width
:<var>L</var> is length
:<var>t</var> is thickness
===Cylindrical rod===
====Young’s modulus====
:<math>E = 1.6067\left( \frac{L^3} {d^4} \right)mf_f^2T'</math>
:<math>T' = 1+4.939\left( \frac{d} {L} \right)^2</math>
:<var>E</var> is Young's modulus
:<var>m</var> is mass
:<var>f<sub>f</sub></var> is the natural frequency in flexure dimension
:<var>d</var> is diameter
:<var>L</var> is length
:'''The above formula can be used should L/t ≥ 20'''
====Shear modulus====
:<math>G = 16 \left(\frac{L} {\pi d^2}\right)mf_t^2</math>  
:<var>f<sub>t</sub\></var> is the natural frequency in the torsion mode
:<var>m</var> is mass
:<var>d</var> is diameter
:<var>L</var> is length
===Poisson ratio===
If Young's modulus and Shear modulus are known Poisson's ratio can be calculated.
:<math> \nu = \left(\frac{E} {2G}\right)-1 </math>
===Damping coefficient===
The signal induced in the test-piece is described as a damped [[sine]]. The damping of this [[sine]] can be determined by checking the force of consecutive amplitudes. 
[[Image:Damped sin.jpg|left|thumb|310px|Damped [[sine]]]]
:<math>x\left(t\right) =  Ae^{-\delta t}\sin\left(\omega t+\phi\right)</math>  
:<var>f = 1/T = ω/(2π)</var> the natural frequency
:<var>δ = kt</var> the logarithmic decrement
:<var>k</var> the exponential damping of the vibration signal
Accuracy is determined by the quality of support of the test-piece and the correctness of measurement of the test-piece’s dimensions and mass. It is possible to do measurements within an accuracy rate of 0,1%.
The best way to support a test-piece is to use [[nylon]] fibers, but most systems use [[polyurethane]] foam strips as support. This makes it very difficult to measure small test-pieces because the damping effect of the support is too big.
*[[ASTM]] E 1875 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio by Sonic Resonance
*ASTM E 1876 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio by Impulse Excitation of Vibration
==External links==
*[ Quality Analysis with Impulse Excitation Technique using JE DEPA V9]
*[ Recent advance in material characterization using IET]
*[ Impulse excitation technique at IMCE]
[[Category:Nondestructive testing]]
[[Category:Quality control]]
[[Category:Materials science]]
[[Category:Continuum mechanics]]

Revision as of 20:00, 24 October 2013

Template:Multiple issues

The impulse excitation technique is a nondestructive test method that uses natural frequency, dimensions and mass of a test-piece to determine Young's modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and damping coefficient.


Dimensions and mass of a test-piece can be easily measured. Natural frequency is determined by gently tapping the test-piece and analyzing the vibration. Tapping can be done using a small hammer or an automated tapping device. There are different ways to detect vibrations in the test-piece: piezoelectric sensor, microphone, laservibrometer or accelerometer. To optimize the results a microphone or a laservibrometer can be used as there is no contact between the test-piece and the sensor. Laservibrometers are preferred to measure signals with extreme frequencies. These kinds of signals are usually only induced in very thin test-pieces.

Flexure mode

File:Mechanic excitation flexure.JPG
Test-piece vibrating in flexure mode

This figure gives an example of a test-piece vibrating in the flexure mode. The induced vibration is also referred to as the out-of plane vibration. The in-plane vibration is the vibration vibrating vertically on the out-of plane vibration. The natural frequency of this vibration is measured to calculate Young's modulus. To damp the test-piece as little as possible it has to be supported at the nodes. The test-piece is mechanically excited at one of the anti-nodes to cause maximum vibration.

Torsion mode

File:Mechanic excitation torsion.JPG
Test-piece vibrating in the torsion mode

This figure gives an example of a test-piece vibrating in the torsion mode. The natural frequency of this vibration is measured to calculate the Shear modulus. To damp the test-piece as little as possible it has to be supported in the nodes. The test-piece is mechanically excited at one of the anti-nodes to cause maximum vibration.

Signal conditioning and calculating result

After the signal is induced it has to be amplified and filtered. The resulting signal can than be introduced in a software package where it is logged. Software packages use algorithms to calculate Young's modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and damping coefficient. The basic formulas used in these algorithms are discussed in the theory section. Most software packages visualize the signal and show a graphic of the obtained frequencies.

Area of application

There is a wide range of untested applications in which impulse excitation techniques (IET) could be used. Today IET is mostly used in research and quality control. The advantage of IET in research projects is that it gives an in depth look into the internal structure of materials. Physical properties like damping and Young's modulus can be used for example to map out thermal shock behaviour of certain materials. Some machines even have the possibility to do measurements at very high temperatures, up to 1750 °C, or in vacuum conditions. This can be an advantage in understanding the physical properties of certain materials. Applications in quality control work differently. Most of these applications need a reference piece they can relate to. Engine blocks for example can be tested by tapping them and comparing the recorded signal with a pre-recorded signal of another engine block of which there is certainty its properties are satisfactory. From a material point of view most materials that have enough stiffness to vibrate can be measured using IET.


Rectangular bar

Young’s modulus


E is Young's modulus
m is mass
ff is natural frequency in flexure dimension
b is width
L is length
t is thickness
The above formula can be used should L/t ≥ 20

Shear modulus


Note we assume that b≥t
ft</sub\> is the natural frequency in the torsion mode
m is mass
b is width
L is length
t is thickness

Cylindrical rod

Young’s modulus


E is Young's modulus
m is mass
ff is the natural frequency in flexure dimension
d is diameter
L is length
The above formula can be used should L/t ≥ 20

Shear modulus


ft</sub\> is the natural frequency in the torsion mode
m is mass
d is diameter
L is length

Poisson ratio

If Young's modulus and Shear modulus are known Poisson's ratio can be calculated.

Damping coefficient

The signal induced in the test-piece is described as a damped sine. The damping of this sine can be determined by checking the force of consecutive amplitudes.

Damped sine


f = 1/T = ω/(2π) the natural frequency
δ = kt the logarithmic decrement
k the exponential damping of the vibration signal

50 year old Petroleum Engineer Kull from Dawson Creek, spends time with interests such as house brewing, property developers in singapore condo launch and camping. Discovers the beauty in planing a trip to places around the entire world, recently only coming back from .


Accuracy is determined by the quality of support of the test-piece and the correctness of measurement of the test-piece’s dimensions and mass. It is possible to do measurements within an accuracy rate of 0,1%. The best way to support a test-piece is to use nylon fibers, but most systems use polyurethane foam strips as support. This makes it very difficult to measure small test-pieces because the damping effect of the support is too big.


  • ASTM E 1875 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio by Sonic Resonance
  • ASTM E 1876 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio by Impulse Excitation of Vibration

External links