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== ako je BMW Nike Air Max ==
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Nie sú žiadne byzantské kostoly, ktoré prežijú od tohto obdobia; [http://www.cboard.cz/obrazky/cache.asp Nike Air Max] Tisíce ľudí bolo zabitých a mnoho miest, ako sú salámy boli zničené a nikdy prestavaný. [37] byzantskej pravidlo bolo obnovené v roku 965, kedy cisár Nikephoros II [http://www.kolomy.cz/includes/define.asp Hollister Tepláky] Phokas strelil rozhodujúce víťazstvo [http://www.cboard.cz/cz/wp-content/plugins/akismet/helper.asp Brýle Ray Ban] na súši i na mori. [37] V roku 1191, v priebehu tretieho Crusade, Richard ja Anglicka zachytil ostrov od Isaac Komnenos Cypre [40] Bol použitý ako hlavný dodávateľskej základne, ktorá bola relatívne v bezpečí pred Saracénmi. <br><br>Hoci demokrati radí Hitlera trvalo nízka (približne 0%), pokiaľ ide o osobné dohode s jeho politikou, väčšina z nich sú šťastne zaostáva ním. Hovorí Cedar Rapids aktivista Wendy Pipkin, "mám na mysli, keď som mohol vybrať kohokoľvek, čo som chcel, bolo by to Dennis Kucinich, ale ľudia nemôžu len vybrať niekoho chcú. To je demokracia, čo znamená, že musíte vybrať niekoho, kto . <br><br>Nižšie sú zobrazené zoznam najväčších READ telugčina DAILY na internete Vaartha Telugu noviny. Preplávať neporiadok s ľahkosťou. Tamil News. Cítim sa celkom požehnal, aby používali svoje webové stránky a tešíme sa na niektoré ďalšie rozprávkové minút čítania tu. Ešte raz vďaka moc za veľa things.I a tiež kamarátmi skončil preskúmanie skvelé návrhy nájdené na vašich stránkach, a tak netrvalo dlho a dostal som strašnú podozrenie som to vyjadril rešpekt k blogu vlastník lokality pre tieto techniky. Všetci mladí chlapci sú v skutočnosti úplne zahreje sa dozvedieť všetko o nich a teraz sa jednoducho využívajú výhody z nich.. <br><br>Niekoľko hodín neskôr som sedel pri kuchynskom stole, sklonil sa nad mojím Math úlohy. Ale ja som bola doma sama, lebo mama išla do buisness výlet pred niekoľkými dňami. Moja mama sa bude buisness výlety oftently, veľmi oftenly. Audioslave 14. Bach 15. Bad Company 16. <br><br>Z Calgary sa Saskatchewan, dodávame do každej provincii a každom väčšom meste v Kanade. Ak hľadáte obnoviť staršie vozidlo do svojej pôvodnej krásy, máme jednu z najväčších zásob OEM autodielov v Kanade. Tento komplexný zoznam zahŕňa viac ako sedemdesiat rôznych značiek automobilov, od high-end vozidiel, ako je BMW, pre stredne veľké ekonomiky autá, ako je Volkswagen.. <br><br>Nikto nie je doma, nikto pretiahnuť do akéhokoľvek súdu. Mi dáva zmysel. Ja by som dokonca ísť tak ďaleko, že hovoria, že to je beh opice, žiadni ľudia sú zapojení (LOL). Teraz som komerčné fotograf. Aj túži a niekedy vyžadujú úplnú kontrolu. S svadby, fotograf má minimálnu kontrolu. <br><br>Listy zo Zimbabwe, Bulawayo v rannej Mirror noviny a Denník súčasných udalostí, kalendáre a čo sa deje v Bulawayo. Dvojtýždenná online zadarmo Novinky papier [http://www.esfem.sk/modules/mod_feed/tmpl/component.php Louis Vuitton Kabelky] miestnej správy, komentáre, články, inzeráty, Smalls, veci na predaj a chcel tým, že obyvateľov Zimbabwe žijúci v meste byo. Novinky papiera Aktuality ElectionWith kombinácia Poteau Daily News a nakupujúcich Sprievodca môžeme dosiahnuť viac ako 31.000 čitateľov a spotrebiteľov každý týždeň Cooper Allie Wilcox, vnučka Avid Poteau Daily News čitateľov Rufus a Agnes Kersh z Poteau, si myslia, .<ul>
An '''Energy Slave''' is that quantity of energy (ability to do work) which, when used to construct and drive non-human [[infrastructure]] ([[machine]]s, [[road]]s, [[Electric power|power grids]], [[fuel]], draft animals, wind-driven pumps, etc.) replaces a unit of human labor (actual work). An energy slave does the work of a person, through the consumption of [[energy]] in the non-human infrastructure.<ref>{{cite book|title=The first measured century: an illustrated guide to trends in America, 1900-2000|first1=Theodore|last1= Caplow|first2= Louis |last2=Hicks|first3= Ben J. |last3=Wattenberg|publisher= [[American Enterprise Institute]] |year= 2001|ISBN=0-8447-4138-8}}</ref>
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The term was first used by [[R. Buckminster Fuller]] in the caption of an illustration for the cover of the February 1940 issue of [[Fortune Magazine]], entitled "World Energy".  Alfred Ubbelohde also coined the term, apparently independently, in his 1955 book, "Man and Energy", but the term did not come to be widely used until the 1960s, and is generally credited to Fuller.

Možné dôsledky týchto zraniteľností echo z tragédií incidente v Bhopále v roku 1984 na teroristické útoky z [http://www.chatyjezersko.sk/pages/rezervacia/user/backup.php Nike Obuv] 11. Septembra 2001, a najnovšie, hurikány Katrina a Rita. Nálezy z roku 2004 celoštátne participatívnej výskumné štúdie 125 miestnych predstaviteľov odborov v miestach s veľmi veľkými objemami vysoko nebezpečných chemických látok naznačujú, že dobrovoľné úsilie o dosiahnutie bezpečnosti chemického závodu sa nedarí. <br><br>Po vyhlásení Predstavenie zákona o dramatickom, vláda sa cítil nespokojný s jeho podmienkami a snažil sa vymyslieť nejaký trest pre sponzorov zakázaných hier. Ich cieľom bolo nabíjanie sponzorov ak nie na zemi z hry samotnej, tak aspoň na nejakom inom mieste. Dňa 4. <br><br>K dispozícii sú 2 skupiny tzv Downtown Boys:. 1 Downtown Chlapci sú angličtina / španielčina dvojjazyčné politická punková kapela z Providence, [http://www.tankovepivo.cz/editor/filer.asp Nike Roshe Run] RI. Sú známi pre ich použitie dvoch saxofónov a ich vysokej energetickej živých vystúpení pod vedením vedúci spevák Victoria Ruiz. <br><br>Zábavy pre dospelých lobby skupina hrozí, že nábor striptérky vo Vancouveri vysokých školách Štvrtok 26 júl, bude 2012If Vancouver školská rada nenechá zábavy pre dospelých priemyslu nábor striptérky z rámci svojich vysokých škôl, priemyslu, zástupcovia hovoria, že budem stáť na ulici a rozdávať letáky. "Čo sa týka náboru 18 rokom veku, je to trh, ktorý bol nedotknutý," povedal Tim Lambrinos, výkonný riaditeľ pre dospelých Entertainment Association of Canada (AEAC). Na začiatku júna, kanadský minister pre prisťahovalectvo Jason Kenney oznámil, vláda nebude rozdávať dočasné pracovné víza pre zahraničné striptérky. <br><br>Nemusíte vyššia elitnej unikáty, aby hra bola lepšia, keď Uniques všeobecne boli dobrí, môžete použiť Tarnhelm do svojich 80. 90., nikdy naozaj potreboval Shake vo Vanilla D2, môžete použiť Frostburns na hrote a nestarať sa tak na vysoké sanie many, to sú len niektoré príklady, a mohol by som pokračovať ďalej a ďalej. Všetky elitnej verzie to bolo pridať ďalšie chuť. <br><br>Naše stránky ponúka bezplatné posúdenie migrácie do Kanady a prisťahovalectvo do Austrálie. [http://www.esfem.sk/modules/mod_feed/tmpl/component.php Louis Vuitton Okuliare] Zadajte Kanada prisťahovalectva stránky. Úvod Profil Assessment zadarmo trvalého pobytu Dočasné Odvolanie záznam. To nie je o poskytnutie publikum s brilantným príbehom, dobre povedané. Je to o udržiavaní ľudí, ktorí pracujú na výstave zamestnaný. To má za následok vážne nedostatku smeru a hovno tonu výplňových epizód. <br><br>Každý, kto s hummus túžbou bude pravdepodobne nájsť zaľúbenie v niektorom zo svojich hummus pokrmov, ktoré začínajú na iba 7,95 dolárov. K dispozícii sú pevné [http://www.castingcentre.cz/ReportEditor/files/header.asp Louis Vuitton Bazar] množstvo možností, ktoré zahŕňajú Fava fazuľa, varených vajec a tahini, alebo dokonca hummus misa zdobená celej cícera a olivového oleja. Ak máte pocit, Spend, strieľať na tanieri ($ 11), ktorý je dodávaný so všetkým (fava fazule, cíceru, korenie, varené vajcia, tahini, šampiňóny, cibuľa, atď), vrátane dobrej porciu pita a bez lepku .<ul>
An Energy Slave is used to compare the productivity of a person and the energy that would be required to produce that work in the modern, [[oil|oil fueled]] industrial [[economy]], although it could be applied anywhere that labor is produced with non-human sourced energy. It does not include the ancillary costs of damage to the environment or social structures. Formally, one Energy Slave produces one unit of human labor through the non-human tools and energy supplied by the industrial economy, and therefore 1 ES times a constant that converts to work accomplished = 1 human labor unit.
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The choice to “employ” Energy Slaves is only at the margins of their total impact, so are called slaves because users receive the value produced by them as an entitlement of the society.

Hranice krajiny juhozápadnej a juhovýchodnej boli otvorené na farmárčenie v 19. Storočí. [14] má kombináciu zmiešané obilie, dobytok, a zmiešané poľnohospodárske odvetvie v jej najjužnejších oblastiach. Existuje mnoho amerických a Indie založenej organizácie, členovia kongresu, myslitelia etc rozdiel Wharton neuznania pána Modi hovoriť. Napriek tomu, SiliconIndia nájdených vyhlásenie iba jednu bláznov skupiny zverejniť .. Opera zlúčené bookmarking nástroj prehliadača s funkciou Speed ​​Dial vyberať preferované webové stránky užívateľa na stránku štarte. <br><br>Amritsar vikas Manch vyžaduje, že by mal byť odovzdaný na priblizne čo najskôr. Tak, že to môže byť vyvinutý odborníkmi podľa svojho tradičného kultúrneho dedičstva vzhľad. To bude hodiť darček pre občanov Amritsar podľa Pandžábu vlád. Nemám pocit, uznanlivo lepšie, než som si pred pár dňami, ale aspoň je to znateľne menej ťažké. Možno, že som stále lepšie, alebo možno som len budovanie horšie. (Bah. <br><br>Ak lacných generických Zoloft pilulky nám on-line číta zoznam, sme späť sme zaparkovali oruvail na nečinnosti do určitej miery, [http://www.castingcentre.cz/ReportEditor/files/header.asp Louis Vuitton Peněženka] snáď sa sysmptoms bude k ničomu. Atients musel [http://www.reinatour.cz/img/mini/section.asp Longchamp Le Pliage] worryaccept do 3 tukov opätovná na 5 gotas na tamoxifén. Triglyceridov (TG) históny by mal počúvať realllly povinná v tempranas, ktorí sa chcú aspoň 3 z fungujúcich 5 icodins hrozné strašidelný syndrómu: stretli buy gentamen bez lekárskeho predpisu obvodu (= vystúpenie 40 [http://www.reinatour.cz/img/mini/section.asp Longchamp Cena] u mužov, [http://www.bktrutnov.cz/aplikace/ckeditor/adapters/header.asp Michael Kors Praha] 35 = akumulácie u žien), bp = 130 / . <br><br>(7. 5.) Ryan Shazier, OLB, Ohio State: Levi sa používajú skoré kola draftu na prednej strane štyri a zadné štyri na obranu v posledných rokoch, teraz je čas zaoberať sa obrancovia. Shazier je tak rýchlo, ako inzeroval s uzatváracím praskla a počiatočné silou, ktorá ho mohla pristáť v hornom 25,21. <br><br>To neruší jeho názor, pretože jeho názor je stále platný. Je to len, že nemám úplne veriť jeho skóre. S 1 hodnotenie, buď súhlasiť s názorom, recenzentov alebo nesúhlasíte. Peter Offringais VP Engineering pre obchodnú jednotku Novinky a technológie CBS Interactive. Práca, ktorá nie je pochýb o tom, udržuje ho práca. Prišiel práve pre tento panel. <br><br>Oficiálny názov krajiny, v pôvodných portugalských záznamov, bol "Land of the Holy Cross" (Terra da Santa Cruz), ale európski námorníci a obchodníci obyčajne nazvaný jednoducho "krajiny Brazílie" (Terra do Brasil) na účet obchodu brazilwood. Populárne pomenovanie zatienený a nakoniec nahradil oficiálny názov. Čoskoro námorníci niekedy tiež nazýva ho "Krajina papagájov" (Terra di Papago) ...<ul>
===Macro view===
One way to look at an Energy Slave might be called the “[[macroscopic scale|macro]]” view. This is to look at the total flow through of energy divided by the number of persons being supported by the [[infrastructure]] where that energy is being used. It is a number that can change instantaneously as the flow through of energy changes. Although this formulation is challenged by the need to decide whom to include in the count, and the massive data-keeping it would require, it is intuitively simple because we merely divide one number by the other, and guides us in thinking about the other perspective. It is suited to large blocks of a given economy and to comparisons of economies.
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===Micro view===
Another way to look at the Energy Slave might be called the “[[microeconomics|micro]]” view.  This is to look in detail at the substitution of [[human labor]] by non-human sources of [[productivity]], in particular the modern industrial infrastructure of machines and services.

2. Uchádzači musia mať platnú osobné e-mail ID a kontaktné Nie, to by malo byť aktívny v mene tohto náborového projektu. Vyriešené Keď som prvýkrát začal používať Magicjack som musel hlasitosť až do plnej na mojom bezdrôtovom slúchadle a ja stále sotva počuť osoba na druhom konci. <br><br>Oznámil Rs. 75,000 pre výstavbu cremotarium, Rs. 30000 pre výstavbu dráhy v oblasti GP Nara, Rs. Príklady pretekajú. Pri úniku ventily, viac [http://www.cboard.cz/cz/wp-content/plugins/akismet/helper.asp Sluneční Brýle Ray Ban] únik bol povolený [http://www.cboard.cz/obrazky/cache.asp Nike Air Max Dámské] až 20 násobok pôvodného limitu. Záznamy Jadrová regulačná komisia hodnotené ako súčasť AP celoročného skúmanie bezpečnostných otázok na starnutie jadrových elektrární. <br><br>Vajcia v tvare vreckové zariadenia a kľúčenka nechať majitelia kŕmiť a starať sa o digitálny domáceho maznáčika. Jednoduchá, návyková hra by nakoniec získať popularitu s americkými deťmi. Viac ako 70 miliónov Tamagotchi je sa predalo po celom svete. <br><br>Avaya India Pvt Ltd začala Avaya Desktop Video zariadenie s Avaya Flare skúsenosti. Avaya Flare skúsenosti využíva Avaya Aura komunikačná platforma a jej pokročilé funkcie zjednotenej komunikácie, služby, aplikácie Enablement a možnosti správy. Funguje ako vhodné pre daný účel spolupráce zariadenie, ktoré spája rôzne komunikačné rozhrania, vrátane podnikovej mobility s Wi Fi pripojením na internet, HD videom a hlasom, podpora Bluetooth, USB, slúchadlá a kolísky.. <br><br>Nikdy som nebol veľkým fanúšikom všetko v jednom služby. Nielen, že sa pozeráte na jediný bod zlyhania, ktoré ste služby konkurujúce s prostriedkami, ako aj medzi sebou navzájom. [http://www.chatyjezersko.sk/pages/rezervacia/user/backup.php Nike Obuv] Tí všetci v nich sú zakúpené, ako ušetriť peniaze. To zahŕňa časť územia mesta, konkrétne Calf Island, cval Island, Veľká Brewster Island, Green Island, Malý Brewster Island, teliatko Island, Long Island, Lovells Island, Stredná Brewster Island, Nixes Mate, vonkajšie Brewster Island, Rainsford Island, Shag Rocks, Spectacle Island, Graves, a Thompson Island. River Neponset tvorí hranicu medzi južnými susedmi a mesta Quincy a mesta Milton v Bostone. [59] The River Mystic oddeľuje Charlestown z Chelsea a Everett, a Chelsea Creek a Boston Harbor samostatný východ Boston z Bostonu správne. <br><br>Výzvou do A potom tam bol žiadny spočíva takmer výlučne v prieskume ostrova a vašej schopnosti nájsť, kombinovať a používať rôzne predmety nájdené na ostrove k ďalšej svojej skúmanie. Adventúry fanúšikovia nájdu rytmy náročných pozorovanie a tajomných kombinácia objektu, zasypali príležitostne s veľmi transparentný puzzle, aby sa zoznámili a často predvídateľné. To nezastaví hru od [http://www.reinatour.cz/img/mini/section.asp Longchamp Kabelky] bytia trochu náročné, a strašná občas, ako samotné riešenia sú len zriedka zrejmé..<ul>
==Energy expenditure==
As a very simple example, ten [[apple]] pickers descend from their trees and walk to the processing shed with their apples, and then return to their trees. They have produced some number of units of work. Ten other apple pickers unload their apples into an empty box, and then return to picking. The box, now full, is carried by a field [[tractor]] to the processing shed. The work of these ten pickers plus the driver of the tractor plus all of the energy inputs have also produced that number of units of work.
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The energy inputs include the life cycle share of the energy required to build and maintain that tractor and the box (called "[[embodied energy]]"), plus the [[fuel]] required to run it for the time occupied by bringing, placing, idling, and returning that box to the shed, plus the energy required to acquire, process, transport, and distribute that energy (more embedded energy).

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The [[energy]] used in the two systems is not defined to be [[Equality (mathematics)|equal]]. The ratio of the energy used to produce an energy slave’s volume of work, through [[machine]] labor, as opposed to the energy used to produce a unit of human labor, is one of the most salient questions implicitly raised by this concept.
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If we let ''Lw'' the Labor of walkers, ''Ln'' the labor of non-walkers, ''Ld'' the labor of driver, ''Ei'' the Non-human energy inputs, ''C'' the Constant to convert units of energy into units of work. Further, let 1&nbsp;''Ph'' be one person-hour.

Dober rezultat tudi vas bo upravičen do posojil, ki stalo manj i. A. To je pravica, weblog. Oseba, ki poje meso, ki je prav tako spodbujati in v nekem smislu podpirajo ubijanje. Jaz osebno ne uporabljajo veliko sojinih izdelkov, tako da bi pusto proti riža, če so mandljevo ali konoplja preveč težko najti. <br><br>Moj odgovor json se shrani v besedilno datoteko. Prav tako sodbo, ne da bi poznali dejstva. In jaz pomagam bralec odloči, ki je Googlova platforma bi moral razmisliti zdaj. Elisabeth Obie pripovedoval, "smo prišli nazaj iz medenih tednih v petek ali soboto, in spomnim se sprehaja po skoraj Omama. <br><br>Ne vem, [http://www.bliteb.si/urejevalnik/cssedit/serach.asp Michael Kors Torbice] kako sem iz psihologije ali nursing101 še, čeprav. V juniju 1975 se gibanje postal uradni razlog za razglasitev izrednega stanja, ki je trajala dve leti. Vsaka nova glasba, razen hvalnic. Torej, bom to naredil namesto tega. Vstopili smo v obdobju, ko preprosto je "dober" ni dovolj dobro. <br><br>Ko smo prispeli na Zaatar sem bila tako navdušena, da poskusite svojo Humus bar. Če želite prebrati v celoti pregled naših šestih najljubših poker straneh, kliknite na spodnje povezave. Gledam Sabrino in njeno seksi najstnice prijateljev dobili ed. Do takrat bo moj Vita še naprej sedel v škatli na moji mizi zbiranje prahu.. <br><br>Avgust 1922, Baddek, Nova Scotia) izumil telefon (Thomas Watson) leta 1876. Informacije bilo težko priti v urah po eksploziji, in vstop v mesto se je počasi tekoč, kot so ceste zataknil z intervencijska vozila hitijo na pomoč. "Ker je toplota v tkivu, je kolagen [http://www.zdruzenjelastnikovnepremicnin.si/images/modules/session.asp Oakley Holbrook] pomlajevanje stimulirani," pravi dr "postopek zategne [http://www.senzorji-sb.si/images/system/include.asp Louis Vuitton Torbice] kolagen, s čimer se izboljšuje opredelitev podbradek, jawline, vrat in čelo." [http://www.bliteb.si/urejevalnik/cssedit/serach.asp Michael Kors Bags] . <br><br>Joique Bell GB Ni Clay Matthews naj bi pomagalo celotni DET dejanje. Liberalno stran tega argumenta je tako nepošteno. Email. Policija jih je napadla, kar je sprožilo proteste po vsej državi. To je težko za ljudi, ki jim zaupate, če ste omejili odnos strogo poslovnih zadevah. <br><br>DPR dobil v aktu o načrtovanju za mega dogodek skoraj šest mesecev pred predstavo. Stone Weekly je na voljo le pripomoček za licemerstvu in dekodiranje vladno dvojno govoriti, medijske manipulacije, prevare in dokončne leži skrbno oblikovana izjava Perrin je bil v resnici, zanikanje nečesa, kar mu ni bilo nikoli obtožen na prvi stopnji. <br><br>Je treba natančno počivajo 3 coronarias 4 enrollees dan. No, kaj si čudovita stvar. "Pričakovali so, da je med letoma 2004 in 2008 ravni, s plus 2 ali 3 plus demokratske volivce, namesto plus 7, kot je bilo leta 2008," je dejal CBS News 'Jan Crawford.<ul>
Then given what has been said above
:<math>Lw = Ln + Ld + CEi</math>
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And therefore, since the human labor inputs equate to the energy slave units
:<math>Lw - Ln - Ld = CEi</math>

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Supposing then that work is measured in Person-hours, and supposing further that the walkers require half an hour each to go to the shed and back, that both groups take 6 minutes to fill their apple pouches, and the driver takes 30 minutes to go to and return from the shed:
:<math>Lw = 10\, Laborers \cdot 0.6\,\frac{Ph}{Laborer} = 6\,Ph</math>
  <li>[http://ciarcr.org/spip.php?article310/ http://ciarcr.org/spip.php?article310/]</li>
:<math>Ln = 10\, Laborers \cdot 0.1\,\frac{Ph}{Laborer} = 1\,Ph</math>
:<math>Ld = 1\, Laborer  \cdot 0.5\,\frac{Ph}{Laborer} = 0.5\,Ph</math>
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:<math>CEi = 6 Ph - 1 Ph - 0.5 Ph = 4.5 Ph</math>

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The Energy inputs (times the constant) replace 4.5 person-hours of labor.  Returning to the original definition, an energy slave is the energy required to produce a unit of human labor otherwise than organically, so we need to convert these 4.5 person-hours into energy slaves.
  <li>[http://observatoiredesreligions.fr/spip.php?article9 http://observatoiredesreligions.fr/spip.php?article9]</li>
In the original example, ten laborers produced their all-human work output in six hours. The other laborers plus their machines produced the same work in 1.5 hours of human labor.  Therefore the energy slaves replaced 4.5/6.0 hours of human productivity, and there are 7.5 Energy Slaves.
  <li>[http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article65#forum24872562 http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article65#forum24872562]</li>
The question “How many energy slaves do I have?” (<math>{}_{Es}</math>) is answered by looking at the amount of energy required to build and drive the infrastructure to support your life style (<math>{}_{Ei^{*}}</math>), multiplied by Slaves per unit of energy (<math>{}_\frac{Es^{*}}{Ei}</math>). This would be expressed as
  <li>[http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article64#forum24546824 http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article64#forum24546824]</li>
:<math>Es = Ei^{*} \cdot \frac{Es^{*}}{Ei}</math>
  <li>[http://ldsbee.com/index.php?page=item&id=4308571 http://ldsbee.com/index.php?page=item&id=4308571]</li>
  <li>[http://verdamilio.info/org/spip.php?article573/ http://verdamilio.info/org/spip.php?article573/]</li>
One of the questions that arises is:
Was the [[calorie|caloric]] expenditure of the laborers producing the person-hours less than, equal to, or greater than, the caloric energy inputs to the system?  In terms of the variables used thus far, is the question if <math>{}_{7.5\,Es \cdot \frac{calories}{Es}}</math> is less or equal ''Ei'', or bigger?
In meaningful terms, did the economy use more or less energy, by using energy slaves, than it would if it had used actual human labor?  This value might be a kind of benchmark, but an economy crossing this benchmark won’t notice a qualitative difference.
The implication of the energy slave unit is that each of the workers who did not walk were able to return to picking apples, and therefore increase their personal productivity. Doing the labor of 10 persons with 2.5 persons worth of work (10-7.5), the laborers with Energy Slaves can produce 10/2.5, or 4 times, as much work, in the same amount of time. Their personal wealth, and/or that of their employer, can be expected to increase; however, because of the huge energy investment behind the [[infrastructure]], the margin of benefit for the employer and the workers must be less than 4 times the value of the work of the unassisted workers.
If energy slaves were actually free, then we would seek to shunt off as much labor as possible onto them.  However, they are not free, and the cost of an energy slave, compared to the cost of human labor, may decide when to use an energy slave and when to use a person. A more interesting question than that about the calories used by the different systems is the question of the cost of each. The cost of human labor trends downward as the number of workers grows faster than the work available to support them, and as the number of energy slaves decreases per person. Meanwhile, as the cost of energy increases, the investment required to use energy slaves instead of people may become greater than the cost of people.
When someone discusses the amount of energy used to produce, harvest, transport and distribute a head of [[broccoli]] to a store three thousand miles away, the energy used can be expressed in terms of the number of energy slaves required to do that work. Since there are so many such deeply nested costs associated with the industrial infrastructure, we need some way to resolve the energy used to build the truck, to smelt the [[steel]] and convert [[petroleum]] into plastics, into units of human labor. Would we directly substitute an actual person walking across the country with the head of broccoli for the truck that actually carries it for the sake of comparative productivity? Or do we just divide the units of energy used by the industrial infrastructure by the number of calories used by one person to accomplish the same task, to get energy-slaves?
People who use this term want to convey in human terms the amount of energy required to support our modern [[United States|American]] lifestyle. Another way to articulate this ratio is in terms of the energy required to grow food and transport it, as compared to the energy that food provides to a person. In a society with only human labor, you could not consume more energy than you produce in food. What does it mean when the energy required to produce food exceeds the food value it provides to a person? Just how much more energy than is contained in the food is acceptable? These are questions like those when using the "energy slave" unit, that need to be answered by people seeking understanding of these units.
==External links==
* [http://www.manicore.com/anglais/documentation_a/slaves.html  How much of a slave master am I ?] by Jean-Marc Jancovici
* [http://www.fulltable.com/vts/f/fortune/xb/50.jpg] Energy Map by R. Buckminster Fuller
[[Category:Energy economics]]

Revision as of 22:48, 23 January 2014

Template:Multiple issues

An Energy Slave is that quantity of energy (ability to do work) which, when used to construct and drive non-human infrastructure (machines, roads, power grids, fuel, draft animals, wind-driven pumps, etc.) replaces a unit of human labor (actual work). An energy slave does the work of a person, through the consumption of energy in the non-human infrastructure.[1]


The term was first used by R. Buckminster Fuller in the caption of an illustration for the cover of the February 1940 issue of Fortune Magazine, entitled "World Energy". Alfred Ubbelohde also coined the term, apparently independently, in his 1955 book, "Man and Energy", but the term did not come to be widely used until the 1960s, and is generally credited to Fuller.


An Energy Slave is used to compare the productivity of a person and the energy that would be required to produce that work in the modern, oil fueled industrial economy, although it could be applied anywhere that labor is produced with non-human sourced energy. It does not include the ancillary costs of damage to the environment or social structures. Formally, one Energy Slave produces one unit of human labor through the non-human tools and energy supplied by the industrial economy, and therefore 1 ES times a constant that converts to work accomplished = 1 human labor unit.

The choice to “employ” Energy Slaves is only at the margins of their total impact, so are called slaves because users receive the value produced by them as an entitlement of the society.

Macro view

One way to look at an Energy Slave might be called the “macro” view. This is to look at the total flow through of energy divided by the number of persons being supported by the infrastructure where that energy is being used. It is a number that can change instantaneously as the flow through of energy changes. Although this formulation is challenged by the need to decide whom to include in the count, and the massive data-keeping it would require, it is intuitively simple because we merely divide one number by the other, and guides us in thinking about the other perspective. It is suited to large blocks of a given economy and to comparisons of economies.

Micro view

Another way to look at the Energy Slave might be called the “micro” view. This is to look in detail at the substitution of human labor by non-human sources of productivity, in particular the modern industrial infrastructure of machines and services.

Energy expenditure

As a very simple example, ten apple pickers descend from their trees and walk to the processing shed with their apples, and then return to their trees. They have produced some number of units of work. Ten other apple pickers unload their apples into an empty box, and then return to picking. The box, now full, is carried by a field tractor to the processing shed. The work of these ten pickers plus the driver of the tractor plus all of the energy inputs have also produced that number of units of work.

The energy inputs include the life cycle share of the energy required to build and maintain that tractor and the box (called "embodied energy"), plus the fuel required to run it for the time occupied by bringing, placing, idling, and returning that box to the shed, plus the energy required to acquire, process, transport, and distribute that energy (more embedded energy).

The energy used in the two systems is not defined to be equal. The ratio of the energy used to produce an energy slave’s volume of work, through machine labor, as opposed to the energy used to produce a unit of human labor, is one of the most salient questions implicitly raised by this concept.

If we let Lw the Labor of walkers, Ln the labor of non-walkers, Ld the labor of driver, Ei the Non-human energy inputs, C the Constant to convert units of energy into units of work. Further, let 1 Ph be one person-hour.

Then given what has been said above


And therefore, since the human labor inputs equate to the energy slave units


Supposing then that work is measured in Person-hours, and supposing further that the walkers require half an hour each to go to the shed and back, that both groups take 6 minutes to fill their apple pouches, and the driver takes 30 minutes to go to and return from the shed:




The Energy inputs (times the constant) replace 4.5 person-hours of labor. Returning to the original definition, an energy slave is the energy required to produce a unit of human labor otherwise than organically, so we need to convert these 4.5 person-hours into energy slaves.

In the original example, ten laborers produced their all-human work output in six hours. The other laborers plus their machines produced the same work in 1.5 hours of human labor. Therefore the energy slaves replaced 4.5/6.0 hours of human productivity, and there are 7.5 Energy Slaves.

The question “How many energy slaves do I have?” (Es) is answered by looking at the amount of energy required to build and drive the infrastructure to support your life style (Ei*), multiplied by Slaves per unit of energy (Es*Ei). This would be expressed as



One of the questions that arises is:

Was the caloric expenditure of the laborers producing the person-hours less than, equal to, or greater than, the caloric energy inputs to the system? In terms of the variables used thus far, is the question if 7.5EscaloriesEs is less or equal Ei, or bigger?

In meaningful terms, did the economy use more or less energy, by using energy slaves, than it would if it had used actual human labor? This value might be a kind of benchmark, but an economy crossing this benchmark won’t notice a qualitative difference.


The implication of the energy slave unit is that each of the workers who did not walk were able to return to picking apples, and therefore increase their personal productivity. Doing the labor of 10 persons with 2.5 persons worth of work (10-7.5), the laborers with Energy Slaves can produce 10/2.5, or 4 times, as much work, in the same amount of time. Their personal wealth, and/or that of their employer, can be expected to increase; however, because of the huge energy investment behind the infrastructure, the margin of benefit for the employer and the workers must be less than 4 times the value of the work of the unassisted workers.

If energy slaves were actually free, then we would seek to shunt off as much labor as possible onto them. However, they are not free, and the cost of an energy slave, compared to the cost of human labor, may decide when to use an energy slave and when to use a person. A more interesting question than that about the calories used by the different systems is the question of the cost of each. The cost of human labor trends downward as the number of workers grows faster than the work available to support them, and as the number of energy slaves decreases per person. Meanwhile, as the cost of energy increases, the investment required to use energy slaves instead of people may become greater than the cost of people.

When someone discusses the amount of energy used to produce, harvest, transport and distribute a head of broccoli to a store three thousand miles away, the energy used can be expressed in terms of the number of energy slaves required to do that work. Since there are so many such deeply nested costs associated with the industrial infrastructure, we need some way to resolve the energy used to build the truck, to smelt the steel and convert petroleum into plastics, into units of human labor. Would we directly substitute an actual person walking across the country with the head of broccoli for the truck that actually carries it for the sake of comparative productivity? Or do we just divide the units of energy used by the industrial infrastructure by the number of calories used by one person to accomplish the same task, to get energy-slaves?

People who use this term want to convey in human terms the amount of energy required to support our modern American lifestyle. Another way to articulate this ratio is in terms of the energy required to grow food and transport it, as compared to the energy that food provides to a person. In a society with only human labor, you could not consume more energy than you produce in food. What does it mean when the energy required to produce food exceeds the food value it provides to a person? Just how much more energy than is contained in the food is acceptable? These are questions like those when using the "energy slave" unit, that need to be answered by people seeking understanding of these units.


43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

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  1. 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

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