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== Nike Free 5.0 I yeblikket og bare den generelle stilen og hi ==
{{Infobox philosopher
<!-- Philosopher category -->
|region          = Western Philosophy
|era            = [[20th-century philosophy]]
|color          = #B0C4DE
<!-- Image and caption -->
|image      =
<!-- Information -->
|name            = Paul R. Thagard
|birth_date      = 28 Sept 1950
|birth_place = [[Yorkton]], [[Saskatchewan]], [[Canada]]
|school_tradition = [[Naturalism (philosophy)|Naturalism]]
|main_interests  = [[Philosophy of mind]]<br/>[[Cognitive science]]<br/>[[Philosophy of science]]
|notable_ideas    = [[Explanatory coherence]]
|influences      = [[Charles Sanders Peirce|Charles Peirce]]
|influenced      = [[Chris Eliasmith]]
'''Paul Thagard''' (born September 28, 1950) is a [[Canadian philosopher]] who specializes in philosophy, cognitive science, and the philosophy of science. Thagard is currently a professor of [[Philosophy]] at the [[University of Waterloo]], with cross appointment to [[Psychology]] and [[Computer science|Computer Science]]. He is the director of the Cognitive Science Program.  Thagard is a prolific writer, and has contributed to research in analogy and creativity, inference, cognition in the history of science, and the role of emotion in cognition.

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In the philosophy of science, Thagard is enormously well cited for his work on the use of computational models in explaining conceptual revolutions.<ref name=GS>Google Scholar. http://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=paul%20thagard&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=ws</ref> Perhaps his most distinctive contribution to the field is the concept of [[explanatory coherence]], which he has applied to many historical cases.<ref name=EXCO>Explanatory Coherence. http://cogsci.uwaterloo.ca/Articles/1989.explanatory.pdf</ref><ref name=CHEM>The Conceptual Structure of the Chemical Revolution. http://www.jstor.org/pss/187831</ref><ref name=PHYS>EXPLANATORY COHERENCE AND BELIEF REVISION IN NAIVE PHYSICS. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&docId=59552522</ref> He is heavily influenced by pragmatists like [[Charles Sanders Peirce|C.S. Peirce]], and has contributed to the refinement of the idea of [[inference to the best explanation]].<ref name=BEEX>The Best Explanation. http://people.cohums.ohio-state.edu/tennant9/thagard_JP1978.pdf</ref>
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In the [[philosophy of mind]], he is known for his attempts to apply [[connectionist]] models of coherence to theories of human thought and action.<ref name=CTA>Coherence in Thought and Action (Bradford Book, 2000, ISBN 0-262-20131-3)</ref> He is also known for HOTCO, which was his attempt to create a computer model of cognition that incorporated emotions at a fundamental level.<ref name=HOT>Hot thought: Mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition</ref>

"Det går gjennom hodet mitt hver dag. Jeg kunne forestille seg de siste 1012 år hva de gikk gjennom. Butthe Dommer er nå ansette taktikk mot sin egen familie som er similarto de som brukes av oberst mot [http://www.lofotr.no/scripts/blackbirdjs/black.asp Nike Free Run] Matthew Maule. På det punktet hvor Clifford har tornhimself fra huset, og det siste, forklarer han til den gamle mannen på thetrain at menneskelige forhold bevege seg i en "stigende spiral kurve" slik at "evenwhen vi har lyst på oss selv å gå rett frem, og oppnå på hver stepan helt ny posisjon av saker, gjør vi faktisk tilbake til somethinglong siden prøvd og forlatt, men som vi nå finne etherealised, raffinert, og perfekt til sin ideelle "(184).. <br><br>TJX Companies og en anonym familiestiftelse har forpliktet seg til sponsing på $ 1500 Supporter nivå. Angel male og advokatfirmaet Fletcher Tilton er førsteamanuensis Sponsorer på $ 750 nivået. Imidlertid er gjennomsnittlig [http://www.lofotr.no/scripts/blackbirdjs/black.asp Nike Free Run 3] rating bare 6,9, noe som indikerer at mange av de positive anmeldelsene er bare lunken. Mitt problem med Marvel filmene er at, mens aldri dårlig, de er også svært sjelden noe bra heller. <br><br>Informasjonen vi samler inn blir brukt til å forbedre innholdet i vår webside. Med hensyn til cookies: Vi bruker cookies til å lagre besøkende preferanser posten økt informasjon, for eksempel elementer som forbrukerne legger til handlekurven, til posten userspecific informasjon om hvilke sider brukerne tilgang til eller besøke, rekord tidligere aktivitet på et område for å gi bedre . <br><br>"Jeg har elsket min tid på KIRO og jeg har elsket å gå på jobb hver dag for å få kontakt [http://www.lofotr.no/scripts/cycle/helper.asp Nike Store Norge] med deg på TV og online Min jobb har alltid handlet om å hjelpe folk:. Enten det er vært å hjelpe våkne du opp med et smil, og hjelper deg . Snakker av stjerner, vil det sannsynligvis være et aspekt som ville være for tungvint å forlate åpen for forslag, men det ville være ryddig hvis det var fremdeles tilgjengelig for avstemning blant de businesscompatible alternativer. 1) solo jenter gjør interessante / imponerende ting i den forbindelse (men mer som FTV type ting enn for eksempel DennyO (det er bare tooo langt)).. <br><br>, det er problemet med folk som aldri vil godta feil. Anta Person? Setter opp en artikkel [http://www.lofotr.no/scripts/cycle/helper.asp Nike Norge] der han skriver feil dato. Jeg har for tiden en ernæring stor, og ingenting fascinerer meg mer enn hvordan ulike matvarer påvirker menneskekroppen i så mange unike måter. Jeg liker å se på kroppen som en maskin: de bedre drivstoff du putter inn i det, jo bedre det går. <br><br>Google ønsker sine søk for å være relevant. De bruker menneskelige raters å vurdere om innholdet er verdig eller spam. Cir.1993). "Det må være mer enn bare en Scintilla av bevis for å støtte en instruksjon." Farrell v. Vi presenterer en kvantitative atlas og katalog av mørke skyer avledet byusing den optiske database Digitalisert Sky Survey jeg''. Bruk av atraditional starcount teknikk til 1043 plater finnes i thedatabase, produserte vi en AV-kart som dekker hele regionen inthe galaktisk breddeområde b.<ul>
In his general approach to philosophy, Thagard is sharply critical of [[analytic philosophy]] for being overly dependent upon intuitions as a source of evidence.
== Biography ==
  <li>[http://test.0830bbs.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1405184 http://test.0830bbs.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1405184]</li>
Thagard was born in [[Yorkton]], [[Saskatchewan]] on September 28, 1950. He is a graduate of the Universities of [[University of Saskatchewan|Saskatchewan]], [[University of Cambridge|Cambridge]], [[University of Toronto|Toronto]] ([[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] in philosophy, 1977) and [[University of Michigan|Michigan]] (M.S. in computer science, 1985). He was Chair of the Governing Board of the [[Cognitive Science Society]] [http://www.cognitivesciencesociety.org/], 1998–1999, and President of the [[Society for Machines and Mentality]] [http://cs.hamilton.edu/~sfmm/], 1997-1998. In 1997 he won a [[Canada Council]] [[Killam Prize]], and in 1999 was elected a fellow of the [[Royal Society of Canada]]. In 2003, he received a University of Waterloo Award for Excellence in Research, and in 2005 he was named a University Research Chair.
  <li>[http://www.ovnprod.com/spip.php?article24/ http://www.ovnprod.com/spip.php?article24/]</li>
Thagard was married to the psychologist [[Ziva Kunda]]. Kunda died in 2004.
  <li>[http://citoyensdumonde.fr/spip.php?article132/&quot;/ http://citoyensdumonde.fr/spip.php?article132/&quot;/]</li>
== Coherence ==
Thagard has proposed that many [[cognitive]] functions, including [[perception]], [[analogy]], [[explanation]], [[decision-making]], planning etc., can be understood as a form of (maximum) coherence [[computation]].
  <li>[http://www.kwkj518.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=105485&fromuid=8639 http://www.kwkj518.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=105485&fromuid=8639]</li>
Thagard (together with Karsten Verbeurgt) put forth a particular formalization of the concept of coherence as a [[constraint satisfaction]] problem.<ref name=Web>
Many of Thagard's coherence articles are available online at http://cogsci.uwaterloo.ca/Articles/Pages/Coherence.html</ref><ref name=Verb>Thagard, P. and Verbeurgt, K. (1998). Coherence as constraint satisfaction. Cognitive Science, 22: 1-24.</ref> The model posits that coherence operates over a set of representational elements (e.g., [[proposition]]s, [[image]]s, etc.) which can either fit together (cohere) or resist fitting together (incohere).
If two elements p and q cohere they are connected by a positive constraint <math>(p,q) \in C^+</math>, and if two elements <math>p</math> and <math>q</math> incohere they are connected by a negative constraint <math>(p,q) \in C^-</math>. Furthermore, constraints are weighted, i.e., for each constraint <math>(p,q) \in C^+ \cup C^-</math> there is a positive weight <math>w(p,q)</math>.
According to Thagard, coherence maximization involves the partitioning of elements into accepted (<math>A</math>) and rejected (<math>R</math>) elements in such a way that maximum number (or maximum weight) of constraints is satisfied. Here a positive constraint <math>(p, q)</math> is said to be satisfied if either both <math>p</math> and <math>q</math> are accepted (<math>p, q \in A</math>) or both <math>p</math> and <math>q</math> are rejected (<math>p, q \in R</math>). A negative constraint <math>(p,q)</math> is satisfied if one element is accepted(say <math>p \in A</math>), and the other rejected (<math>q \in R</math>).
==Philosophy of science==
There has been some decrease in interest in the [[demarcation problem]] in recent years. Part of the problem is that many suspect that it is an intractable problem, since so many previous attempts have come up short. For example, many obvious examples of pseudoscience have been shown to be falsifiable, or verifiable, or revisable. Therefore many of the previously proposed demarcation criteria have not been judged as particularly reliable.
Thagard has proposed another set of principles to try to overcome these difficulties. According to Thagard's method, a theory is not scientific if:
#It has been less progressive than alternative theories over a long period of time, and faces many unsolved problems; but
#The community of practitioners makes little attempt to develop the theory towards solutions of the problems, shows no concern for attempts to evaluate the theory in relation to others, and is selective in considering confirmations and disconfirmations.<ref>[http://www.cavehill.uwi.edu/bnccde/PH29A/thagard.html ''Why Astrology Is A Pseudoscience''], [[Paul R. Thagard]], In Philosophy of Science Association 1978 Volume 1, edited by P.D. Asquith and I. Hacking (East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, 1978).</ref><ref>[http://physics.csufresno.edu/rhall/tamII_intro.html ''Demarcation: Is there a Sharp Line Between Science and Pseudoscience? An Exploration of Sir Karl Popper's Conception of Falsification''], Ray Hall, web version of slides, [http://www.randi.org/joom/content/view/17/29/ The Amaz!ng Meeting II], [[Las Vegas, Nevada|Las Vegas]], January 17, 2004.</ref>
== Major works ==
Thagard is the author / co-author of 11 books and over 100 peer-reviewed articles.
* [http://www.themontrealreview.com/2009/The-Brain-and-the-Meaning-of-Life.php "The Brain and the Meaning of Life"] [[Princeton University Press]], 2010 ISBN 978-1-4008-3461-7
* ''Hot Thought: Mechanisms and Applications of Emotional Cognition'' ([[MIT Press]], August, 2006, ISBN 0-262-20164-X)
* ''Coherence in Thought and Action'' (Bradford Book, 2000, ISBN 0-262-20131-3)
* ''How Scientists Explain Disease'' (Princeton University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-691-00261-4)
* ''Mind: An Introduction to Cognitive Science'' (MIT Press, 1996; second edition, 2005, ISBN 0-262-20154-2)(Trad. esp.: ''La mente'', Buenos Aires/Madrid, Katz editores S.A, 2008, ISBN 978-84-96859-21-0)
* ''Conceptual Revolutions'' (Princeton University Press, 1992, ISBN 0-691-02490-1)
* ''Computational Philosophy of Science'' (MIT Press, 1988, Bardford Book, 1993, ISBN 0-262-70048-4)
And co-author of:
* ''Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought'' (MIT Press, 1995, ISBN 0-262-08233-0)
* ''Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery'' (MIT Press, 1986, Bardford Book, 1989, ISBN 0-262-58096-9)
He is also editor of:
* ''Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science'' (North-Holland, 2006, ISBN 0-444-51540-2).
{{Authority control|VIAF=32112742}}
{{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]]. -->
| NAME              = Thagard, Paul
| SHORT DESCRIPTION = Canadian philosopher
| DATE OF BIRTH    = September 28, 1950
| PLACE OF BIRTH    = [[Yorkton]], [[Saskatchewan]], [[Canada]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Thagard, Paul}}
[[Category:1950 births]]
[[Category:Canadian computer scientists]]
[[Category:Canadian philosophers]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:People from Yorkton]]
[[Category:University of Saskatchewan alumni]]
[[Category:University of Toronto alumni]]
[[Category:University of Waterloo faculty]]
[[Category:Cognitive scientists]]

Latest revision as of 23:23, 30 March 2013

Template:Infobox philosopher Sportspersons Hyslop from Nicolet, usually spends time with pastimes for example martial arts, property developers condominium in singapore singapore and hot rods. Maintains a trip site and has lots to write about after touring Gulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana. Paul Thagard (born September 28, 1950) is a Canadian philosopher who specializes in philosophy, cognitive science, and the philosophy of science. Thagard is currently a professor of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo, with cross appointment to Psychology and Computer Science. He is the director of the Cognitive Science Program. Thagard is a prolific writer, and has contributed to research in analogy and creativity, inference, cognition in the history of science, and the role of emotion in cognition.

In the philosophy of science, Thagard is enormously well cited for his work on the use of computational models in explaining conceptual revolutions.[1] Perhaps his most distinctive contribution to the field is the concept of explanatory coherence, which he has applied to many historical cases.[2][3][4] He is heavily influenced by pragmatists like C.S. Peirce, and has contributed to the refinement of the idea of inference to the best explanation.[5]

In the philosophy of mind, he is known for his attempts to apply connectionist models of coherence to theories of human thought and action.[6] He is also known for HOTCO, which was his attempt to create a computer model of cognition that incorporated emotions at a fundamental level.[7]

In his general approach to philosophy, Thagard is sharply critical of analytic philosophy for being overly dependent upon intuitions as a source of evidence.


Thagard was born in Yorkton, Saskatchewan on September 28, 1950. He is a graduate of the Universities of Saskatchewan, Cambridge, Toronto (Ph.D. in philosophy, 1977) and Michigan (M.S. in computer science, 1985). He was Chair of the Governing Board of the Cognitive Science Society [1], 1998–1999, and President of the Society for Machines and Mentality [2], 1997-1998. In 1997 he won a Canada Council Killam Prize, and in 1999 was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. In 2003, he received a University of Waterloo Award for Excellence in Research, and in 2005 he was named a University Research Chair.

Thagard was married to the psychologist Ziva Kunda. Kunda died in 2004.


Thagard has proposed that many cognitive functions, including perception, analogy, explanation, decision-making, planning etc., can be understood as a form of (maximum) coherence computation.

Thagard (together with Karsten Verbeurgt) put forth a particular formalization of the concept of coherence as a constraint satisfaction problem.[8][9] The model posits that coherence operates over a set of representational elements (e.g., propositions, images, etc.) which can either fit together (cohere) or resist fitting together (incohere).

If two elements p and q cohere they are connected by a positive constraint (p,q)C+, and if two elements p and q incohere they are connected by a negative constraint (p,q)C. Furthermore, constraints are weighted, i.e., for each constraint (p,q)C+C there is a positive weight w(p,q).

According to Thagard, coherence maximization involves the partitioning of elements into accepted (A) and rejected (R) elements in such a way that maximum number (or maximum weight) of constraints is satisfied. Here a positive constraint (p,q) is said to be satisfied if either both p and q are accepted (p,qA) or both p and q are rejected (p,qR). A negative constraint (p,q) is satisfied if one element is accepted(say pA), and the other rejected (qR).

Philosophy of science

There has been some decrease in interest in the demarcation problem in recent years. Part of the problem is that many suspect that it is an intractable problem, since so many previous attempts have come up short. For example, many obvious examples of pseudoscience have been shown to be falsifiable, or verifiable, or revisable. Therefore many of the previously proposed demarcation criteria have not been judged as particularly reliable.

Thagard has proposed another set of principles to try to overcome these difficulties. According to Thagard's method, a theory is not scientific if: 36 year-old Diving Instructor (Open water ) Vancamp from Kuujjuaq, spends time with pursuits for instance gardening, public listed property developers in singapore developers in singapore and cigar smoking. Of late took some time to go China Danxia.

Major works

Thagard is the author / co-author of 11 books and over 100 peer-reviewed articles.

  • "The Brain and the Meaning of Life" Princeton University Press, 2010 ISBN 978-1-4008-3461-7
  • Hot Thought: Mechanisms and Applications of Emotional Cognition (MIT Press, August, 2006, ISBN 0-262-20164-X)
  • Coherence in Thought and Action (Bradford Book, 2000, ISBN 0-262-20131-3)
  • How Scientists Explain Disease (Princeton University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-691-00261-4)
  • Mind: An Introduction to Cognitive Science (MIT Press, 1996; second edition, 2005, ISBN 0-262-20154-2)(Trad. esp.: La mente, Buenos Aires/Madrid, Katz editores S.A, 2008, ISBN 978-84-96859-21-0)
  • Conceptual Revolutions (Princeton University Press, 1992, ISBN 0-691-02490-1)
  • Computational Philosophy of Science (MIT Press, 1988, Bardford Book, 1993, ISBN 0-262-70048-4)

And co-author of:

  • Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought (MIT Press, 1995, ISBN 0-262-08233-0)
  • Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery (MIT Press, 1986, Bardford Book, 1989, ISBN 0-262-58096-9)

He is also editor of:

  • Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science (North-Holland, 2006, ISBN 0-444-51540-2).


43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

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  1. Google Scholar. http://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=paul%20thagard&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=ws
  2. Explanatory Coherence. http://cogsci.uwaterloo.ca/Articles/1989.explanatory.pdf
  3. The Conceptual Structure of the Chemical Revolution. http://www.jstor.org/pss/187831
  4. EXPLANATORY COHERENCE AND BELIEF REVISION IN NAIVE PHYSICS. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&docId=59552522
  5. The Best Explanation. http://people.cohums.ohio-state.edu/tennant9/thagard_JP1978.pdf
  6. Coherence in Thought and Action (Bradford Book, 2000, ISBN 0-262-20131-3)
  7. Hot thought: Mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition
  8. Many of Thagard's coherence articles are available online at http://cogsci.uwaterloo.ca/Articles/Pages/Coherence.html
  9. Thagard, P. and Verbeurgt, K. (1998). Coherence as constraint satisfaction. Cognitive Science, 22: 1-24.