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{{About||common nomenclature of base quantities used in this article|Physical quantity| 4-vector modifications used in relativity|Four-vector}}
== Nike Free Run ==

In [[physics]], '''defining equations''' are [[equation]]s that define new quantities in terms of base quantities.<ref>Warlimont, pp 12–13</ref> This article uses the current [[International System of Units|SI system]] of [[Units of measurement|units]], not [[Natural units|natural]] or [[Nondimensionalization|characteristic units]].
On-line školy boli kritizované za vynechanie učiteľa unions.The Ohio Virtual Academy zamestnáva 275 učiteľov, ktorí pracujú z domácej kancelárie, ona said.The štát vyžaduje, aby učitelia majú štyri ročné stretnutie tvárou v tvár so študentmi, a väčšina z nich má týždenný kontakt [http://nikefreerun.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Nike Free Run] prostredníctvom e mailu alebo telefonicky, francúzsky said.The počet študentov e školských aj naďalej stúpať celoštátnej i 16 on-line školy boli uzavreté, na základe zoznamu poskytnutého Ohio ministerstva školstva, ktorý dohliada na them.Julie Daubenmire, oddelenie asistentka tlačového hovorcu, povedal niekoľko e [http://michaelkorskabelky.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Michael Kors Praha] školy zatvorené, pretože už mali finančnú životaschopnosť a pár sa spojil s tradičným verejné schools.Tom Lasley, výkonný riaditeľ EDvention, spolupráca venuje urýchleniu vedy, technológie, inžinierstva a matematiky (STEM) talent v oblasti Dayton, povedal <br><br>Western Kentucky obranný koniec bol jeho veľmi produktívny senior sezóna zaradená roztrhané ACL a jeho návrh populácia bude pravdepodobne trvať hit ako výsledok. To je obzvlášť dobré pre wiki, ktoré sú zamerané smerom skupiny alebo rodiny. On naozaj. "Chceli by ste mať záplavu, ak ste Kalové čerpadlo, kde zlyhajú?" "Upratovanie po povodni nie je príjemná myšlienka, ale vedeli ste, že keby sa to stalo, mohlo by to tiež viesť k zdraviu ohrozujúce [http://raybanokuliare.revitalcentrum.eu/ Ray Ban Slovakia] formy začínajú rásť medzi rámovanie konkrétneho?" "Mohol by to dať vaše poistenie sa, ak ste mali podať sťažnosť?" <br><br>V klipe, chlapec sa predstavia a informuje diváka, že je vodivý relácii. 2, a ukáže osem kľúčových etáp žijú na SBS. Nahrávať programy ako jeho denný rozvrh "nemohol. Ako prezident navrhol v nedávnom rozhovore pre New York Times," je tu takmer kneejerk zvyk, že práve teraz, keď som na to <br><br>Je na Kongres, aby rozhodol, či furloughed zamestnanci bude vyplatená spätne .. Vy sa čudujete, keď uprostred toho, ako sa budete cítiť po. ANP bol videný ako potenciálny pult k vplyvu náboženských strán, ako Jamie Ulema e islamu (JUI), ktorá sa prehnala národných a provinčných volieb počas Mušarráf rokoch ako súčasť koalície náboženských strán známych [http://raybanokuliare.revitalcentrum.eu/ Ray Ban Slovensko] ako Muttahida Majlis e Amal ..<br><br>Prvotná podpora Nelsonov pre vnútroštátnymi právnymi predpismi zdravotnej starostlivosti Obamu zničil auru neporaziteľnosti okolo druhého funkčného obdobia úradujúceho a bývalý guvernér. Pekná pálka na ceste. Po údržba voda sa odoberá z jamiek, to potom môže byť recyklovaná a použitá pre počiatočné posraný iného dobre, inak zlikvidovaný v podzemného zásobníku slanej zariadení ..<br><br>Zobraziť všetky nedávne komentáre článok. Manchester United chystá 24million januára ponuku na Borussia Dortmund záložníka ilkay Gndoan [Mirror] Zinedine Zidane hovorí Alex Ferguson urobil chybu, ktorá umožňuje. Vedúci Senát tiež získal súhlas pondelok od American Medical Association skupina lekárov podporovaných predchádzajúcej verzie legislatívy, ale potvrdenie aplikuje na jeden posledný predstavila cez víkend.<ul>
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==Description of units and physical quantities==
== Hollister Slovensko  takže by bolo ťažkou ranou pre mňa ==

Physical quantities and units follow the same hierarchy; ''chosen base quantities'' have ''defined base units'', from these any other ''quantities may be derived'' and have corresponding ''derived units''.
Je to dobrá hra a naozaj som si to užil a vrelo odporúčam, ale to nestojí za kúpu systému. Pekné, že táto skupina si všimol [http://hollistersk.revitalcentrum.eu/ Hollister Slovensko] týchto anolis znova, povedal Losos. Budem mať odvahu postaviť sa na druhej strane. Pred tým, než zmizol, to sa na mňa pozrel a povedal: "Psst." <br><br>Mám ďalší smiech z tvrdení, že továreň AR s míľ spec jednostupňové spúšťa sa spúšťa. Je tu pár vecí, ako Američan ako jesť u McDonalda. Mali by ste sa tiež vyhnúť silne vykurované izby a aktivít, ako je para alebo sauna baths.Things musíte vedieť o tomto chirurgického zákroku: termoplastická dlaha sa používa k nosu, a to je nesmierne dôležité, že je to ponechané bezo zmeny a nie je odstránený, kým neuvidíme Vy desať dní až dva týždne po operácii, kedy budeme odstrániť dlahu pre vás.<br><br>Práca s horným Brookhaven osobného trénera (ktorý pracuje s lekárom) môže pomôcť vytvoriť individuálny program pre vás, ktorý vám pomôže liečiť zranenia a vyhnúť sa ďalšie problémy .. Takže rozprávač vyráža s ďalším historikom kamarátom nájsť svojho otca, a zároveň mu čítal [http://poloralphlaurenpraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Polo Ralph Lauren Praha] Príbeh o putovaní k skôr nájsť jeho poradcov desaťročia ..<br><br>Lehoty v procese registrácie Obamacare bol pohyblivý cieľ. Nikto v tíme chytil viac než 14 priesmyky, ktoré by boli slabé celkom aj pre niektoré peewee squads.OSU ofenzívnej koordinátor a quarterbacks tréner Tom Herman, ktorý opustil Iowa State pripojiť personál Meyer, kladie dôraz na základy s Millerom. " myslím, že má nejakú konečnú jemnosť robiť, pokiaľ ide o jeho dolnej časti tela mechaniky.<br><br>To bude pravda, umelých druhov, rovnako ako tie, ktoré sme doteraz starostlivo vylepšil. Vstupenky 16 rokov neskôr, som išiel od Flolan 8 LETY NA Tracleer. Rodičia učia nástroje viesť svoje deti prostredníctvom tohto objavu a prechodnej fáze, zatiaľ čo pokračuje na pomoc pri budovaní vlastnej esteem.Pre K / Early Elementary Class (4 až 6 rokov): Rodičia diskutovať začiatkom školskej skúsenosti, rodinné Rodičovstvo štýly, akademické očakávania, vzájomných vzťahov a rozvíjať rad pozitívnych disciplíny [http://louisvuittonpraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Louis Vuitton Praha] strategies.Parents diskutovať začiatkom školské zážitky, rodina rodičovstvo štýly, akademické očakávania, vrstevnické vzťahy a rozvíjať celý rad pozitívnych stratégií disciplíny.<br><br>Závisí na biskupa v určitom regióne a našťastie pre mňa, prijímanie nebol aplikovaný a som pravidelný chápavý, takže by bolo ťažkou ranou pre mňa, ak by to tak bolo. Na druhú stranu, 25 percent pracovníkov (v porovnaní s 7 percent dôchodcov) v pláne počkať aspoň do veku 70 rokov do dôchodku. "Predčasných odchodov do dôchodku sú často poháňané neočakávanými zdravotnými problémami alebo ťažkosti pri [http://louisvuittonkabelky.revitalcentrum.eu/ Louis Vuitton Kabelky] hľadaní novej práce po prepúšťací, EBRI uvedené<ul>
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===Colour mixing analogy===
== Louis Vuitton Kabelky Tu je len zlomok z Android telefónov ==

Defining quantities is analogous to mixing colours, and could be classified a similar way, although this is not standard. Primary colours are to base quantities; as secondary (or tertiary etc.) colours are to derived quantities. Mixing colours is analogous to combining quantities using mathematical operations. But colours could be for [[light]] or [[paint]], and analogously the system of units could be one of many forms: such as SI (now most common), [[Centimetre gram second system of units|CGS]], [[Gaussian units|Gaussian]], [[Imperial units|old imperial units]], a specific form of [[natural units]] or even arbitrarily defined units characteristic to the physical system in consideration ([[Nondimensionalization|characteristic units]]).
Ale teraz je to komerčne, "povedal .. to nebolo ani nepočul pred 20 rokmi, pretože neexistoval" zločin "." Ďalej povedal: "Vojna proti drogám môže byť tam, kde" pranie špinavých peňazí "vznikol ako trestný čin, ale dnes to má oveľa viac čo do činenia s niečím nekonečne dôležitejšie štátu:. Vojna o daňovým únikom" <br><br>"Už som išiel viac víťazov v Cartmel než kdekoľvek a môj kôň Raifteiri skákal dobre. 800 miliónov užívateľov po celom svete Facebook predstavujú veľa kúpnu silu. Ray preč, Rondo sa po dobu jedného roka, Sullinger je von na rok C môže hrať toľko hrdosti, ako chcú, na konci dňa, ktoré v súčasnej dobe nemajú, čo to znamená vyhrať šampionát.<br><br>Teraz normy sú ešte vyššie, takže bar, zatiaľ čo výzvu, budú splnené. Dve vzorky alkotester registrovaný varovanie levels.But justície Najvyšší súd poznamenal, zákon má znení, ktoré vyžaduje ďalšie presvedčenie, že hnacie schopnosť človeka je ovplyvnený na úrovni varovanie. "Nebol žiadny dôkaz o tom, že" varovať "čítanie by mohli ovplyvniť Mr <br><br>V štúdii výskumníci sledovali takmer 20.000 mužov a žien v Číne, kde je to bežné, pravidelne zdriemnuť aj denne. "Už naozaj zrýchlil dráhu nášho podnikania, pomáha nám prijať, že ďalší krok, to riskovať.". Helvetica, jeden z najpopulárnejších písma na svete, bol navrhnutý tak, aby bolo neutrálne, tak, aby mohol vyhovovať všetky druhy kontextov.<br><br>Manažéri, spravovať, ťažko; s otvoreným ľsti. Im Pallotta obchoduje v živote hedge fondov pre talianskeho futbalového klubu AS Roma, spolu s niektorými private equity práce .. Champions vedieť, čo je potrebné, aby sa našu prácu, čo je to za človeka sme, ako naše talent z nás robí zvláštne a prečo ostatné ľudia by mali vziať na vedomie ..<br><br>Výhodou je, že Headhunters mať prístup k pracovným miestam, že jo vždy propagoval, a pretože hľadá top kandidátov, ktoré sú často už zamestnaných v priemysle, chápu hodnotu uváženia .. Ak si pobyt v tomto prostredí, nie je to šéfovia [http://louisvuittonkabelky.revitalcentrum.eu/ Louis Vuitton Kabelky] chyba a že to nie je diskriminačné voči vám: on len vedel, že môže získať zamestnanca pre možno menej, než si to stojí za to.<br><br>Jeho príbeh pripomína Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger, ktorého príbeh bol robený do filmu "Rudy." Tak sa história opakovať? Joe rodina dúfa, že tak. 1 pracovné miesto od Tim Thomas v [http://abercrombiepraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Abercrombie And Fitch Praha] roku 2009 10, ale 2013 14 bude prvýkrát Rask sa očakáva, že hrať na najmenej [http://oakleypraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Oakley Brýle] 55 hry, ak nie viac. "Pre mňa to nie je naozaj jedno, či robím 4000000dolar alebo 7.000.000 dolárov, alebo <br><br>Tu je len zlomok z Android telefónov, ktoré zabíjajú na iPhone, ktorý má malú obrazovku, ktorá nie je ani 720p a nemôže robiť 1/3 z vecí, Android robí:. 9, 2012. Sa tam dostal v Bostone nejaké priateľov, a ja som rád mesto, hovorí. 16, 2013, že rozhodnutie môže byť [http://hollisterpraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Hollister Cz] okamžite odvolať k vyššiemu súdu, a premýšľa o tom, či sa bude odporúčajú, aby federálny odvolací súd dal prípad na rýchle trate.<ul>
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The choice of a base system of quantities and units is arbitrary; but once chosen it ''must'' be adhered to throughout all analysis which follows for consistency. It makes no sense to mix up different systems of units. Choosing a system of units, one system out of the SI, CGS etc., is like choosing whether use paint or light colours.
== Hollister Mikina  Kľúčové slovo výskumu ==

In light of this analogy, primary definitions are base quantities with no defining equation, but defined standardized condition, "secondary" definitions are quantities defined purely in terms of base quantities, "tertiary" for quantities in terms of both base and "secondary" quantities, "quaternary" for quantities in terms of base, "secondary", and "tertiary" quantities, and so on.
Ďalším príkladom je RAM. Porovnanie konkurenčných poistenie zodpovednosti, sadzby hypoték a kreditných kariet dnes. Korporácie robia živé školenia od svojho ústredia v jednej krajine, aby úrady v iných krajinách žijú a na vyžiadanie. Huston Jr "Vrátil sa, pretože on nebol dokončený s niečím." V Leiningers napísal list Hustona sestrou, Anne Barron, o ich malého chlapca. <br><br>Oceňujem času potrebného na kopanie do toho, čo je naozaj za potrubia, a ocenia, ak by ste držať ma aktualizovať, ako budete sledovať príbeh. V podstate cesta, ak je možné uložiť, bude poskytovať bezpečné dopravné prístupovú cestu chodiť a cyklus [http://hollisterpraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Hollister Mikina] po celom meste. <br><br>Storočia. Zoznam Nakupovanie: Toto je miesto, kde môžete dopredu naplánovať svoj nákup so zoznamom a jasným zameraním na to, čo si kúpi. A zábava je tá najdôležitejšia vec. Myslenie komponenty architektonických;. Je to tak ľahké ho môžete použiť zakaždým, keď budete musieť vybrať názov pre článok alebo webové stránky na kľúčové slová!, Kľúčové slovo výskumu, vyhľadávanie podľa kľúčových slov, web hosting, web design, hosting webových stránok, webhostingu, dizajn webových stránok, webové stránky hosting , webhostingové služby, Explorer kľúčové slovo bude naštartovať svoj výskum kľúčových slov, ktoré sa rýchlo zhromažďovanie a triedenie podľa frekvencie všetkých súvisiacich kľúčových slov. <br><br>(Údaje sú z decembra 2009bots, že našiel kreatívne spôsoby, ako generovať záznamy alebo (zriedka) automaticky dovážaných tisíce záznamov z predtým publikovaných slovníkov. Bla bla bla, plakať o tom inde. Zmienil sa o juhoázijskej linkov spolkovej vlády Shuffle Predpokladaný Tento mesiac high profile Dva konzervatívci z veľkej kariéry oznámenia tento týždeň, signalizácia väčšie skrinky Shuffle v budúcom mesiaci. <br><br>Tento režim je umiestniť spoločne trochu ženský kabelku, ktorá obsahuje falošnú ID, ktorá má svoj majetok rukoväť na neho a pokiaľ možno identifikovať niekoho, kto tam žil aj pred vami, alebo inak sfalšované meno. [http://abercrombiepraha.pracovnipotencial.eu/ Abercrombie Mikina] Čo je "zdravé" pre Vás [http://poloralphlaurensk.revitalcentrum.eu/ Polo Ralph Lauren Sk] nie je nutne zdravé niekoho iného. <br><br>Budem mať všetky svoje body? Áno, budete mať všetky body, ktoré by ste zarobiť pri rezervácii priamo s Thrifty, Europcar, Hertz, Avis a rozpočet. Jednoducho povedané, "Freeters" sú v 15 34 vekové skupiny, ktorí [http://michaelkorskabelky.revitalcentrum.eu/ Michael Kors Kabelky] sa spoliehajú výlučne na zamestnania na čiastočný úväzok, aby sa uživil. <br><br>Povedal som mu, ako neuveriteľné to je, a on vždy hovorí, "Jazvy, len som viac jaziev." . V tomto článku, Lu Xinghua analýza moderného nemeckého učenca Carl Schmitt politickej teórie, a 13 odkazov na Mao Ce-tunga. Vonkajšie listy sú nalepené na kryte, a je tu jeden list papiera silnejší na každom konci, ktoré sú v rovnakej farbe ako iné stránky.<ul>
  <li>[http://general.assembly.codesria.org/spip.php?article87&lang=pt/ http://general.assembly.codesria.org/spip.php?article87&lang=pt/]</li>
Much of physics requires definitions to be made for the equations to make sense.
  <li>[http://www.gegesebb.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1226008&fromuid=29323 http://www.gegesebb.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1226008&fromuid=29323]</li>
'''''Theoretical implications:''''' Definitions are important since they can lead into new insights of a branch of physics. Two such examples occurred in classical physics. When [[entropy]] ''S'' was defined – the range of [[thermodynamics]] was greatly extended by associating [[Order and disorder (physics)|chaos and disorder]] with a numerical quantity that could relate to energy and temperature, leading to the understanding of the [[Second law of thermodynamics|second]] [[Laws of thermodynamics|thermodynamic law]] and [[statistical mechanics]].<ref>{{cite book| author=P.W. Atkins| title=Physical chemistry| publisher=Oxford University Press|edition=2nd| year=1978|pages=124–131| isbn=0-19-855148-7}}</ref>
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Also the [[Action (physics)|action]] [[Functional (mathematics)|functional]] (also written ''S'') (together with [[generalized coordinates]] and [[Canonical coordinates|momenta]] and the [[Lagrangian]] function), initially an alternative formulation of [[classical mechanics]] to [[Newton's laws]], now extends the range of modern physics in general – notably [[quantum mechanics]], [[particle physics]], and [[general relativity]].<ref>{{cite book| author=E. Abers| title=Quantum Mechanics| publisher=Addison Wesley|edition=2nd| year=2004|page=14| isbn=978-013-146100-0}}</ref>
'''''Analytical convenience:''''' They allow other equations to be written more compactly and so allow easier mathematical manipulation; by including a parameter in a definition, occurrences of the parameter can be absorbed into the substituted quantity and removed from the equation.<ref>{{cite book| author=P.M. Whelan, M.J. Hodgeson| title=Essential Principles of Physics| publisher=John Murray|edition=2nd| year=1978 | isbn=0-7195-3382-1}}</ref>
As an example consider [[Ampère's circuital law]] (with Maxwell's correction) in integral form for an arbitrary current carrying [[Electrical conductor|conductor]] in a [[vacuum]] (so zero [[magnetization]] due medium, i.e. '''M''' = '''0'''):<ref>{{cite book|title=Electromagnetism|edition=2nd|author=I.S. Grant, W.R. Phillips, Manchester Physics|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2008|pages=186–188|isbn=978-0-471-92712-9}}</ref>
:<math> \oint_S \mathbf{B} \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{l}= \mu_0 \oint_S \left ( \mathbf{J} + \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t} \right ) \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{A} \,\!</math>
using the constitutive definition
:<math> \mathbf{B} = \mu_0 \mathbf{H}, \,\!</math>
and the current density definition
:<math> I = \oint_S \mathbf{J} \cdot {\rm d} \mathbf{A} , \,\!</math>
similarly for the [[displacement current]] density
:<math> \mathbf{J}_{\rm d} = \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t} \,\!</math> leading to the displacement current <math> I_d = \oint_S \mathbf{J}_{\rm d} \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{A} , \,\!</math>
we have
:<math> \oint_S \mathbf{B} \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{l}= \mu_0 \oint_S \mathbf{J} \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{A} + \mu_0 \oint_S \mathbf{J} _{\rm d} \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{A}, \,\!</math>
:<math> \oint_S \mathbf{H} \cdot {\rm d}\mathbf{l}= I + I_d,\,\!</math>
which is simpler to write, even if the equation is the same.
'''''Ease of comparison:''''' They allow comparisons of measurements to be made when they might appear ambiguous and unclear otherwise.
A basic example is mass density. It is not clear how compare how much matter constitutes a variety of substances given only their masses or only their volumes. Given both for each substance, the mass ''m'' per unit volume ''V'', or mass density ''ρ'' provides a meaningful comparison between the substances, since for each, a fixed amount of volume will correspond to an amount of mass depending on the substance. To illustrate this; if two substances A and B have masses ''m<sub>A</sub>'' and ''m<sub>B</sub>'' respectively, occupying volumes ''V<sub>A</sub>'' and ''V<sub>B</sub>'' respectively, using the definition of mass density gives:
:''ρ''<sub>A</sub> = ''m''<sub>A</sub> / ''V''<sub>A</sub> , ''ρ''<sub>B</sub> = ''m''<sub>B</sub> / ''V''<sub>B</sub>
following this can be seen that:
*if ''m''<sub>A</sub> > ''m''<sub>B</sub> or ''m''<sub>A</sub> < ''m''<sub>B</sub> and ''V''<sub>A</sub> = ''V''<sub>B</sub>, then ''ρ''<sub>A</sub> > ''ρ''<sub>B</sub> or ''ρ''<sub>A</sub> < ''ρ''<sub>B</sub>,
*if ''m''<sub>A</sub> = ''m''<sub>B</sub> and ''V''<sub>A</sub> > ''V''<sub>B</sub> or ''V''<sub>A</sub> < ''V''<sub>B</sub>, then ''ρ''<sub>A</sub> < ''ρ''<sub>B</sub> or ''ρ''<sub>A</sub> > ''ρ''<sub>B</sub>,
*if ''ρ''<sub>A</sub> = ''ρ''<sub>B</sub>, then ''m''<sub>A</sub> / ''V''<sub>A</sub> = ''m''<sub>B</sub> / ''V''<sub>B</sub> so ''m''<sub>A</sub> / ''m''<sub>B</sub> = ''V''<sub>A</sub> / ''V''<sub>B</sub>, demonstrating that if ''m''<sub>A</sub> > ''m''<sub>B</sub> or ''m''<sub>A</sub> < ''m''<sub>B</sub>, then ''V''<sub>A</sub> > ''V''<sub>B</sub> or ''V''<sub>A</sub> < ''V''<sub>B</sub>.
Making such comparisons without using mathematics logically in this way would not be as systematic.
==Construction of defining equations==
===Scope of definitions===
Defining equations are normally formulated in terms of [[elementary algebra]] and [[calculus]], [[Vector calculus|vector algebra and calculus]], or for the most general applications [[Tensor|tensor algebra and calculus]], depending on the level of study and presentation, complexity of topic and scope of applicability. Functions may be incorporated into a definition, in for calculus this is necessary. Quantities may also be [[complex number|complex]]-valued for theoretical advantage, but for a physical measurement the real part is relevant, the imaginary part can be discarded. For more advanced treatments the equation may have to be written in an equivalent but alternative form using other defining equations for the definition to be useful. Often definitions can start from elementary algebra, then modify to vectors, then in the limiting cases calculus may be used. The various levels of maths used typically follows this pattern.
Typically definitions are explicit, meaning the defining quantity is the subject of the equation, but sometimes the equation is not written explicitly – although the defining quantity can be solved for to make the equation explicit. For vector equations, sometimes the defining quantity is in a cross or dot product and cannot be solved for explicitly as a vector, but the components can.
[[File:General flux diagram.svg|thumb|400px|[[Flux]] '''F''' through a [[surface]], d'''S''' is the [[Differential (infinitesimal)|differential]] [[vector area]] element, ''n'' is the [[unit normal]] to the surface. For the physical examples here, [[current density]] '''J''' or [[magnetic field]] '''B'''  would be '''F''' in the diagram.]]
[[File:Angular momentum definition.svg|thumb|right|300px|''300px''|Angular momentum; scalar and vector components.]]
Electric current density is an example spanning all of these methods, [[Angular momentum]] is an example which doesn't require calculus. See the classical mechanics section below for nomenclature and diagrams to the right.
'''''Elementary algebra'''''
Operations are simply multiplication and division. Equations may be written in a product or quotient form, both of course equivalent.
! scope="col" width="100" |
! scope="col" width="100" | Angular momentum
! scope="col" width="100" | Electric current density
| Quotient form
| <math> p = \frac{L}{r} \,\!</math>
| <math> J = \frac{I}{A} \,\!</math>
| Product form
| <math> L = pr \,\!</math>
| <math> I = J A \,\!</math>
'''''Vector algebra'''''
There is no way to divide a vector by a vector, so there are no product or quotient forms.
! scope="col" width="100" |
! scope="col" width="350" | Angular momentum
! scope="col" width="150" | Electric current density
| Quotient form
| N/A
| <math> \mathbf{J} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} = \frac{I}{A} \,\!</math>
| Product form
| Starting from
<math> L = p r , \,\!</math>
since '''L''' = '''0''' when '''p''' and '''r''' are [[Parallel (geometry)|parallel]] or [[Antiparallel (mathematics)|antiparallel]], and is a maximum when perpendicular, so that the only component of '''p''' which contributes to '''L''' is the tangential |'''p'''| sin ''θ'', the magnitude of angular momentum ''L'' should be re-written as
<math> L = p r \sin \theta .\,\!</math>
Since '''r''', '''p''' and '''L''' form a right-hand triad, this leads to the vector form
<math> \mathbf{L} = \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{p} .\,\!</math>
| <math> \mathbf{J} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} A = I ,\,\!</math>
<math> \mathbf{J} \cdot\mathbf{A} = I , \,\!</math>
'''''Elementary calculus'''''
:The arithmetic operations are modified to the limiting cases of differentiation and integration. Equations can be expressed in these equivalent and alternative ways.
! scope="col" width="100" |
! scope="col" width="200" | Current density
| Differential form
| <math> J = \lim_{A \rightarrow 0} \frac{I}{A} = \frac{\mathrm{d}I}{\mathrm{d}A} \,\!</math>
| Integral form
| <math> I = \lim_{A_i \rightarrow 0} \sum_i J A_i = \int_S J {\mathrm{d} A} \,\!</math>
where d''A'' means an [[Differential (infinitesimal)|differential]] [[area element]] (see also [[surface integral]]).
Alternatively for integral form
<math> \mathrm{d} I = J {\mathrm{d} A} , \,\!</math>
<math> I = \int_S J {\mathrm{d} A} . \,\!</math>
'''''Vector calculus'''''
! scope="col" width="100" |
! scope="col" width="150" | Current density
|Differential form
||<math> \mathbf{J} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} = \frac{\mathrm{d}I}{\mathrm{d}A} \,\!</math>
| Integral form
|| <math> I = \int_S \mathbf{J} \cdot \mathrm{d} \mathbf{A} \,\!</math>
where d'''A''' = '''n'''d''A'' is the differential [[vector area]].
'''''Tensor analysis'''''
Vectors are rank-1 [[tensors]]. The formulae below are no more than the vector equations in the language of tensors.
! scope="col" width="100" |
! scope="col" width="350" | Angular momentum
! scope="col" width="150" | Electric current density
| Differential form
| N/A
| <math> J_i n_i = \frac{\mathrm{d} I}{\mathrm{d} A} \,\!</math>
| Product/integral form
| Starting from
<math> \mathbf{L} = \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{p} \,\!</math>
the components are ''L<sub>i</sub>'', ''r<sub>j</sub>'', ''p<sub>i</sub>'', where ''i, j, k'' are each dummy indices each taking values 1, 2, 3, using the [[Cross product#Alternative ways to compute the cross product|identity from tensor analysis]]
<math> \mathbf{a} = \mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{c}, \quad a_i = \epsilon_{ijk} b_j c_k ,\,\!</math>
where ''ε<sub>ijk</sub>'' is the [[Levi-Civita symbol|permutation/Levi-Cita tensor]], leads to
<math> L_i = \epsilon_{ijk} r_j p_k .\,\!</math>
| Using the [[Einstein summation convention]],
<math> J_i n_i \mathrm{d} A = \mathrm{d} I \,\!</math>
<math> \int_S J_i \mathrm{d} A_i = I \,\!</math>
===Multiple choice definitions===
Sometimes there is still freedom within the chosen units system, to define one or more quantities in more than one way. The situation splits into two cases:<ref name="P.M. Whelan, M.J. Hodgeson 1978 6">{{cite book| author=P.M. Whelan, M.J. Hodgeson| title=Essential Principles of Physics| publisher=John Murray|edition=2nd| year=1978|page=6| isbn=0-7195-3382-1}}</ref>
'''''Mutually exclusive definitions:''''' There are a number of possible choices for a quantity to be defined in terms of others, but only one can be used and not the others. Choosing more than one of the exclusive equations for a definition leads to a contradiction – one equation might demand a quantity ''X'' to be ''defined'' in one way ''using another'' quantity ''Y'', while another equation requires the ''reverse'', ''Y'' be defined using ''X'', but then another equation might falsify the use of both ''X'' and ''Y'', and so on. The mutual disagreement makes it impossible to say which equation defines what quantity.
'''''Equivalent definitions:''''' Defining equations which are equivalent and self-consistent with other equations and laws within the physical theory, simply written in different ways.
There are two possibilities for each case:
'''''One defining equation – one defined quantity:''''' A defining equation is used to define a single quantity in terms of a number of others.
'''''One defining equation – a number of defined quantities:''''' A defining equation is used to define a number of quantities in terms of a number of others. A single defining equation shouldn't contain ''one'' quantity defining ''all other'' quantities in the ''same equation'', otherwise contradictions arise again. There is no definition of the defined quantities separately since they are defined by a single quantity in a single equation. Furthermore the defined quantities may have already been defined before, so if another quantity defines these in the same equation, there is a clash between definitions.
Contradictions can be avoided by defining quantities ''successively''; the ''order'' in which quantities are defined must be accounted for. Examples spanning these instances occur in [[electromagnetism]], and are given below.
[[File:Magnetic force particles.svg|thumb|200px|[[Differential (infinitesimal)|Differential]] [[magnetic force]] d'''F''' due to a small charge element d''q'' constituting an [[electric current]] ''I''  ([[conventional current]] is used). The force must be [[line integral|line-integrated]] along the path of current flow, with respect to the vector [[line element]] d'''r'''.]]
'''''Mutually exclusive definitions:'''''
The [[magnetic field|magnetic induction field]] '''B''' can be defined in terms of [[electric charge]] ''q'' or [[Electric current|current]] ''I'', and the [[Lorentz force]] (magnetic term) '''F''' experienced by the charge carriers due to the field,
:<math> \begin{align} \mathbf{F} & = q \left ( \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B} \right ) \\
& = \left ( \int I \mathrm{d} t \right ) \left ( \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{r}}{\mathrm{d} t} \times \mathbf{B} \right ) \\
& = \left ( \int I \mathrm{d} t \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{r}}{\mathrm{d} t} \right ) \times \mathbf{B} \\
& =  I \left ( \int \mathrm{d}\mathbf{r} \right ) \times \mathbf{B} \\
& =  I \left ( \mathbf{l} \times \mathbf{B} \right ),
where <math> \mathbf{l} = \int \mathrm{d}\mathbf{r} \,\!</math> is the change in position traversed by the charge carriers (assuming current is independent of position, if not so a line integral must be done along the path of current) or in terms of the magnetic flux ''Φ<sub>B</sub>'' through a surface ''S'', where the area is used as a scalar ''A'' and vector: <math> \mathbf{A} = A\mathbf{\hat{n}} \,\!</math> and <math> \mathbf{\hat{n}} \,\!</math> is a unit normal to ''A'', either in differential form
:<math> \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} = \frac{\mathrm{d}\Phi_B}{\mathrm{d}A} ,\,\!</math>
or integral form,
:<math>  \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} \mathrm{d}A = \mathrm{d}\Phi_B  ,\,\!</math>
:<math> \Phi_B = \int_S \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathrm{d}\mathbf{A} .\,\!</math>
However, only one of the above equations can be used to define '''B''' for the following reason, given that '''A''', '''r''', '''v''', and '''F''' have been defined elsewhere unambiguously (most likely mechanics and [[Euclidean geometry]]).
If the force equation defines '''B''', where ''q'' or ''I'' have been previously defined, then the flux equation defines Φ<sub>''B''</sub>, since '''B''' has been previously defined unambiguously. If the flux equation defines '''B''', where ''Φ<sub>B</sub>'', the force equation may be a defining equation for ''I'' or ''q''. Notice the contradiction when '''B''' both equations define '''B''' simultaneously and when '''B''' is not a base quantity; the force equation demands that ''q'' or ''I'' be defined elsewhere while at the same time the flux equation demands that ''q'' or ''I'' be defined by the force equation, similarly the force equation requires Φ<sub>''B''</sub> to be defined by the flux equation, at the same time the flux equation demands that Φ<sub>''B''</sub> is defined elsewhere. For both equations to be used as definitions simultaneously, '''B''' must be a base quantity so that '''F''' and Φ<sub>''B''</sub> can be defined to stem from '''B''' unambiguously.<ref name="P.M. Whelan, M.J. Hodgeson 1978 6"/>
'''''Equivalent definitions:'''''
Another example is [[inductance]] ''L'' which has two equivalent equations to use as a definition.<ref>{{cite book| author=P.M. Whelan, M.J. Hodgeson| title=Essential Principles of Physics| publisher=John Murray|edition=2nd| year=1978|page=405| isbn=0-7195-3382-1}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Electromagnetism|edition=2nd|author=I.S. Grant, W.R. Phillips, Manchester Physics|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2008|pages=231–234|isbn=978-0-471-92712-9}}</ref>
In terms of ''I'' and ''Φ<sub>B</sub>'', the inductance is given by
:<math> L = N \frac{\mathrm{d}\Phi_B}{\mathrm{d} I} ,\,\!</math>
in terms of ''I'' and induced emf ''V''
:<math> V = - L \frac{\mathrm{d}I}{\mathrm{d} t}  .\,\!</math>
These two are equivalent by [[Faraday's law of induction]]:
:<math> V = - N \frac{\mathrm{d}\Phi_B}{\mathrm{d} t} , \,\!</math>
:<math> V {\mathrm{d} t} = - N \mathrm{d}\Phi_B , \,\!</math>
substituting into the first definition for ''L''
:<math> L = - V \frac{{\mathrm{d} t}}{\mathrm{d} I} \,\!</math>
:<math> V = - L \frac{\mathrm{d}I}{\mathrm{d} t}  \,\!</math>
and so they are not mutually exclusive.
'''''One defining equation – a number of defined quantities'''''
Notice that ''L'' cannot define ''I'' and ''Φ<sub>B</sub>'' simultaneously - this makes no sense. ''I'', ''Φ<sub>B</sub>'' and ''V'' have most likely all been defined before as (''Φ<sub>B</sub>'' given above in flux equation);
:<math> V = \frac{\mathrm{d}W}{\mathrm{d} q} , \quad I = \frac{\mathrm{d}q}{\mathrm{d} t} ,\,\!</math>
where ''W'' = work done on charge ''q''. Furthermore there is no definition of either ''I'' or ''Φ<sub>B</sub>'' separately – because ''L'' is defining them in the same equation.
However, using the [[Lorentz force#Lorentz force law as the definition of E and B|Lorentz force]] for the [[electromagnetic field]]:<ref name=Jackson20>See, for example, Jackson p777-8.</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Gravitation|author=J.A. Wheeler, C. Misner, K.S. Thorne|publisher=W.H. Freeman & Co|year=1973|pages=72–73|isbn=0-7167-0344-0}}. These authors use the Lorentz force in tensor form as definer of the [[electromagnetic tensor]] ''F'', in turn the fields '''E''' and '''B'''.</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Electromagnetism|ediition=2nd|author=I.S. Grant, W.R. Phillips, Manchester Physics|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2008|page=122|isbn=978-0-471-92712-9}}</ref>
:<math> \mathbf{F} = q \left [ \mathbf{E} + \left ( \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B} \right )\right ] ,\,\!</math>
as a single defining equation for the [[electric field]] '''E''' and magnetic field '''B''' is allowed, since '''E''' and '''B''' are not only defined by one variable, but ''three''; force '''F''', velocity '''v''' and charge ''q''. This is consistent with isolated definitions of '''E''' and '''B''' since '''E''' is defined using '''F''' and ''q'':
:<math> \mathbf{E} = \mathbf{F}/q .\,\!</math>
and '''B''' defined by '''F''', '''v''', and ''q'', as given above.
==Limitations of definitions==
'''''Definitions vs. functions:''''' Defining quantities can vary as a function of parameters other than those in the definition. A defining equation only defines how calculate the defined quantity, it ''cannot'' describe how the quantity varies as a function of other parameters since the function would vary from one application to another.
Mass density ''ρ'' is defined using mass ''m'' and volume ''V'' by but can vary as a function of temperature ''T'' and pressure ''p'', ''ρ'' = ''ρ''(''p'', ''T'')
The [[angular frequency]] ''ω'' of [[wave propagation]] is defined using the [[frequency]] (or equivalently time period ''T'') of the oscillation, as a function of [[wavenumber]] ''k'', ''ω'' = ''ω''(''k''). This is the ''[[dispersion relation]]'' for wave propagation.
The [[coefficient of restitution]] for an object colliding is defined using the speeds of separation and  approach with respect to the collision point, but depends on the nature of the surfaces in question.
'''''Definitions vs. theorems''''': There is a very important difference between defining equations and general or derived results, theorems or laws. Defining equations ''do '''not''' find out '''any''' information'' about a physical system, they simply re-state one measurement in terms of others. Results, theorems, and laws, on the other hand ''do'' provide meaningful information, if only a little, since they represent a calculation for a quantity given other properties of the system, and describe how the system behaves as variables are changed.
An example was given above for Ampere's law. Another is the conservation of momentum for ''N''<sub>1</sub> initial particles having initial momenta '''p'''<sub>i</sub> where ''i'' = 1, 2 ... ''N''<sub>1</sub>, and ''N''<sub>2</sub> final particles having final momenta '''p'''<sub>i</sub> (some particles may explode or adhere) where ''j'' = 1, 2 ... ''N''<sub>2</sub>, the equation  of conservation reads:
:<math> \sum_i^{N_1}\mathbf{p}_{\rm i} = \sum_j^{N_2}\mathbf{p}_{\rm j} \,\!</math>
Using the definition of momentum in terms of velocity:
:<math> \mathbf{p} = m \mathbf{v} \,\!</math>
so that for each particle:
:<math> \mathbf{p}_{\rm i} = m_i \mathbf{v}_{\rm i} \,\!</math> and <math> \mathbf{p}_{\rm j} = m_j \mathbf{v}_{\rm j} \,\!</math>
the conservation equation can be written as
:<math> \sum_i^{N_1}m_i \mathbf{v}_{\rm i} = \sum_j^{N_2} m_i \mathbf{v}_{\rm i} .\,\!</math>
It is identical to the previous version. No information is lost or gained by changing quantities when definitions are substituted, but the equation itself does give information about the system.
==One-off definitions==
Some equations, typically results from a derivation, include useful quantities which serve as a one-off definition within its scope of application.
In [[special relativity]], [[Mass in special relativity#The relativistic mass concept|relativistic mass]] has support and detraction by physicists.<ref>{{cite book| author=H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman| title=University Physics – With Modern Physics| publisher=Addison-Wesley (Pearson International)|edition=12th|pages=1290–1291|year=2008| isbn=0-321-50130-6}}</ref> It is defined as:
:<math> m = \gamma m_0 \,\!</math>
where ''m''<sub>0</sub> is the [[rest mass]] of the object and γ is the [[Lorentz factor]]. This makes some quantities such as momentum '''p''' and energy ''E'' of a massive object in motion easy to obtain from other equations simply by using relativistic mass:
:<math> \mathbf{p} = m\mathbf{v} \rightarrow \mathbf{p} = \gamma m_0 \mathbf{v} </math>
:<math> E = mc^2 \rightarrow E = \gamma m_0 c^2 </math>
However, this does ''not'' always apply, for instance the [[kinetic energy]] ''T'' and [[force]] '''F''' of the same object is ''not'' given by:
:<math> T = \frac{m}{2}\mathbf{v}\cdot\mathbf{v} \nrightarrow T = \frac{\gamma m_0}{2}\mathbf{v}\cdot\mathbf{v} </math>
:<math> \mathbf{F} = m\mathbf{a} \nrightarrow \mathbf{F} = \gamma m_0 \mathbf{a} </math>
The Lorentz factor has a deeper significance and origin, and is used in terms of [[proper time]] and [[coordinate time]] with [[four-vector]]s. The correct equations above are consequence of the applying definitions in the correct order.
[[File:Magnetic deflection helical path.svg|thumb|right|300px|''300px''|Magnetic field deflecting a charged particle, pseudo-defining '''magnetic rigidity''' for the particle.]]
In electromagnetism, a [[charged particle]] (of mass ''m'' and charge ''q'') in a uniform magnetic field '''B''' is deflected by the field in a circular helical arc at velocity '''v''' and [[Radius of curvature (mathematics)|radius of curvature]] '''r''', where the helical trajectory inclined at an angle ''θ'' to '''B'''. The [[magnetic force]] is the [[centripetal force]], so the force '''F''' acting on the particle is;
:<math> \mathbf{F} = - \frac{m \left ( \mathbf{v}\cdot{\mathbf{v}} \right ) \mathbf{\hat{r}} }{\left | \mathbf{r} \right |} = q \left ( \mathbf{v}\times \mathbf{B}\right ),\,\!</math>
reducing to scalar form and solving for |'''B'''||'''r'''|;
:<math> \frac{m \left | \mathbf{v} \right |^2 }{\left | \mathbf{r} \right |} = q \left | \mathbf{v} \right | \left | \mathbf{B} \right | \sin \theta, \,\!</math>
:<math> \frac{m \left | \mathbf{v} \right | }{\left | \mathbf{r} \right |} = q \left | \mathbf{B} \right | \sin \theta, \,\!</math>
:<math> \left | \mathbf{B} \right | \left | \mathbf{r} \right | = \frac{m \left | \mathbf{v} \right | }{ q \sin \theta} , \,\!</math>
serves as the definition for the '''magnetic rigidity''' of the particle.<ref>{{cite book|title=Electromagnetism|edition=2nd|author=I.S. Grant, W.R. Phillips, Manchester Physics|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2008|isbn=978-0-471-92712-9}}
</ref> Since this depends on the mass and charge of the particle, it is useful for determining the extent a particle deflects in a '''B''' field, which occurs experimentally in [[mass spectrometry]] and [[particle detector]]s.
==See also==
*[[Defining equation (physical chemistry)]]
*[[Constitutive equation]]
*[[List of equations in classical mechanics]]
*[[List of relativistic equations]]
*[[List of equations in fluid mechanics]]
*[[Table of thermodynamics equations]]
*[[List of equations in gravitation]]
*[[List of electromagnetism equations]]
*[[List of photonics equations]]
*[[List of equations in quantum mechanics]]
*[[List of equations in nuclear and particle physics]]
* {{cite book| author=P.M. Whelan, M.J. Hodgeson| title=Essential Principles of Physics| publisher=John Murray|edition=2nd| year=1978 | isbn=0-7195-3382-1}}
* {{cite book| author=G. Woan| title=The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas| publisher=Cambridge University Press|edition=| year=2010| isbn=978-0-521-57507-2}}
* {{cite book| author=A. Halpern| title=3000 Solved Problems in Physics, Schaum Series| publisher=Mc Graw Hill|edition=| year=1988| isbn=978-0-07-025734-4}}
* {{cite book|pages=12–13| author=R.G. Lerner, G.L. Trigg| title=Encyclopaedia of Physics| publisher=VHC Publishers, Hans Warlimont, Springer|edition=2nd| year=2005| isbn=978-0-07-025734-4}}
* {{cite book|page=| author=C.B. Parker| title=McGraw Hill Encyclopaedia of Physics| publisher=McGraw Hill|edition=2nd| year=1994| isbn=0-07-051400-3}}
* {{cite book|page=| author=P.A. Tipler, G. Mosca| title=Physics for Scientists and Engineers: With Modern Physics| publisher=W.H. Freeman and Co|edition=6th| year=2008| isbn=9-781429-202657}}
* {{cite book|title=Analytical Mechanics|author=L.N. Hand, J.D. Finch|publisher=Cambridge University Press, |year=2008|isbn=978-0-521-57572-0}}
* {{cite book|title=Mechanics, Vibrations and Waves|author=T.B. Arkill, C.J. Millar|publisher=John Murray, |year=1974|isbn=0-7195-2882-8}}
* {{cite book|title=The Physics of Vibrations and Waves|edition=3rd|author=H.J. Pain|publisher=John Wiley & Sons, |year=1983|isbn=0-471-90182-2}}
* {{cite book|title=Dynamics and Relativity|author=J.R. Forshaw, A.G. Smith|publisher=Wiley, |year=2009|isbn=978-0-470-01460-8}}
* {{cite book|title=Electricity and Modern Physics |edition=2nd|author=G.A.G. Bennet|publisher=Edward Arnold (UK)|year=1974|isbn=0-7131-2459-8}}
* {{cite book|title=Electromagnetism|edition=2nd|author=I.S. Grant, W.R. Phillips, Manchester Physics|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2008|isbn=978-0-471-92712-9}}
* {{cite book|title=Introduction to Electrodynamics|edition=3rd |author=D.J. Griffiths|publisher=Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley, |year=2007|isbn=81-7758-293-3}}
==Further reading==
* {{cite book|title=Physics with Modern Applications|author=L.H. Greenberg|publisher=Holt-Saunders International W.B. Saunders and Co|year=1978|isbn=0-7216-4247-0}}
* {{cite book|title=Principles of Physics|author=J.B. Marion, W.F. Hornyak|publisher=Holt-Saunders International Saunders College|year=1984|isbn=4-8337-0195-2}}
* {{cite book|title=Concepts of Modern Physics|edition=4th|author=A. Beiser|publisher=McGraw-Hill (International)|year=1987|isbn=0-07-100144-1}}
* {{cite book|title=University Physics – With Modern Physics|edition=12th|author=H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman|publisher=Addison-Wesley (Pearson International)|year=2008|isbn=0-321-50130-6}}
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Latest revision as of 16:50, 29 November 2014

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