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In [[statistical mechanics]], the '''ice-type models''' or '''six-vertex models''' are a family of [[vertex model]]s for crystal lattices with hydrogen bonds. The first such model was introduced by [[Linus Pauling]] in 1935 to account for the [[residual entropy]] of water ice.<ref name="pauling">L. Pauling, Jour. American Chem. Soc. '''57''', p.2680 (1935),</ref> Variants have been proposed as models of certain [[ferroelectric]]<ref name="slater">J. C. Slater, Jour. Chemi. Phys. '''9''', p.16 (1941)</ref> and [[antiferroelectric]]<ref name="rys">F. Rys, Helv. Phys. Acta. '''36''', p.537 (1963)</ref> crystals.
In 1967, [[Elliott H. Lieb]] found the [[exactly solvable model|exact solution]] to a two-dimensional ice model known as "square ice".<ref name="lieba">E. H. Lieb, Physical Review '''162''', 162-172 (1967)</ref> The exact solution in three dimensions is only known for a special "frozen" state.<ref name="nagle1969">J. F. Nagle, Communications in Mathematical Physics, '''13''', 62-7 (1969)</ref>
An ice-type model is a lattice model defined on a lattice of [[coordination number]] 4 - that is, each vertex of the lattice is connected by an edge to four "nearest neighbours". A state of the model consists of an arrow on each edge of the lattice, such that the number of arrows pointing inwards at each vertex is 2. This restriction on the arrow configurations is known as the '''ice rule'''.
For two-dimensional models, the lattice is taken to be the square lattice. For more realistic models, one can use a three-dimensional lattice appropriate to the material being considered; for example, the [[Ice Ih|hexagonal ice lattice]] is used to analyse ice.
At any vertex, there are six configurations of the arrows which satisfy the ice rule (justifying the name "six-vertex model"). The valid configurations for the (two-dimensional) square lattice are the following:
The energy of a state is understood to be a function of the configurations at each vertex. For square lattices, one assumes that the total energy <math>E</math> is given by
:<math> E = n_1\epsilon_1 + n_2\epsilon_2 + \ldots + n_6\epsilon_6 </math>
for some constants <math>\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_6</math>, where <math>n_i</math> here denotes the number of vertices with the <math>i</math>th configuration from the above figure. The value <math>\epsilon_i</math> is the energy associated with vertex configuration number <math>i</math>.
One aims to calculate the [[partition function (statistical mechanics)|partition function]] <math>Z</math> of an ice-type model, which is given by the formula
:<math> Z = \sum \exp(-E/k_BT), </math>
where the sum is taken over all states of the model, <math>E</math> is the energy of the state, <math>k_B</math> is [[Boltzmann's constant]], and <math>T</math> is the system's temperature.
Typically, one is interested in the [[thermodynamic limit]] in which the number <math>N</math> of vertices approaches infinity. In that case, one instead evaluates the '''free energy per vertex''' <math>f</math> in the limit as <math>N\to \infty</math>, where <math>f</math> is given by
:<math> f = -k_BT N^{-1}\log Z.</math>
Equivalently, one evaluates the '''partition function per vertex''' <math>W</math> in the thermodynamic limit, where
The values <math>f</math> and <math>W</math> are related by
:<math>f= -k_BT \log W.</math>
==Physical justification==
Several real crystals with hydrogen bonds satisfy the ice model, including ice<ref name="pauling" /> and potassium dihydrogen phosphate {{chem|KH|2}}{{chem|PO|4}}<ref name="slater" /> (KDP). Indeed, such crystals motivated the study of ice-type models.
In ice, each oxygen atom is connected by a bond to four other oxygens, and each bond contains one hydrogen atom between the terminal oxygens. The hydrogen occupies one of two symmetrically located positions, neither of which is in the middle of the bond. Pauling argued<ref name="pauling" /> that the allowed configuration of hydrogen atoms is such that there are always exactly two hydrogens close to each oxygen, thus making the local environment imitate that of a water molecule, {{chem|H|2}}{{chem|O}}. Thus, if we take the oxygen atoms as the lattice vertices and the hydrogen bonds as the lattice edges, and if we draw an arrow on a bond which points to the side of the bond on which the hydrogen atom sits, then ice satisfies the ice model.
Similar reasoning applies to show that KDP also satisfies the ice model.
==Specific choices of vertex energies==
On the square lattice, the energies <math>\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_6</math> associated with vertex configurations 1-6 determine the relative probabilities of states, and thus can influence the macroscopic behaviour of the system. The following are common choices for these vertex energies.
===The ice model===
When modelling ice, one takes <math>\epsilon_1=\epsilon_2=\ldots=\epsilon_6=0</math>, as all permissible vertex configurations are understood to be equally likely. In this case, the partition function <math>Z</math> equals the total number of valid states. This model is known as the '''ice model''' (as opposed to an ''ice-type'' model).
===The KDP model of a ferroelectric===
Slater<ref name="slater" /> argued that KDP could be represented by an ice-type model with energies
:<math> \epsilon_1=\epsilon_2=0, \epsilon_3=\epsilon_4=\epsilon_5=\epsilon_6>0</math>
For this model (called the '''KDP model'''), the most likely state (the least-energy state) has all horizontal arrows pointing in the same direction, and likewise for all vertical arrows. Such a state is a [[ferroelectric]] state, in which all hydrogen atoms have a preference for one fixed side of their bonds.
===Rys <math>F</math> model of an antiferroelectric===
The '''Rys <math>F</math> model'''<ref name="rys" /> is obtained by setting
:<math> \epsilon_1=\epsilon_2=\epsilon_3=\epsilon_4>0, \epsilon_5=\epsilon_6=0.</math>
The least-energy state for this model is dominated by vertex configurations 5 and 6. For such a state, adjacent horizontal bonds necessarily have arrows in opposite directions and similarly for vertical bonds, so this state is an [[antiferroelectric]] state.
===The zero field assumption===
If there is no ambient electric field, then the total energy of a state should remain unchanged under a charge reversal, i.e. under flipping all arrows. Thus one may assume without loss of generality that
:<math> \epsilon_1=\epsilon_2, \quad \epsilon_3=\epsilon_4, \quad \epsilon_5=\epsilon_6</math>
This assumption is known as the '''zero field assumption''', and holds for the ice model, the KDP model, and the Rys F model.
The ice rule was introduced by Linus Pauling in 1935 to account for the [[residual entropy]] of ice that had been measured by [[William F. Giauque]] and J. W. Stout.<ref>W. F. Giauque and J. W. Stout,  Jour. American Chem. Soc., '''58''' (7), pp. 1144–1150 (1936)</ref>  The residual entropy, <math> S </math>, of ice is given by the formula
:<math> S= k_B\log Z = k_B\, N \, \log W </math>
where <math> k_B </math> is [[Boltzmann's constant]], <math> N</math> is the number of oxygen atoms in the piece of ice, which is always taken to be large (the [[thermodynamic limit]]) and <math> Z=W^N </math> is the number of configurations of the hydrogen atoms according to Pauling's ice rule. Without the ice rule we would have <math> W =4 </math> since the number of hydrogen atoms is <math> 2N </math> and each hydrogen has two possible locations. Pauling estimated that the ice rule reduces this to <math> W =1.5 </math>, a number that would agree extremely well with the Giauque-Stout measurement of <math> S </math>. It can be said that Pauling's calculation of <math> S </math> for ice is one of the simplest, yet most accurate applications of [[statistical mechanics]] to real substances ever made. The question that remained was whether, given the model, Pauling's calculation of <math> W </math>, which was very approximate, would be sustained by a rigorous calculation. This became a significant problem in [[combinatorics]].
Both the three-dimensional and two-dimensional models were computed numerically by John F. Nagle in 1966<ref>J. F. Nagle, Jour. Mathematical Physics '''7''', p.1484 (1966).</ref> who found that <math> W = 1.50685 \pm 0.00015</math> in three-dimensions and <math> W= 1.540 \pm0.001 </math> in two-dimensions. Both are amazingly close to Pauling's rough calculation, 1.5.
In 1967, Lieb found the exact solution of three two-dimensional ice-type models: the ice model,<ref name="lieba" /> the Rys <math>F</math> model,<ref name="liebb">E. H. Lieb, Physical Review Letters '''18''', 692-694 (1967)</ref> and the KDP model.<ref name="liebc">E.H. Lieb, Physical Review Letters '''19''', 108-10 (1967)</ref> The solution for the ice model gave the exact value of <math> W </math> in two-dimensions as
:<math> W_{2D} = \left(\frac{4}{3}\right)^{3/2} = 1.5396007.... </math>
which is known as [[Lieb's square ice constant]].
Later in 1967, Bill Sutherland generalised Lieb's solution of the three specific ice-type models to a general exact solution for square-lattice ice-type models satisfying the zero field assumption.<ref>B. Sutherland, Physical Review Letters '''19''', 103-4 (1967)</ref>
Still later in 1967, C. P. Yang<ref name="yang1967">C. P. Yang, Physical Review Letters '''19''', 586-8 (1967)</ref> generalised Sutherland's solution to an exact solution for square-lattice ice-type models in a horizontal electric field.
In 1969, John Nagle derived the exact solution for a three-dimensional version of the KDP model, for a specific range of temperatures.<ref name="nagle1969" /> For such temperatures, the model is "frozen" in the sense that (in the thermodynamic limit) the energy per vertex and entropy per vertex are both zero. This is the only known exact solution for a three-dimensional ice-type model.
==Relation to eight-vertex model==
The [[eight-vertex model]], which has also been exactly solved, is a generalisation of the (square-lattice) six-vertex model: to recover the six-vertex model from the eight-vertex model, set the energies for vertex configurations 7 and 8 to infinity.  Six-vertex models have been solved in some cases for which the eight-vertex model has not; for example, Nagle's solution for the three-dimensional KDP model<ref name="nagle1969" /> and Yang's solution of the six-vertex model in a horizontal field.<ref name="yang1967" />
==Boundary conditions==
This ice model provide an important 'counterexample'  in statistical mechanics:
the bulk free energy in the [[thermodynamic limit]]  depends on boundary conditions.<ref>V. Korepin, P. Zinn-Justin, Thermodynamic limit of the Six-Vertex Model with Domain Wall Boundary Conditions,  Jour. Phys. A 33 No. 40 (2000), 7053, see also []</ref> The model was analytically solved for periodic boundary conditions, anti-periodic,
ferromagnetic and domain wall  boundary conditions. Six vertex model with domain wall  boundary conditions on a square lattice has specific significance for algebraic combinatorics, it helps to enumerate [[Alternating sign matrix]].
In this case the partition function can be represented as a determinant of a matrix (dimension of the matrix is equal to the size of the lattice), but in the other cases the enumeration of
<math>W</math> does not come out in such a simple closed form.
Domain wall gives the smallest <math>W</math> . Clearly, the largest <math>W</math>
is given by ''free'' boundary conditions (no constraint at all on the configurations on the boundary), but the same <math>W</math> occurs, in the thermodynamic limit, for periodic boundary conditions,<ref>H. J. Brascamp and H. Kunz, Jour. Mathematical Physics '''14''', p.1927 (1973); {{doi|10.1063/1.1666271}}</ref> as used originally to derive <math>W_{2D}</math>.
==3-colorings of a lattice==
The number of states of an ice type model on the internal edges of a finite simply connected union of squares of a lattice is equal to one third of the number of ways to 3-color the squares, with no two adjacent squares having the same color. This correspondence between states is due to Andrew Lenard and is given as follows. If a square has color ''i'' = 0, 1, or 2, then the arrow
on the edge to an adjacent square goes left or right (according to an observer in the square) depending on whether the color in the adjacent square is ''i''+1 or ''i''&minus;1 mod 3. There are 3 possible ways to color a fixed initial square, and once this initial color is chosen this gives a 1:1 correspondence between colorings and arrangements of arrows satisfying the ice-type condition.
==See also==
*[[Eight-vertex model]]
==Further reading==
* {{Citation| last1=Lieb|first1=E.H.|last2=Wu|first2=F.Y.|chapter=Two Dimensional Ferroelectric Models|title=[[Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena]]|editor1= C. Domb|editor2=M. S. Green|volume=1|publisher=Academic Press|location=New York|pages=331&ndash;490|year=1972}}
*{{Citation | authorlink=Rodney J. Baxter | last1=Baxter | first1=Rodney J. | title=Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics | url=| publisher=Academic Press Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers] | location=London | isbn=978-0-12-083180-7 | id={{MathSciNet | id = 690578}} | year=1982}}
[[Category:Exactly solvable models]]
[[Category:Statistical mechanics]]
[[Category:Lattice models]]

Revision as of 12:15, 3 June 2013

In statistical mechanics, the ice-type models or six-vertex models are a family of vertex models for crystal lattices with hydrogen bonds. The first such model was introduced by Linus Pauling in 1935 to account for the residual entropy of water ice.[1] Variants have been proposed as models of certain ferroelectric[2] and antiferroelectric[3] crystals.

In 1967, Elliott H. Lieb found the exact solution to a two-dimensional ice model known as "square ice".[4] The exact solution in three dimensions is only known for a special "frozen" state.[5]


An ice-type model is a lattice model defined on a lattice of coordination number 4 - that is, each vertex of the lattice is connected by an edge to four "nearest neighbours". A state of the model consists of an arrow on each edge of the lattice, such that the number of arrows pointing inwards at each vertex is 2. This restriction on the arrow configurations is known as the ice rule.

For two-dimensional models, the lattice is taken to be the square lattice. For more realistic models, one can use a three-dimensional lattice appropriate to the material being considered; for example, the hexagonal ice lattice is used to analyse ice.

At any vertex, there are six configurations of the arrows which satisfy the ice rule (justifying the name "six-vertex model"). The valid configurations for the (two-dimensional) square lattice are the following:

The energy of a state is understood to be a function of the configurations at each vertex. For square lattices, one assumes that the total energy is given by

for some constants , where here denotes the number of vertices with the th configuration from the above figure. The value is the energy associated with vertex configuration number .

One aims to calculate the partition function of an ice-type model, which is given by the formula

where the sum is taken over all states of the model, is the energy of the state, is Boltzmann's constant, and is the system's temperature.

Typically, one is interested in the thermodynamic limit in which the number of vertices approaches infinity. In that case, one instead evaluates the free energy per vertex in the limit as , where is given by

Equivalently, one evaluates the partition function per vertex in the thermodynamic limit, where

The values and are related by

Physical justification

Several real crystals with hydrogen bonds satisfy the ice model, including ice[1] and potassium dihydrogen phosphate Template:ChemTemplate:Chem[2] (KDP). Indeed, such crystals motivated the study of ice-type models.

In ice, each oxygen atom is connected by a bond to four other oxygens, and each bond contains one hydrogen atom between the terminal oxygens. The hydrogen occupies one of two symmetrically located positions, neither of which is in the middle of the bond. Pauling argued[1] that the allowed configuration of hydrogen atoms is such that there are always exactly two hydrogens close to each oxygen, thus making the local environment imitate that of a water molecule, Template:ChemTemplate:Chem. Thus, if we take the oxygen atoms as the lattice vertices and the hydrogen bonds as the lattice edges, and if we draw an arrow on a bond which points to the side of the bond on which the hydrogen atom sits, then ice satisfies the ice model.

Similar reasoning applies to show that KDP also satisfies the ice model.

Specific choices of vertex energies

On the square lattice, the energies associated with vertex configurations 1-6 determine the relative probabilities of states, and thus can influence the macroscopic behaviour of the system. The following are common choices for these vertex energies.

The ice model

When modelling ice, one takes , as all permissible vertex configurations are understood to be equally likely. In this case, the partition function equals the total number of valid states. This model is known as the ice model (as opposed to an ice-type model).

The KDP model of a ferroelectric

Slater[2] argued that KDP could be represented by an ice-type model with energies

For this model (called the KDP model), the most likely state (the least-energy state) has all horizontal arrows pointing in the same direction, and likewise for all vertical arrows. Such a state is a ferroelectric state, in which all hydrogen atoms have a preference for one fixed side of their bonds.

Rys model of an antiferroelectric

The Rys model[3] is obtained by setting

The least-energy state for this model is dominated by vertex configurations 5 and 6. For such a state, adjacent horizontal bonds necessarily have arrows in opposite directions and similarly for vertical bonds, so this state is an antiferroelectric state.

The zero field assumption

If there is no ambient electric field, then the total energy of a state should remain unchanged under a charge reversal, i.e. under flipping all arrows. Thus one may assume without loss of generality that

This assumption is known as the zero field assumption, and holds for the ice model, the KDP model, and the Rys F model.


The ice rule was introduced by Linus Pauling in 1935 to account for the residual entropy of ice that had been measured by William F. Giauque and J. W. Stout.[6] The residual entropy, , of ice is given by the formula

where is Boltzmann's constant, is the number of oxygen atoms in the piece of ice, which is always taken to be large (the thermodynamic limit) and is the number of configurations of the hydrogen atoms according to Pauling's ice rule. Without the ice rule we would have since the number of hydrogen atoms is and each hydrogen has two possible locations. Pauling estimated that the ice rule reduces this to , a number that would agree extremely well with the Giauque-Stout measurement of . It can be said that Pauling's calculation of for ice is one of the simplest, yet most accurate applications of statistical mechanics to real substances ever made. The question that remained was whether, given the model, Pauling's calculation of , which was very approximate, would be sustained by a rigorous calculation. This became a significant problem in combinatorics.

Both the three-dimensional and two-dimensional models were computed numerically by John F. Nagle in 1966[7] who found that in three-dimensions and in two-dimensions. Both are amazingly close to Pauling's rough calculation, 1.5.

In 1967, Lieb found the exact solution of three two-dimensional ice-type models: the ice model,[4] the Rys model,[8] and the KDP model.[9] The solution for the ice model gave the exact value of in two-dimensions as

which is known as Lieb's square ice constant.

Later in 1967, Bill Sutherland generalised Lieb's solution of the three specific ice-type models to a general exact solution for square-lattice ice-type models satisfying the zero field assumption.[10]

Still later in 1967, C. P. Yang[11] generalised Sutherland's solution to an exact solution for square-lattice ice-type models in a horizontal electric field.

In 1969, John Nagle derived the exact solution for a three-dimensional version of the KDP model, for a specific range of temperatures.[5] For such temperatures, the model is "frozen" in the sense that (in the thermodynamic limit) the energy per vertex and entropy per vertex are both zero. This is the only known exact solution for a three-dimensional ice-type model.

Relation to eight-vertex model

The eight-vertex model, which has also been exactly solved, is a generalisation of the (square-lattice) six-vertex model: to recover the six-vertex model from the eight-vertex model, set the energies for vertex configurations 7 and 8 to infinity. Six-vertex models have been solved in some cases for which the eight-vertex model has not; for example, Nagle's solution for the three-dimensional KDP model[5] and Yang's solution of the six-vertex model in a horizontal field.[11]

Boundary conditions

This ice model provide an important 'counterexample' in statistical mechanics: the bulk free energy in the thermodynamic limit depends on boundary conditions.[12] The model was analytically solved for periodic boundary conditions, anti-periodic, ferromagnetic and domain wall boundary conditions. Six vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions on a square lattice has specific significance for algebraic combinatorics, it helps to enumerate Alternating sign matrix. In this case the partition function can be represented as a determinant of a matrix (dimension of the matrix is equal to the size of the lattice), but in the other cases the enumeration of does not come out in such a simple closed form.

Domain wall gives the smallest . Clearly, the largest is given by free boundary conditions (no constraint at all on the configurations on the boundary), but the same occurs, in the thermodynamic limit, for periodic boundary conditions,[13] as used originally to derive .

3-colorings of a lattice

The number of states of an ice type model on the internal edges of a finite simply connected union of squares of a lattice is equal to one third of the number of ways to 3-color the squares, with no two adjacent squares having the same color. This correspondence between states is due to Andrew Lenard and is given as follows. If a square has color i = 0, 1, or 2, then the arrow on the edge to an adjacent square goes left or right (according to an observer in the square) depending on whether the color in the adjacent square is i+1 or i−1 mod 3. There are 3 possible ways to color a fixed initial square, and once this initial color is chosen this gives a 1:1 correspondence between colorings and arrangements of arrows satisfying the ice-type condition.

See also


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Further reading

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  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

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    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 L. Pauling, Jour. American Chem. Soc. 57, p.2680 (1935),
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 J. C. Slater, Jour. Chemi. Phys. 9, p.16 (1941)
  3. 3.0 3.1 F. Rys, Helv. Phys. Acta. 36, p.537 (1963)
  4. 4.0 4.1 E. H. Lieb, Physical Review 162, 162-172 (1967)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 J. F. Nagle, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 13, 62-7 (1969)
  6. W. F. Giauque and J. W. Stout, Jour. American Chem. Soc., 58 (7), pp. 1144–1150 (1936)
  7. J. F. Nagle, Jour. Mathematical Physics 7, p.1484 (1966).
  8. E. H. Lieb, Physical Review Letters 18, 692-694 (1967)
  9. E.H. Lieb, Physical Review Letters 19, 108-10 (1967)
  10. B. Sutherland, Physical Review Letters 19, 103-4 (1967)
  11. 11.0 11.1 C. P. Yang, Physical Review Letters 19, 586-8 (1967)
  12. V. Korepin, P. Zinn-Justin, Thermodynamic limit of the Six-Vertex Model with Domain Wall Boundary Conditions, Jour. Phys. A 33 No. 40 (2000), 7053, see also [1]
  13. H. J. Brascamp and H. Kunz, Jour. Mathematical Physics 14, p.1927 (1973); 21 year-old Glazier James Grippo from Edam, enjoys hang gliding, industrial property developers in singapore developers in singapore and camping. Finds the entire world an motivating place we have spent 4 months at Alejandro de Humboldt National Park.