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== Ray Ban Wayfarer ICH m jeg gerne ville. ==
{{See also|Index of epistemology articles}}

Hvis din krop forbliver i konstant alarmberedskab, kan dine cortisol niveauer aldrig falde natten, forstyrrer din søvn. Under 30 CEO har også en liste over de bedste byer for unge iværksættere .. For det meste, er det harmløst, siger Dowdell bortset fra den langsigtede effekt på vores søvn sundhed . <br><br>Det kunne være meget værre, og sandsynligvis vil være inden længe .. Køb billetter enten på billetlugen på modtagelser niveau eller på de gule maskiner (med euromønter eller med et betalingskort, der bruger en "PIN" koden). Hinke, hvis administrerende direktør Troy Lum er Mei partner, vil frigive filmen i Australien og New Zealand .. <br><br>At skabe noget godt billede, skal du kende dit emne at være i stand til at fange sin essens. De tager deres publikum til "ubehageligt, men nødvendigt," steder at udsætte dem for realiteterne på arbejdspladsen, uden at "corporate [http://www.viking-stamps.dk/Email/emotion.asp Ray Ban Wayfarer] sukker belægning." . <br><br>Århundrede fvt, og kun 32 af de mere end tusind, der blev udført i løbet af det 5. Wilcox væsentligt forbedret den codec retningsbestemte forbedrede svartider og diskrethed CBS SQ System .. Jeg lovede at glatte tingene ud. I 1970'erne, ornerne var igen til stede i Danmark og Sverige som følge af en befolkning, der er undsluppet fra fangenskab. <br><br>Jeg bare don vide, at endnu. Tesla lavede overskrifter i 2013 for succes i sin Model S, skyhøje aktiekursen, bil brand kontroverser, og administrerende direktør Elon Musk tager på New York Times i en ugunstig gennemgang. Han er i Gambia. Du kan forblive afslappet og fokuseret ved at tillade dig selv at være åben over for den mulighed, [http://www.flex-godning.dk/menumachine/core/banner.asp Nike Dk] at dine intentioner vil komme til dig på måder, du aldrig havde drømt muligt. <br><br>Det findes i mange almindelige udtryk (ICH m jeg gerne ville.) Og anvendes til at udtrykke tvivl eller høflighed. Bedste replik i bogen er Narcissisme avler en ny narcissist generation såvel som folk, der synes at være magneter for denne personlighed type.As en introduktion entry level til narcissisme og dens virkninger dette er et godt valg for dem, der måtte have lidt i hænderne af grandiose tænkning og / eller skamløse personer med dårlig boundaries.I fundet strukturen af ​​"Seven Deadly Sins" for at [http://www.marinedesign.dk/application/header.php Nike Air Force 1] være en nyttig og kreativ måde at forklare læserne, hvad der kan være i alvorlige tilfælde, en mental disorder.In Dr. <br><br>Texas ventede blot to timer efter Shelby afgørelse at meddele, at staten ville begynde at håndhæve sin vælgertilslutning ID lov, som tidligere var blevet blokeret i henhold til § 5, og at dens diskriminerende redistricting plan ville [http://www.flex-godning.dk/menumachine/flexmenu/preview/cache.asp Vibram Fivefingers Kso] også gå i kraft..<ul>
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to epistemology:
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'''[[Epistemology]]''' or '''theory of knowledge''' &ndash; branch of [[philosophy]] concerned with the nature and scope of [[knowledge]].<ref>Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, 1967, Macmillan, Inc.</ref> The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher [[James Frederick Ferrier]] (1808–1864).<ref>Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, 2007</ref>  Epistemology asks the questions: "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", and "What do people know?"

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[[File:Classical-Definition-of-Kno.svg|thumb|250px|right| According to [[Plato]], knowledge is a subset of that which is both true and believed{{Citation needed|date=April 2008}}.]]
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==Essence of epistemology==
: ''Main article: [[Epistemology]]''
* [[Descriptive knowledge]] ("knowledge that")
* [[Scientific method]]
* [[Truth]]

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== Branches of epistemology ==
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* [[Alethiology]] &ndash; the study of the nature of truth
* [[Formal epistemology]] &ndash; subdiscipline of [[epistemology]] that uses [[formal methods]] from [[logic]], [[probability theory]] and [[computability theory]] to elucidate traditional epistemic problems.
* [[Meta-epistemology]] &ndash; [[metaphilosophical]] study of the subject, matter, [[philosophical method|methods]] and aims of [[epistemology]] and of approaches to understanding and structuring our knowledge of knowledge itself.
* [[Social epistemology]]

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== Epistemological theories ==
  <li>[http://www.dailyqr.com/blog_entry.php?user=1018541&blogentry_id=18379026 http://www.dailyqr.com/blog_entry.php?user=1018541&blogentry_id=18379026]</li>
* [[Theory of justification|Theories of justification]]
** [[Foundationalism]] &ndash; Self-evident basic beliefs justify other non-basic beliefs.
  <li>[http://observatoiredesreligions.fr/spip.php?article9 http://observatoiredesreligions.fr/spip.php?article9]</li>
** [[Coherentism]] &ndash; Beliefs are justified if they cohere with other beliefs a person holds, each belief is justified if it coheres with the overall system of beliefs.
** [[Internalism]] &ndash; The believer must be able to justify a belief through internal knowledge.
  <li>[http://chancegardner.backstagemamas.com/guestbook/index.php?entry=41939 http://chancegardner.backstagemamas.com/guestbook/index.php?entry=41939]</li>
** [[Externalism]] &ndash; Outside sources of knowledge can be used to justify a belief.
** [[Philosophical skepticism#Epistemology and skepticism|Skepticism]] &ndash; A variety of viewpoints questioning the possibility of knowledge.
  <li>[http://www.irun365.com/BS/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=717461&fromuid=143 http://www.irun365.com/BS/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=717461&fromuid=143]</li>
** Minority viewpoints include:
*** [[Foundherentism]] &ndash; A combination of foundationalism and coherentism proposed by [[Susan Haack]].
  <li>[http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article64#forum24570323 http://enseignement-lsf.com/spip.php?article64#forum24570323]</li>
*** [[Infinitism]] &ndash; Beliefs are justified by infinite chains of reasons, as proposed by [[Peter D. Klein]].
* [[Theory of justification#Justifiers|Common justifiers]]
** [[Scientific method]] &ndash; body of [[Scientific technique|technique]]s for investigating [[phenomenon|phenomena]], acquiring new<ref>{{harvnb|Goldhaber|Nieto|2010|page=940}}</ref> [[knowledge]], or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. A scientific method consists of the collection of [[data]] through [[observation]] and [[experiment]]ation, and the formulation and testing of [[hypotheses]].<ref>
[http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/scientific%20method scientific method], ''[[Merriam-Webster|Merriam-Webster Dictionary]]''.</ref>
** [[Occam's Razor]] &ndash; the principle that "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" (''entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem''). The popular interpretation of this principle is that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. However, this is often confused, as the 'simple' "is really referring to the theory with the fewest new assumptions." <ref>[http://www.theness.com/the-razor-in-the-toolbox/ The NESS: The Razor in the Toolbox]</ref>
** [[Empiricism]] &ndash; theory of [[knowledge]] that asserts that knowledge arises from [[evidence]] gathered via [[Empirical evidence|sense experience]]. Empiricism emphasizes the role of [[experience]] and [[evidence]], especially [[sensory perception]], in the formation of ideas, over the notion of [[innate idea]]s or [[tradition]].<ref>{{cite book | last = Baird | first = Forrest E. | authorlink = | coauthors = Walter Kaufmann | title = From Plato to Derrida | publisher = Pearson Prentice Hall | year = 2008 | location = Upper Saddle River, New Jersey | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 0-13-158591-6 }}</ref>
** [[Induction (philosophy)|Induction]] &ndash; kind of [[reasoning]] that allows for the possibility that the conclusion is false even where all of the premises are true.<ref>John Vickers. [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/induction-problem/ The Problem of Induction]. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.</ref> The premises of an inductive [[logical argument]] indicate some degree of support (inductive probability) for the conclusion but do not [[entailment|entail]] it; i.e. they do not ensure its truth.
** [[Pragmatism]] &ndash; philosophical movement that includes those who claim that an ideology or [[proposition]] is true if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a proposition is to be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that impractical ideas are to be rejected.
** [[Probability theory]] &ndash; branch of [[mathematics]] concerned with analysis of [[Statistical randomness|random]] phenomena.<ref>[http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9375936 Probability theory, Encyclopaedia Britannica]</ref> The central objects of probability theory are [[random variable]]s, [[stochastic process]]es, and [[event (probability theory)|event]]s: mathematical abstractions of [[determinism|non-deterministic]] events or measured quantities that may either be single occurrences or evolve over time in an ''apparently'' random fashion. If repeated many times the sequence of random events will exhibit certain statistical patterns, which can be studied and predicted.
** [[Abductive Reasoning]] or [[Inference to the Best Explanation]] &ndash; kind of logical inference described by [[Charles Sanders Peirce]] as the process of arriving at an explanatory hypothesis. Thus, to abduce a hypothetical explanation <math>a</math> as a conclusion from a noticed curious circumstance <math>b</math> as a premiss, is to surmise that <math>a</math> may be true because then <math>b</math> would be a matter of course.<ref name=HL>Peirce, C. S. (1903), Harvard lectures on pragmatism, ''Collected Papers'' v. 5, [http://www.textlog.de/7664-2.html paragraphs 188–189].</ref>

== Ray Ban Clubmaster Den eneste ulempe ved dette er ==
===Alphabetical Order===
* [[Coherentism]]
* [[Constructivist epistemology]]
* [[Contextualism]]
* [[Determinism]]
* [[Empiricism]]
* [[Epistemological idealism]]
* [[Fallibilism]]
* [[Foundationalism]]
* [[Holism]]
* [[Infinitism]]
* [[Innatism]]
* [[Internalism and externalism]]
* [[Naïve realism]]
* [[Naturalized epistemology]]
* [[Objectivism (Ayn Rand)|Objectivist epistemology]]
* [[Phenomenalism]]
* [[Positivism]]
* [[Reductionism]]
* [[Reliabilism]]
* [[Representative realism]]
* [[Rationalism]]
* [[Skepticism]]
* [[Theory of Forms]]
* [[Transcendental idealism]]
* [[Uniformitarianism]]

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==History of epistemology==
: ''Main article: [[History of epistemology]]''
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* [[History of scientific method]]
* [[Timeline of the history of scientific method]]

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== Epistemological concepts ==
* [[A priori and a posteriori|A priori knowledge]]
* [[Philosophical analysis|Analysis]]
* [[Analytic-synthetic distinction]]
* [[Belief]]
* [[Causality]]
* [[Common sense]]
* [[Criteria of truth]]
* [[Descriptive knowledge]]
* [[Enactivism (psychology)]]
* [[Gettier problem]]
* [[Theory of justification|Justification]]
* [[Knowledge]]
* [[Objectivity (philosophy)|Objectivity]]
* [[Perception]]
* [[Problem of induction|Induction]]
* [[Problem of other minds|Other minds]]
* [[Proposition]]
* [[Regress argument]]
* [[Simplicity]]
* [[Speculative reason]]
* [[Truth]]
== Persons influential in the field of epistemology ==
* [[A. J. Ayer]]
* [[Alvin Goldman]]
* [[Alvin Plantinga]]
* [[Ayn Rand]]
* [[Barry Stroud]]
* [[Bertrand Russell]]
* [[Catherine Elgin]]
* [[David Hume]]
* [[Edgar Morin]]
* [[Edmund Gettier]]
* [[Ernst von Glasersfeld]]
* [[Fred Dretske]]
* [[George Berkeley]]
* [[George Edward Moore]]
* [[George Pappas]]
* [[Gerhard Vollmer]]
* [[Giambattista Vico]]
* [[Gilbert Harman]]
* [[Harry Binswanger]]
* [[Heinz von Foerster]]
* [[Hilary Kornblith]]
* [[Immanuel Kant]]
* [[John Greco (philosopher)|John Greco]]
* [[Jean-Louis Le Moigne]]
* [[Jean Piaget]]
* [[John Locke]]
* [[John Searle]]
* [[Jonathan Dancy]]
* [[Karla Jessen Williamson]]
* [[Keith Lehrer]]
* [[Laurence Bonjour]]
* [[Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski]]
* [[Louis Pojman]]
* [[Ludwig Wittgenstein]]
* [[Margaret Elizabeth Egan]]
* [[Mario Bunge]]
* [[Mioara Mugur-Schächter]]
* [[Nassim Nicholas Taleb]]
* [[Nelson Goodman]]
* [[Niklas Luhmann]]
* [[Norman Malcolm]]
* [[P. F. Strawson]]
* [[Paul Grice]]
* [[Peter Strawson]]
* [[Peter Unger]]
* [[Phillip H. Wiebe]]
* [[Plato]]
* [[René Descartes]]
* [[Robert Audi]]
* [[Peter D. Klein]]
* [[Ernest Sosa]]
* [[Robert Nozick]]
* [[Sherrilyn Roush]]
* [[Socrates]]
* [[Søren Kierkegaard]]
* St. [[Thomas Aquinas]]
* [[Trenton Merricks]]
* [[W.V.O. Quine]]
* [[Walter Terence Stace]]
* [[William Alston]]
* [[Xenophanes]]
==See also==
==External links==
{{Sister project links|Epistemology}}
* [http://pantheon.yale.edu/~kd47/What-Is-Epistemology.htm What Is Epistemology?] &ndash; a brief introduction to the topic by Keith DeRose.
* [http://fleetwood.baylor.edu/certain_doubts/ Certain Doubts] &ndash; a group blog run by Jonathan Kvanvig, with many leading epistemologists as contributors.
* [http://www.db.dk/jni/lifeboat/ The Epistemological Lifeboat] by Birger Hjørland &  Jeppe Nicolaisen (eds.)
* [http://pantheon.yale.edu/~kd47/e-page.htm The Epistemology Page] by Keith DeRose.
* [http://home.sprynet.com/~owl1/epistemo.htm Epistemology Papers] &ndash; a collection of Michael Huemer's papers.
* [http://www.galilean-library.org/int5.html Epistemology Introduction, Part 1] and [http://www.galilean-library.org/int20.html Part 2] by Paul Newall at the Galilean Library.
* [http://www.ditext.com/clay/know.html ''Teaching Theory of Knowledge'' (1986)] &ndash; Marjorie Clay (ed.), an electronic publication from The Council for Philosophical Studies.
* [http://www.groovyweb.uklinux.net/?page_name=philosophy%20of%20knowledge&category=philosophy Epistemology: The Philosophy of Knowledge] &ndash; an introduction at Groovyweb.
* [http://www.philosophyonline.co.uk/ Introduction to Theory of Knowledge] &ndash; from PhilosophyOnline.
* [http://ThePeripatetic.com The Peripatetic] &ndash; A practical introduction to the theory of knowledge
* [http://www.theoryofknowledge.info/ Theory of Knowledge] &ndash; an introduction to epistemology, exploring the various theories of knowledge, justification, and belief.
* [http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=904833 A Theory of Knowledge] by Clóvis Juarez Kemmerich, on the Social Science Research Network, 2006.
* [http://www.galilean-library.org/int5.html An Introduction to Epistemology] by Paul Newall, aimed at beginners.
* [http://davidspeakslive.com David Speaks Live - A lecture on Ontological Epistemology]
* [http://www.sofiatopia.org/equiaeon/clearings.htm On a Critical Epistemology]
* [http://www.percepp.com/meaning.htm Language Perception and Action: Philosophical Issues]
; Justification
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/justep-foundational/ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Foundationalist Theories of Epistemic Justification]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epistemology/#WIJ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Epistemology, 2. What is Justification?]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/justification-public/ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Public Justification]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/justep-intext/ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Internalist vs. Externalist Conceptions of Epistemic Justification]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/justep-coherence/ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Coherentist Theories of Epistemic Justification]
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Revision as of 10:39, 14 September 2013

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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to epistemology:

Epistemology or theory of knowledge – branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.[1] The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808–1864).[2] Epistemology asks the questions: "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", and "What do people know?"

According to Plato, knowledge is a subset of that which is both true and believedPotter or Ceramic Artist Truman Bedell from Rexton, has interests which include ceramics, best property developers in singapore developers in singapore and scrabble. Was especially enthused after visiting Alejandro de Humboldt National Park..

Essence of epistemology

Main article: Epistemology

Branches of epistemology

Epistemological theories


  • Theories of justification
    • Foundationalism – Self-evident basic beliefs justify other non-basic beliefs.
    • Coherentism – Beliefs are justified if they cohere with other beliefs a person holds, each belief is justified if it coheres with the overall system of beliefs.
    • Internalism – The believer must be able to justify a belief through internal knowledge.
    • Externalism – Outside sources of knowledge can be used to justify a belief.
    • Skepticism – A variety of viewpoints questioning the possibility of knowledge.
    • Minority viewpoints include:
  • Common justifiers
    • Scientific method – body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new[3] knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. A scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.[4]
    • Occam's Razor – the principle that "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" (entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem). The popular interpretation of this principle is that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. However, this is often confused, as the 'simple' "is really referring to the theory with the fewest new assumptions." [5]
    • Empiricism – theory of knowledge that asserts that knowledge arises from evidence gathered via sense experience. Empiricism emphasizes the role of experience and evidence, especially sensory perception, in the formation of ideas, over the notion of innate ideas or tradition.[6]
    • Induction – kind of reasoning that allows for the possibility that the conclusion is false even where all of the premises are true.[7] The premises of an inductive logical argument indicate some degree of support (inductive probability) for the conclusion but do not entail it; i.e. they do not ensure its truth.
    • Pragmatism – philosophical movement that includes those who claim that an ideology or proposition is true if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a proposition is to be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that impractical ideas are to be rejected.
    • Probability theory – branch of mathematics concerned with analysis of random phenomena.[8] The central objects of probability theory are random variables, stochastic processes, and events: mathematical abstractions of non-deterministic events or measured quantities that may either be single occurrences or evolve over time in an apparently random fashion. If repeated many times the sequence of random events will exhibit certain statistical patterns, which can be studied and predicted.
    • Abductive Reasoning or Inference to the Best Explanation – kind of logical inference described by Charles Sanders Peirce as the process of arriving at an explanatory hypothesis. Thus, to abduce a hypothetical explanation a as a conclusion from a noticed curious circumstance b as a premiss, is to surmise that a may be true because then b would be a matter of course.[9]

Alphabetical Order

History of epistemology

Main article: History of epistemology

Epistemological concepts

Persons influential in the field of epistemology

See also

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External links

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Template:Epistemology Template:Philosophy topics Template:Outline footer

  1. Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, 1967, Macmillan, Inc.
  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, 2007
  3. Template:Harvnb
  4. scientific method, Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  5. The NESS: The Razor in the Toolbox
  6. 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

    My blog: http://www.primaboinca.com/view_profile.php?userid=5889534
  7. John Vickers. The Problem of Induction. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8. Probability theory, Encyclopaedia Britannica
  9. Peirce, C. S. (1903), Harvard lectures on pragmatism, Collected Papers v. 5, paragraphs 188–189.