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The author's name is Andera and she thinks it seems quite great. Invoicing is my occupation. I am really fond of handwriting but I can't make it my occupation truly. Ohio is exactly where her home is.<br><br>Also visit my webpage ... clairvoyants ([])
{{single source|date=June 2013}}
{{Merge|Differentiation under the integral sign|date=January 2013}}
In [[calculus]], '''Leibniz's rule''' for '''[[differentiation under the integral sign]]''', named after [[Gottfried Leibniz]], tells us that if we have an [[integral]] of the form
: <math>\int_{y_0}^{y_1} f(x, y) \,dy</math>
then for ''x'' in (''x''<sub>0</sub>, ''x''<sub>1</sub>) the derivative of this integral is thus expressible
: <math>{d\over dx} \left ( \int_{y_0}^{y_1} f(x, y) \,dy \right )= \int_{y_0}^{y_1} f_x(x,y)\,dy</math>
provided that ''f'' and its  [[partial derivative]]'' f<sub>x</sub>'' are both continuous over a region in the form [''x''<sub>0</sub>, ''x''<sub>1</sub>] × [''y''<sub>0</sub>, ''y''<sub>1</sub>].
Thus under certain conditions, one may interchange the integral and partial differential [[operator (mathematics)|operators]]. This important result is particularly useful in the differentiation of [[integral transform]]s. An example of such is the [[moment generating function]] in [[probability| probability theory]], a variation of the [[Laplace transform]], which can be differentiated to generate the [[moment (mathematics)|moments]] of a [[random variable]]. Whether Leibniz's integral rule applies is essentially a question about the interchange of [[limit (mathematics)|limits]].
==Formal statement==
Let ''f''(''x'', θ) be a function such that ''f''<sub>θ</sub>(''x'', θ) exists, and is continuous. Then,
:<math>\frac{d}{d\theta} \left (\int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta)} f(x,\theta)\,dx \right )= \int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta)}f_{\theta} (x,\theta)\,dx + f(b(\theta),\theta)b'(\theta)-f(a(\theta),\theta)a'(\theta)</math>
where the partial derivative of ''f'' indicates that inside the integral only the variation of ''f''(''x'', θ) with θ is considered in taking the derivative.
==Three-dimensional, time-dependent case==
{{See also|Differentiation under the integral sign in higher dimensions}}
[[Image:Vector field on a surface.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Figure 1: A vector field '''F'''('''r''', ''t'') defined throughout space, and a surface Σ bounded by curve ∂Σ moving with velocity '''v''' over which the field is integrated.]]
A Leibniz integral rule for [[Differentiation under the integral sign#Higher dimensions|three dimensions]] is:<ref>Flanders, Harley (June–July 1973). "Differentiation under the integral sign". American Mathematical Monthly 80 (6): 615–627. doi:[ Article Link on JSTOR]</ref>
:<math>\frac {d}{dt} \iint_{\Sigma (t)} \mathbf{F} (\mathbf{r}, t) \cdot d \mathbf{A} = \iint_{\Sigma (t)}\left(\mathbf{F}_t (\mathbf{r}, t) + \left[\mathrm{\nabla} \cdot \mathbf{F} (\mathbf{r}, t) \right] \mathbf{v} \right) \cdot d \mathbf{A} -\oint_{\partial \Sigma (t)} \left[ \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{F} ( \mathbf{r}, t) \right] \cdot d \mathbf{s} </math>
::'''F'''('''r''', ''t'') is a vector field at the spatial position '''r''' at time ''t''
::Σ is a moving surface in three-space bounded by the closed curve ∂Σ
::''d'''''A''' is a vector element of the surface Σ
::''d'''''s''' is a vector element of the curve ∂Σ
::'''v''' is the velocity of movement of the region Σ
::∇⋅ is the vector [[divergence]]
::× is the [[vector cross product]]
::The double integrals are [[surface integral]]s over the surface Σ, and the [[line integral]] is over the bounding curve ∂Σ.
==Measure theory statement==
Let <math>X</math> be an open subset of <math>\mathbb{R}</math> , and <math>\Omega</math> be
a [[measure space]]. Suppose <math>f: X \times \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R} </math> satisfies the following conditions:
::(1) <math>f(x,\omega)</math> is a Lebesgue-integrable function of <math>\omega</math> for each <math>x \in X</math>
::(2) For almost all <math>\omega \in \Omega</math> , the derivative <math>f_x</math> exists for all <math>x \in X</math>
::(3) There is an integrable function <math> \theta: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}</math> such that <math>|f_x(x,\omega)| \leq \theta ( \omega)</math> for all <math>x \in X</math>
Then for all <math>x \in X</math>
::<math> \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} x} \int_{\Omega} \, f(x, \omega) \mathrm{d} \omega = \int_{\Omega}  \, f_x ( x, \omega) \mathrm{d} \omega </math>
== Proofs ==
=== Proof of basic form ===
: <math> u(x) = \int_{y_0}^{y_1} f(x, y) \,dy \qquad (1)</math>
So that, using [[difference quotient]]s
: <math> u'(x) = \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \frac{u(x + h) - u(x)}{h} \qquad (2)</math>
Substitute equation (1) into equation (2), combine the integrals (since the difference of two integrals equals the integral of the difference) and use the fact that 1/''h'' is a constant:
u'(x) &= \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \frac{\int_{y_0}^{y_1}f(x + h, y)\,dy - \int_{y_0}^{y_1}f(x, y)\,dy}{h} \\
&= \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \frac{\int_{y_0}^{y_1}\left( f(x + h, y) - f(x,y) \right)\,dy}{h} \\
&= \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \int_{y_0}^{y_1} \frac{f(x + h, y) - f(x, y)}{h} \,dy
Provided that the limit can be passed under the integral sign, we obtain
: <math>u'(x) = \int_{y_0}^{y_1} f_x(x, y)\,dy </math>
We claim that the passage of the limit under the integral sign is valid. Indeed, the bounded convergence theorem (a corollary of the [[dominated convergence theorem]]) of real analysis states that if a sequence of functions on a set of finite measure is uniformly bounded and converges pointwise, then passage of the limit under the integral is valid. To complete the proof, we show that these hypotheses are satisfied by the family of difference quotients
:<math> f_n(y) = \frac{f(x + \tfrac{1}{n}, y) -f (x, y)}{\tfrac{1}{n}}.</math>
Continuity of ''f<sub>x</sub>''(''x'', ''y'') and compactness implies that ''f<sub>x</sub>''(''x'', ''y'') is uniformly bounded.  Uniform boundedness of the difference quotients follows from uniform boundedness of ''f<sub>x</sub>''(''x'', ''y'') and the [[mean value theorem]], since for all y and n, there exists z in the interval [''x'', ''x'' + 1/''n''] such that
:<math> f_x(z, y) =  \frac{f(x + \tfrac{1}{n}, y) -f (x, y)}{\tfrac{1}{n}}.</math>
The difference quotients converge pointwise to ''f<sub>x</sub>''(''x'', ''y'') since ''f<sub>x</sub>''(''x'', ''y'') exists. This completes the proof.
For a simpler proof using [[Fubini's theorem]], see the references.
=== Variable limits form ===
For a monovariant function ''g'':
: <math> {d\over dx} \left( \int_{f_1(x)}^{f_2(x)} g(t) \,dt \right )= g[f_2(x)] {f_2'(x)} -  g[f_1(x)] {f_1'(x)} </math>
This follows from the [[chain rule]].
=== General form with variable limits ===
Now, set
:<math>\varphi(\alpha) = \int_a^b f(x,\alpha)dx,</math>
where ''a'' and ''b'' are functions of α that exhibit increments Δ''a'' and Δ''b'', respectively, when α is increased by Δα. Then,
: <math>\begin{align}
\Delta\varphi &= \varphi(\alpha + \Delta\alpha) - \varphi(\alpha) \\
&= \int_{a + \Delta a}^{b + \Delta b}f(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha)\,dx - \int_a^b f(x, \alpha)\,dx \\
&= \int_{a + \Delta a}^af(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha)dx + \int_a^bf(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha)dx + \int_b^{b + \Delta b} f(x, \alpha+\Delta\alpha)\,dx - \int_a^b f(x, \alpha)\,dx \\
&= -\int_a^{a + \Delta a} f(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha) \, dx + \int_a^b [f(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha) - f(x,\alpha)]\,dx + \int_b^{b + \Delta b} f(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha)\,dx
A form of the [[mean value theorem]], <math>\int_a^bf(x)dx = (b - a)f(\xi)</math>, where ''a'' < ξ < ''b'', may be applied to the first and last integrals of the formula for Δφ above, resulting in
:<math>\Delta\varphi = -\Delta a f(\xi_1, \alpha + \Delta\alpha) + \int_a^b [f(x, \alpha + \Delta\alpha) - f(x,\alpha)]\,dx + \Delta b f(\xi_2, \alpha + \Delta\alpha)</math>
Dividing by Δα, and letting Δα → 0, and noticing ξ<sub>1</sub> → ''a'' and ξ<sub>2</sub> → ''b'' and using the result
:<math>\lim_{\Delta\alpha\to 0}\int_a^b \frac{f(x,\alpha + \Delta\alpha) - f(x,\alpha)}{\Delta\alpha} dx = \int_a^b f_{\alpha} (x,\alpha)\,dx</math>
yields the general form of the Leibniz integral rule below:
:<math>\frac{d\varphi}{d\alpha} = \int_a^b f_{\alpha}(x, \alpha)\,dx + f(b, \alpha) \frac{db}{d\alpha} - f(a, \alpha)\frac{da}{d\alpha} </math>
===Three-dimensional, time-dependent form===
{{See also|Differentiation under the integral sign in higher dimensions}}
At time ''t'' the surface Σ in [[#Three-dimensional, time-dependent case|Figure 1]] contains a set of points arranged about a centroid '''C'''(''t'') and function '''F'''('''r''', ''t'') can be written as '''F'''('''C'''(''t'') + '''r''' − '''C'''(t), ''t'') = '''F'''('''C'''(''t'') + '''I''', ''t''), with '''I''' independent of time. Variables are shifted to a new frame of reference attached to the moving surface, with origin at '''C'''(''t''). For a rigidly translating surface, the limits of integration are then independent of time, so:
:<math>\frac {d}{dt} \left (\iint_{\Sigma (t)} d \mathbf{A}_{\mathbf{r}}\cdot \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{r}, t) \right) = \iint_{\Sigma} d \mathbf{A}_{\mathbf{I}} \cdot \frac {d}{dt}\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{C}(t) + \mathbf{I}, t)</math>
where the limits of integration confining the integral to the region Σ no longer are time dependent so differentiation passes through the integration to act on the integrand only:
:<math> \frac {d}{dt}\mathbf{F}( \mathbf{C}(t) + \mathbf{I}, t) = \mathbf{F}_t(\mathbf{C}(t) + \mathbf{I}, t) + \mathbf{v \cdot \nabla F}(\mathbf{C}(t) + \mathbf{I}, t) = \mathbf{F}_t(\mathbf{r}, t) + \mathbf{v} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{r}, t) </math>
with the velocity of motion of the surface defined by:
:<math>\mathbf{v} = \frac {d}{dt} \mathbf{C} (t) </math>
This equation expresses the [[material derivative]] of the field, that is, the derivative with respect to a coordinate system attached to the moving surface. Having found the derivative, variables can be switched back to the original frame of reference. We notice that (see [[Curl (mathematics)#Three_common_examples|article on ''' ''curl'' ''']]):
:<math>\mathbf{ \nabla \times} \left( \mathbf{v \times F} \right) = (\nabla \cdot \mathbf{F} + \mathbf{F} \cdot \nabla) \mathbf{v}- (\nabla \cdot  \mathbf{v} + \mathbf{v} \cdot \nabla) \mathbf{F} </math>
and that [[Stokes_theorem#Kelvin–Stokes_theorem|Stokes theorem]] allows the surface integral of the ''curl'' over Σ to be made a line integral over ∂Σ:
:<math>\frac {d}{dt} \left ( \iint_{\Sigma (t)} \mathbf{F} (\mathbf{r}, t) \cdot d \mathbf{A} \right ) = \iint_{\Sigma (t)} \big(\mathbf{F}_t (\mathbf{r}, t) +\left( \mathbf{F \cdot \nabla} \right)\mathbf{v} +  \left(\mathbf{ \nabla \cdot F } \right)  \mathbf{v} -(\nabla \cdot \mathbf{v})\mathbf{F}\big) \cdot d \mathbf{A} - \oint_{\partial \Sigma (t) }\left( \mathbf{\mathbf{v} \times F }\right)\mathbf{\cdot} d \mathbf{s}. </math>
The sign of the line integral is based on the [[right-hand rule]] for the choice of direction of line element ''d'''''s'''. To establish this sign, for example, suppose the field '''F''' points in the positive ''z''-direction, and the surface Σ is a portion of the ''xy''-plane with perimeter ∂Σ. We adopt the normal to Σ to be in the positive ''z''-direction. Positive traversal of ∂Σ is then counterclockwise (right-hand rule with thumb along ''z''-axis). Then the integral on the left-hand side determines a ''positive'' flux of '''F''' through Σ. Suppose Σ translates in the positive ''x''-direction at velocity '''v'''. An element of the boundary of Σ parallel to the ''y''-axis, say ''d'''''s''', sweeps out an area '''v'''''t'' × ''d'''''s''' in time ''t''. If we integrate around the boundary ∂Σ in a counterclockwise sense, '''v'''''t'' × ''d'''''s''' points in the negative ''z''-direction on the left side of ∂Σ (where ''d'''''s''' points downward), and in the positive ''z''-direction on the right side of ∂Σ (where ''d'''''s''' points upward), which makes sense because Σ is moving to the right, adding area on the right and losing it on the left. On that basis, the flux of '''F''' is increasing on the right of ∂Σ and decreasing on the left. However, the dot-product '''v''' × '''F •''' ''d'''''s''' = −'''F''' × '''v''' • ''d'''''s''' = −'''F • v''' × ''d'''''s'''. Consequently, the sign of the line integral is taken as negative.
If '''v''' is a constant,
:<math>\frac {d}{dt} \iint_{ \Sigma (t)} \mathbf{F} (\mathbf{r}, t) \cdot d \mathbf{A} = \iint_{\Sigma (t)} \big(\mathbf{F}_t (\mathbf{r}, t) +  \left(\mathbf{ \nabla \cdot F } \right)  \mathbf{v}\big) \cdot d \mathbf{A} - \oint_{\partial \Sigma (t)}\left(\mathbf{\mathbf{v} \times F }\right)\mathbf{\cdot} d \mathbf{s} </math>
which is the quoted result. This proof does not consider the possibility of the surface deforming as it moves.
==See also==
*[[Chain rule]]
*[[Leibniz rule (generalized product rule)]]
*[[Differentiation under the integral sign#Higher dimensions|Differentiation under the integral sign]]
*[[Reynolds transport theorem]] a generalization of Leibniz rule
==References and notes==
==External links==
*[ "The Leibniz Rule" by Rob Harron]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Leibniz Integral Rule}}
[[Category:Gottfried Leibniz]]
[[Category:Multivariable calculus]]
[[Category:Integral calculus]]
[[Category:Articles containing proofs]]

Revision as of 06:14, 29 January 2014

Template:Single source

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon-There are just some of us all around who would never drive an suv or a minivan but need something practical for family duties. The Acura TSX is one in all my favorite cars in sedan form but I felt that the wagon deserved special mention for bringing luxury, style, class and driving fun into the family transportation segment.

When my hubby brought this finding to the eye of the Ft. Wayne Indiana Toyota dealer, i was told that they would look into the matter. After wasting 7 days before actually doing everything to change this lease, i was told exercises, diet tips too newer. The salesman never offered us this wonderful deal, and the sales manager told us their dealership gave us the best deal toyota tundra off road they would probably. In the same sentence the sales team leader told us we qualified for the cheaper offer. In all honesty they didn't give us the cheapest price they can have. They gave us the highest lease price we were willing with regard to. My credit score is excellent, but it wouldn't have designed a difference for this dealership. After we had shopped around precisely what you want our lease, we might have definitely got a new better deal.

Now, Certain understand why Toyota doesn't offer the SE with rear seat DVD entertainment since most parents discovered that to be an indispensible feature nowadays. Besides that toyota tundra tuning the 3.5 liter V6 emits a lion-like and throaty roar under heavy acceleration that your call don't expect from a clever minivan. Do note I did not have a chance to drive a car the 2011 Honda Odyssey yet when I had the outcome might happen to different. We'll see this year.

Brian Ickler will make his begin of 2011 in the Kyle Busch Motorsports #18 Dollar General Toyota Tundra at Texas Motor Speedway on Friday, June 10. The WinStar World Casino 400K is being run when partnered with the IZOD IndyCar Series Twin 275s on Saturday, June eleventh.

The level came when he was a college junior. He'd just won the co-angler division for this 1994 Bassmaster Top 100 on Lake Norman. Diet plans . only or even bass tournament he'd ever entered.

16-year-old Erik Jones brought home his second top finish because many races in the absolutely no. 51 SUV for Kyle Busch Motorsports, finishing ninth in Sunday's NC Education Lottery 200 at Rockingham Speedway. Jones started at the tail-end belonging to the field in 36th, dropping a lap early along. The "lucky dog" award put him back with the lead lap, and Jones climbed in the top 10 in morrison a pardon stages belonging to the 200-lap race, which was won by Kyle Larson.

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In calculus, Leibniz's rule for differentiation under the integral sign, named after Gottfried Leibniz, tells us that if we have an integral of the form

then for x in (x0, x1) the derivative of this integral is thus expressible

provided that f and its partial derivative fx are both continuous over a region in the form [x0, x1] × [y0, y1].

Thus under certain conditions, one may interchange the integral and partial differential operators. This important result is particularly useful in the differentiation of integral transforms. An example of such is the moment generating function in probability theory, a variation of the Laplace transform, which can be differentiated to generate the moments of a random variable. Whether Leibniz's integral rule applies is essentially a question about the interchange of limits.

Formal statement

Let f(x, θ) be a function such that fθ(x, θ) exists, and is continuous. Then,

where the partial derivative of f indicates that inside the integral only the variation of f(x, θ) with θ is considered in taking the derivative.

Three-dimensional, time-dependent case

DTZ's public sale group in Singapore auctions all forms of residential, workplace and retail properties, outlets, homes, lodges, boarding homes, industrial buildings and development websites. Auctions are at present held as soon as a month.

We will not only get you a property at a rock-backside price but also in an space that you've got longed for. You simply must chill out back after giving us the accountability. We will assure you 100% satisfaction. Since we now have been working in the Singapore actual property market for a very long time, we know the place you may get the best property at the right price. You will also be extremely benefited by choosing us, as we may even let you know about the precise time to invest in the Singapore actual property market.

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Singapore has been beckoning to traders ever since the value of properties in Singapore started sky rocketing just a few years again. Many businesses have their places of work in Singapore and prefer to own their own workplace area within the country once they decide to have a everlasting office. Rentals in Singapore in the corporate sector can make sense for some time until a business has discovered a agency footing. Finding Commercial Property Singapore takes a variety of time and effort but might be very rewarding in the long term.

is changing into a rising pattern among Singaporeans as the standard of living is increasing over time and more Singaporeans have abundance of capital to invest on properties. Investing in the personal properties in Singapore I would like to applaud you for arising with such a book which covers the secrets and techniques and tips of among the profitable Singapore property buyers. I believe many novice investors will profit quite a bit from studying and making use of some of the tips shared by the gurus." – Woo Chee Hoe Special bonus for consumers of Secrets of Singapore Property Gurus Actually, I can't consider one other resource on the market that teaches you all the points above about Singapore property at such a low value. Can you? Condominium For Sale (D09) – Yong An Park For Lease

In 12 months 2013, c ommercial retails, shoebox residences and mass market properties continued to be the celebrities of the property market. Models are snapped up in report time and at document breaking prices. Builders are having fun with overwhelming demand and patrons need more. We feel that these segments of the property market are booming is a repercussion of the property cooling measures no.6 and no. 7. With additional buyer's stamp responsibility imposed on residential properties, buyers change their focus to commercial and industrial properties. I imagine every property purchasers need their property funding to understand in value.

Figure 1: A vector field F(r, t) defined throughout space, and a surface Σ bounded by curve ∂Σ moving with velocity v over which the field is integrated.

A Leibniz integral rule for three dimensions is:[1]


F(r, t) is a vector field at the spatial position r at time t
Σ is a moving surface in three-space bounded by the closed curve ∂Σ
dA is a vector element of the surface Σ
ds is a vector element of the curve ∂Σ
v is the velocity of movement of the region Σ
∇⋅ is the vector divergence
× is the vector cross product
The double integrals are surface integrals over the surface Σ, and the line integral is over the bounding curve ∂Σ.

Measure theory statement

Let be an open subset of , and be a measure space. Suppose satisfies the following conditions:

(1) is a Lebesgue-integrable function of for each
(2) For almost all , the derivative exists for all
(3) There is an integrable function such that for all

Then for all


Proof of basic form


So that, using difference quotients

Substitute equation (1) into equation (2), combine the integrals (since the difference of two integrals equals the integral of the difference) and use the fact that 1/h is a constant:

Provided that the limit can be passed under the integral sign, we obtain

We claim that the passage of the limit under the integral sign is valid. Indeed, the bounded convergence theorem (a corollary of the dominated convergence theorem) of real analysis states that if a sequence of functions on a set of finite measure is uniformly bounded and converges pointwise, then passage of the limit under the integral is valid. To complete the proof, we show that these hypotheses are satisfied by the family of difference quotients

Continuity of fx(x, y) and compactness implies that fx(x, y) is uniformly bounded. Uniform boundedness of the difference quotients follows from uniform boundedness of fx(x, y) and the mean value theorem, since for all y and n, there exists z in the interval [x, x + 1/n] such that

The difference quotients converge pointwise to fx(x, y) since fx(x, y) exists. This completes the proof.

For a simpler proof using Fubini's theorem, see the references.

Variable limits form

For a monovariant function g:

This follows from the chain rule.

General form with variable limits

Now, set

where a and b are functions of α that exhibit increments Δa and Δb, respectively, when α is increased by Δα. Then,

A form of the mean value theorem, , where a < ξ < b, may be applied to the first and last integrals of the formula for Δφ above, resulting in

Dividing by Δα, and letting Δα → 0, and noticing ξ1a and ξ2b and using the result

yields the general form of the Leibniz integral rule below:

Three-dimensional, time-dependent form

DTZ's public sale group in Singapore auctions all forms of residential, workplace and retail properties, outlets, homes, lodges, boarding homes, industrial buildings and development websites. Auctions are at present held as soon as a month.

We will not only get you a property at a rock-backside price but also in an space that you've got longed for. You simply must chill out back after giving us the accountability. We will assure you 100% satisfaction. Since we now have been working in the Singapore actual property market for a very long time, we know the place you may get the best property at the right price. You will also be extremely benefited by choosing us, as we may even let you know about the precise time to invest in the Singapore actual property market.

The Hexacube is offering new ec launch singapore business property for sale Singapore investors want to contemplate. Residents of the realm will likely appreciate that they'll customize the business area that they wish to purchase as properly. This venture represents one of the crucial expansive buildings offered in Singapore up to now. Many investors will possible want to try how they will customise the property that they do determine to buy by means of here. This location has offered folks the prospect that they should understand extra about how this course of can work as well.

Singapore has been beckoning to traders ever since the value of properties in Singapore started sky rocketing just a few years again. Many businesses have their places of work in Singapore and prefer to own their own workplace area within the country once they decide to have a everlasting office. Rentals in Singapore in the corporate sector can make sense for some time until a business has discovered a agency footing. Finding Commercial Property Singapore takes a variety of time and effort but might be very rewarding in the long term.

is changing into a rising pattern among Singaporeans as the standard of living is increasing over time and more Singaporeans have abundance of capital to invest on properties. Investing in the personal properties in Singapore I would like to applaud you for arising with such a book which covers the secrets and techniques and tips of among the profitable Singapore property buyers. I believe many novice investors will profit quite a bit from studying and making use of some of the tips shared by the gurus." – Woo Chee Hoe Special bonus for consumers of Secrets of Singapore Property Gurus Actually, I can't consider one other resource on the market that teaches you all the points above about Singapore property at such a low value. Can you? Condominium For Sale (D09) – Yong An Park For Lease

In 12 months 2013, c ommercial retails, shoebox residences and mass market properties continued to be the celebrities of the property market. Models are snapped up in report time and at document breaking prices. Builders are having fun with overwhelming demand and patrons need more. We feel that these segments of the property market are booming is a repercussion of the property cooling measures no.6 and no. 7. With additional buyer's stamp responsibility imposed on residential properties, buyers change their focus to commercial and industrial properties. I imagine every property purchasers need their property funding to understand in value.

At time t the surface Σ in Figure 1 contains a set of points arranged about a centroid C(t) and function F(r, t) can be written as F(C(t) + rC(t), t) = F(C(t) + I, t), with I independent of time. Variables are shifted to a new frame of reference attached to the moving surface, with origin at C(t). For a rigidly translating surface, the limits of integration are then independent of time, so:

where the limits of integration confining the integral to the region Σ no longer are time dependent so differentiation passes through the integration to act on the integrand only:

with the velocity of motion of the surface defined by:

This equation expresses the material derivative of the field, that is, the derivative with respect to a coordinate system attached to the moving surface. Having found the derivative, variables can be switched back to the original frame of reference. We notice that (see article on curl ):

and that Stokes theorem allows the surface integral of the curl over Σ to be made a line integral over ∂Σ:

The sign of the line integral is based on the right-hand rule for the choice of direction of line element ds. To establish this sign, for example, suppose the field F points in the positive z-direction, and the surface Σ is a portion of the xy-plane with perimeter ∂Σ. We adopt the normal to Σ to be in the positive z-direction. Positive traversal of ∂Σ is then counterclockwise (right-hand rule with thumb along z-axis). Then the integral on the left-hand side determines a positive flux of F through Σ. Suppose Σ translates in the positive x-direction at velocity v. An element of the boundary of Σ parallel to the y-axis, say ds, sweeps out an area vt × ds in time t. If we integrate around the boundary ∂Σ in a counterclockwise sense, vt × ds points in the negative z-direction on the left side of ∂Σ (where ds points downward), and in the positive z-direction on the right side of ∂Σ (where ds points upward), which makes sense because Σ is moving to the right, adding area on the right and losing it on the left. On that basis, the flux of F is increasing on the right of ∂Σ and decreasing on the left. However, the dot-product v × F • ds = −F × vds = −F • v × ds. Consequently, the sign of the line integral is taken as negative.

If v is a constant,

which is the quoted result. This proof does not consider the possibility of the surface deforming as it moves.

See also

References and notes

43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

External links

  1. Flanders, Harley (June–July 1973). "Differentiation under the integral sign". American Mathematical Monthly 80 (6): 615–627. doi:Article Link on JSTOR