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You can do this with an eyebrow pencils or have it done with dye. It requires a closer examine the nails, knees, and elbows to find out if there are any signs of creating Psoriasis. Deficiency of omega 3 acids and B-complex vitamins can cause the dead skin cells of the scalp to flake off excessively. It can cause the sufferer to feel very low, unable to cope and at times left feeling very depressed. Shingles, on the other hand, is strikingly different. <br><br>Even if you are experiencing peeling skin or any of type of psoriasis while taking proteins, vitamins A, vitamins B and vitamins C, it is possible that you can get relief. Examples of environmental influences include climate, trauma to the skin, or an infection of the ear or upper respiratory tract. This might be the reason why drinking causes major psoriasis flare ups. I recommend that you try the mentioned psoriasis scalp treatment oils and see which one gives you the best results. 5 grams or more and see how it affects your psoriasis. <br><br>Most patients who get shingles do not get it again. Psoriasis is a disorder that causes red scaly patches to appear on the skin. Some behaviors put men at a greater risk, of course, but even those who are in monogamous, long-term relationships may be harboring infections that were contracted at some time in the past. This can be olive oil, mineral oil or vegetable oil. Moisturizers maintain skin supple, add water content to the surface of your skin and support you to maintain a youthful look. <br><br>Hyper-pigmentation can be natural as in a birthmark that is a darker color of skin than your normal skin color. Humidifiers increase moisture level of surrounding air and prevent drying of skin. Truth be told, it is calming to the point that specialists have really observed that it "switches off" the anxiety genes. It has also been observed that most of the people suffering from Psoriasis suffer from sexual recession because of the painful realization of their physical symptoms. is also used in more than 100 cosmetic formulations that appear in a wide range of products, including hair tonics, anti-dandruff products, and perfumes. <br><br>Castile soap is a type of natural soap made exclusively from vegetable oils, such as olive, coconut and jojoba oil. And while doctors will prescribe different medications and creams to help men and women deal with this issue most doctors will tell you that there's no cure for this condition. About 50% of patients who are suffering from psoriasis are because of hereditary factors. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disorder that leads to the formation of dry plaques on the skin. As was discussed at the start of this article, educated decisions concerning your skin care are usually the very best ones.<br><br>If you have any thoughts pertaining to the place and how to use [http://www.dominionradio.info/ natural remedy for psoriasis], you can call us at our own web-site.
{{Use dmy dates|date=June 2013}}
In [[computer science]], '''algorithmic efficiency''' is used to describe those properties of an [[algorithm]] which relate to the amount of [[Computational resource|resources]] used by the algorithm. An algorithm must be [[Analysis of algorithms|analysed]] to determine its resource usage. Algorithmic efficiency can be thought of as analogous to engineering [[productivity]] for a repeating or continuous process.
For maximum efficiency we wish to minimize resource usage. However, the various resources (e.g. time, space) can not be compared directly, so which of two algorithms is considered to be more efficient often depends on which measure of efficiency is being considered as the most important, e.g. is the requirement for high speed, or for minimum memory usage, or for some other measure?
:''Note that this article is '''not''' about optimization, which is discussed in [[program optimization]], [[optimizing compiler]], [[loop optimization]],  [[object code optimizer]], etc. The term 'optimization' is itself misleading, since all that can generally be done is an 'improvement'.''
The importance of efficiency with respect to time was emphasised by [[Ada Lovelace]] in 1843 as applying to [[Charles Babbage]]'s mechanical analytical engine:
<blockquote>"In almost every computation a great variety of arrangements for the succession of the processes is possible, and various considerations must influence the selections amongst them for the purposes of a calculating engine. One essential object is to choose that arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing the calculation"<ref>{{
| last1 = Green | first1 = Christopher
| title = Classics in the History of Psychology
| url  = http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Lovelace/lovelace.htm
| accessdate = 19 May 2013
Early electronic computers were severely limited both by the speed of operations and the amount of memory available.  In some cases it was realised that there was a [[space–time tradeoff]], whereby a task could be handled either by using a fast algorithm which used quite a lot of working memory, or by using a slower algorithm which used very little working memory.  The engineering tradeoff was then to use the fastest algorithm which would fit in the available memory.
Modern computers are very much faster than the early computers, and have a much larger amount of memory available (Gigabytes instead of Kilobytes).  Nevertheless, [[Donald Knuth]] emphasised that efficiency is still an important consideration:
<blockquote> "In established engineering disciplines a 12% improvement, easily obtained, is never considered marginal and I believe the same viewpoint should prevail in software engineering"<ref name="Knuth1974">{{
| last1 = Knuth | first1 = Donald
| title = Structured Programming with go-to Statements
| publisher = ACM
| journal = Computing Surveys
| volume = 6
| issue = 4
| year = 1974
| url  = http://pplab.snu.ac.kr/courses/adv_pl05/papers/p261-knuth.pdf
| accessdate = 19 May 2013
An algorithm is considered efficient if its resource consumption is at or below some acceptable level. Roughly speaking, 'acceptable' means: will it run in a reasonable amount of time on an available computer. Since the 1950s computers have seen dramatic increases in both the available computational power and in the available amount of memory, so current acceptable levels would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.
Computer manufacturers frequently bring out new models, often with higher [[Computer performance|performance]]. Software costs can be quite high, so in some cases the simplest and cheapest way of getting higher performance might be to just buy a faster computer, provided it is [[Backward compatibility|compatible]] with an existing computer.
There are many ways in which the resources used by an algorithm can be measured: the two most common measures are speed and memory usage; other measures could include transmission speed, temporary disk usage, long-term disk usage, power consumption, [[total cost of ownership]], response time to external stimuli, etc. Many of these measures depend on the size of the input to the algorithm (i.e. the amount of data to be processed); they might also depend on the way in which the data is arranged (e.g. some sorting algorithms perform poorly on data which is already sorted, or which is sorted in reverse order).
In practice, there are other factors which can affect the efficiency of an algorithm, such as requirements for accuracy and/or reliability. As detailed below, the way in which an algorithm is implemented can also have a significant effect on actual efficiency, though many aspects of this relate to optimization issues.
===Theoretical analysis===
In the theoretical analysis of algorithms, the normal practice is to estimate their complexity in the asymptotic sense, i.e. use [[Big O notation]] to represent the complexity of an algorithm as a function of the size of the input '''n'''. This is generally sufficiently accurate when '''n''' is large, but may be misleading for small values of '''n''' (e.g. bubble sort may be faster than quicksort when only a few items are to be sorted).
Some examples of Big O notation include:
{| class="wikitable"
!Notation !! Name !! Examples
|<math>O(1)\,</math> || [[Constant time|constant]] || Determining if a number is even or odd; Using a constant-size [[lookup table]]; Using a suitable [[hash function]] for looking up an item.
|<math>O(\log n)\,</math> || [[Logarithmic time|logarithmic]] || Finding an item in a sorted array with a [[Binary search algorithm|binary search]] or a balanced search [[Tree data structure|tree]] as well as all operations in a [[Binomial heap]].
|<math>O(n)\,</math> || [[linear time|linear]] || Finding an item in an unsorted list or a malformed tree (worst case) or in an unsorted array; Adding two ''n''-bit integers by [[Ripple carry adder|ripple carry]].
|<math>O(n\log n)\,</math> || [[Linearithmic time|linearithmic]], loglinear, or quasilinear || Performing a [[Fast Fourier transform]]; [[heapsort]], [[quicksort]] (best and average case), or [[merge sort]]
|<math>O(n^2)\,</math> || [[quadratic time|quadratic]] || Multiplying two ''n''-digit numbers by a simple algorithm; [[bubble sort]] (worst case or naive implementation), [[Shell sort]], quicksort (worst case), [[selection sort]] or [[insertion sort]]
|<math>O(c^n),\;c>1</math> || [[exponential time|exponential]] || Finding the (exact) solution to the [[travelling salesman problem]] using [[dynamic programming]]; determining if two logical statements are equivalent using [[brute-force search]]
===Benchmarking: measuring performance===
For new versions of software or to provide comparisons with competitive systems, [[Benchmark (computing)|benchmark]]s are sometimes used, which assist with gauging an algorithms relative performance. If a new [[Sorting algorithm|sort]] algorithm is produced for example it can be compared with its predecessors to ensure that at least it is efficient as before with known data—taking into consideration any functional improvements. Benchmarks can be used by customers when comparing various products from alternative suppliers to estimate which product will best suit their specific requirements in terms of functionality and performance. For example in the [[Mainframe computer|mainframe]] world certain proprietary [[Mainframe sort merge|sort]] products from independent software companies such as [[Syncsort]] compete with products from the major suppliers such as [[IBM]] for speed.
Some benchmarks provide opportunities for producing an analysis comparing the relative speed of various compiled and interpreted languages for example<ref name="fourmilab.ch" /><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.roylongbottom.org.uk/whetstone.htm#anchorPC2 |title=Whetstone Benchmark History |publisher=Roylongbottom.org.uk |date= |accessdate=2011-12-14}}</ref>
and ''The Computer Language Benchmarks Game''<ref>{{cite web|url=http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ |title=The Computer Language Benchmarks Game |publisher=benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org |date= |accessdate=2011-12-14}}</ref> compares the performance of implementations of typical programming problems in several programming languages.
(Even creating "[[do it yourself]]" benchmarks to get at least some appreciation of the relative performance of different programming languages, using a variety of user specified criteria, is quite simple to produce as this "Nine language Performance roundup" by Christopher W. Cowell-Shah demonstrates by example)<ref>http://www.osnews.com/story/5602</ref>
===Implementation issues===
Implementation issues can also have an effect on actual efficiency, such as the choice of programming language, or the way in which the algorithm is actually coded, or the choice of a [[compiler]] for a particular language, or the compilation options used, or even the operating system being used. In some cases a language implemented by an [[Interpreter (computing)|interpreter]] may be much slower than a language implemented by a compiler.<ref name="fourmilab.ch">{{cite web|url=http://www.fourmilab.ch/fourmilog/archives/2005-08/000567.html |title=Floating Point Benchmark: Comparing Languages (Fourmilog: None Dare Call It Reason) |publisher=Fourmilab.ch |date=2005-08-04 |accessdate=2011-12-14}}</ref>
There are other factors which may affect time or space issues, but which may be outside of a programmer's control; these include [[data alignment]], [[granularity#Data granularity|data granuality]], [[garbage collection (computer science)|garbage collection]], [[instruction-level parallelism]], and subroutine calls.<ref name="steele1997">Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. "Debunking the 'Expensive Procedure Call' Myth, or, Procedure Call Implementations Considered Harmful, or, Lambda: The Ultimate GOTO". MIT AI Lab. AI Lab Memo AIM-443. October 1977.[http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/5753]</ref>
Some processors have capabilities for [[vector processor|vector processing]], which allow a single instruction to operate on multiple operands; it may or may not be easy for a programmer or compiler to use these capabilities.  Algorithms designed for sequential processing may need to be completely redesigned to make use of [[parallel processing]].
Another problem which can arise with compatible processors is that they may implement an instruction in different ways, so that instructions which are relatively fast on some models may be relatively slow on other models; this can make life difficult for an optimizing compiler.
==Measures of resource usage==
Measures are normally expressed as a function of the size of the input '''n'''.
The two most common measures are:
* ''Time'': how long does the algorithm take to complete.
* ''Space'': how much working memory (typically RAM) is needed by the algorithm. This has two aspects: the amount of memory needed by the code, and the amount of memory needed for the data on which the code operates.
For computers whose power is supplied by a battery (e.g. [[laptop]]s), or for very long/large calculations (e.g. [[supercomputer]]s), other measures of interest are:
* ''Direct power consumption'': power needed directly to operate the computer.
* ''Indirect power consumption'': power needed for cooling, lighting, etc.
In some cases other less common measures may also be relevant:
* ''Transmission size'': bandwidth could be a limiting factor. [[Data compression]] can be used to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted. Displaying a picture or image (e.g. [[:File:Google.png|Google logo]]) can result in transmitting tens of thousands of bytes (48K in this case) compared with transmitting six bytes for the text "Google".
* ''External space'': space needed on a disk or other external memory device; this could be for temporary storage while the algorithm is being carried out, or it could be long-term storage needed to be carried forward for future reference.
* ''Response time'': this is particularly relevant in a real-time application when the computer system must respond quickly to some external event.
* ''Total cost of ownership'': particularly if a computer is dedicated to one particular algorithm.
[[Analysis of algorithms|Analyse]] the algorithm, typically using [[time complexity]] analysis to get an estimate of the running time as a function as the size of the input data. The result is normally expressed using [[Big O notation]]. This is useful for comparing algorithms, especially when a large amount of data is to processed.  More detailed estimates are needed for algorithm comparison when the amount of data is small (though in this situation time is less likely to be a problem anyway). Algorithms which include parallel processing may be more difficult to analyse.
Use a benchmark to time the use of an algorithm. Many programming languages have an available function which provides CPU time usage. For long-running algorithms the elapsed time could also be of interest. Results should generally be averaged over several tests.
This sort of test can be very sensitive to hardware configuration and the possibility of other programs or tasks running at the same time in a [[multi-processing]] and [[multi-programming]] environment.
This sort of test also depends heavily on the selection of a particular programming language, compiler, and compiler options, so algorithms being compared must all be implemented under the same conditions.
This section is concerned with the use of main memory (often RAM) while the algorithm is being carried out.  As for time analysis above, [[Analysis of algorithms|analyse]] the algorithm, typically using [[DSPACE|space complexity]] analysis to get an estimate of the run-time memory needed as a function as the size of the input data. The result is normally expressed using [[Big O notation]].
There are up to four aspects of memory usage to consider:
* The amount of memory needed to hold the code for the algorithm.
* The amount of memory needed for the input data.
* The amount of memory needed for any output data (some algorithms, such as sorting, often just rearrange the input data and don't need any space for output data).
* The amount of memory needed as working space during the calculation (this includes both named variables and any stack space needed by routines called during the calculation; this stack space can be significant for algorithms which use [[Recursion (computer science)|recursive]] techniques).
Early electronic computers, and early home computers, had relatively small amounts of working memory. E.g. the 1949 [[Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator|EDSAC]] had a maximum working memory of 1024 17-bit words, while the 1980 Sinclair [[ZX80]] came initially with 1024 8-bit bytes of working memory.
Current computers can have relatively large amounts of memory (possibly Gigabytes), so having to squeeze an algorithm into a confined amount of memory is much less of a problem than it used to be.  But the presence of three different categories of memory can be significant:
* Cache memory (often static RAM) - this operates at speeds comparable with the CPU.
* Main physical memory (often dynamic RAM) - this operates somewhat slower than the CPU.
* Virtual memory (often on disk) - this gives the illusion of lots of memory, and operates thousands of times slower than RAM.
An algorithm whose memory needs will fit in cache memory will be much faster than an algorithm which fits in main memory, which in turn will be very much faster than an algorithm which has to resort to virtual memory. To further complicate the issue, some systems have up to three levels of cache memory, with varying effective speeds. Different systems will have different amounts of these various types of memory, so the effect of algorithm memory needs can vary greatly from one system to another.
In the early days of electronic computing, if an algorithm and its data wouldn't fit in main memory then the algorithm couldn't be used. Nowadays the use of virtual memory appears to provide lots of memory, but at the cost of performance. If an algorithm and its data will fit in cache memory, then very high speed can be obtained; in this case minimising space will also help minimise time.  An algorithm which will not fit completely in cache memory but which exhibits [[locality of reference]] may perform reasonably well.
==Examples of efficient algorithms==
* [[quicksort]] First known sorting algorithm with speed of order <math>O(n\log n)\,</math>.
* [[heapsort]] Another fast sorting algorithm.
* [[Binary search algorithm|binary search]] Searching an ordered table.
* [[Boyer–Moore string search algorithm]] Finding a string within another string.
==Criticism of the current state of programming==
* [[David May (computer scientist)|David May]] FRS a [[United Kingdom|British]] [[computer scientist]] and currently [[Professor]] of [[Computer Science]] at [[University of Bristol]] and founder and [[Chief technical officer|CTO]] of [[XMOS|XMOS Semiconductor]], believes one of the problems is that there is a reliance on [[Moore's law]] to solve inefficiencies. He has advanced an 'alternative' to Moore's law ([[May's law]]) stated as follows:<ref>http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~dave/iee.pdf</ref> <blockquote>Software efficiency halves every 18 months, compensating Moore's Law</blockquote> He goes on to state <blockquote>In ubiquitous systems, halving the instructions executed can double the battery life and big data sets bring big opportunities for better software and algorithms: Reducing the number of operations from N x N to N x log(N) has a dramatic effect when N is large... for N = 30 billion, this change is as good as 50 years of technology improvements</blockquote>
* Software author Adam N. Rosenburg in his blog "''The failure of the Digital computer''", has described the current state of programming as nearing the "Software event horizon", (alluding to the fictitious "''shoe event horizon''" described by [[Douglas Adams]] in his ''Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'' book<ref>http://www.the-adam.com/adam/rantrave/computers.htm</ref>). He estimates there has been a 70 dB factor loss of productivity or "99.99999 percent, of its ability to deliver the goods", since the 1980s—"When [[Arthur C. Clarke]] compared the reality of computing in 2001 to the computer [[HAL 9000|HAL]] in his book [[2001: A Space Odyssey]], he pointed out how wonderfully small and powerful computers were but how disappointing computer programming had become".
* Conrad Weisert gives examples, some of which were published in ACM SIGPLAN (Special Interest Group on Programming Languages) Notices, December 1995 in: "Atrocious Programming Thrives"<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.idinews.com/atrocious.html |title=Atrocious Programming Thrives |publisher=Idinews.com |date=2003-01-09 |accessdate=2011-12-14}}</ref>
* [[Marc Andreessen]] co-founder of [[Netscape]] is quoted in "[[Mavericks at Work]]" (ISBN 0060779616) as saying "Five great programmers can completely outperform 1,000 mediocre programmers."[http://www.linkedin.com/news?actionBar=&articleID=590198259&ids=0NdjgSd3wOejkIc3cPej0VczARb3ARczwVcj0VdiMVczcUcP8OejkIc3gTdj0TczAR&aag=true&freq=weekly&trk=eml-tod-b-ttle-96]
==Competitions for the best algorithms==
The following competitions invite entries for the best algorithms based on some arbitrary criteria decided by the judges:-
* [[Wired magazine]]<ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/11/mf_algorithmolympics/all/1 | work=Wired | first=Jason | last=Fagone | title=Teen Mathletes Do Battle at Algorithm Olympics | date=2010-11-29}}</ref>
==See also==
* [[Analysis of algorithms]] - how to determine the resources needed by an algorithm
* [[Arithmetic coding]]—a form of [[variable-length code|variable-length]] [[entropy encoding]] for efficient data compression
* [[Associative array]]—a data structure that can be made more efficient using [[Patricia tree]]s or [[Judy array]]s
* [[Binary search algorithm]]—a simple and efficient technique for searching sorted arrays
* [[Benchmark (computing)|Benchmark]]—a method for measuring comparative execution times in defined cases
* [[Best, worst and average case]]—considerations for estimating execution times in three scenarios
* [[Branch table]]—a technique for reducing instruction path-length, size of [[machine code]], (and often also memory)
* [[Comparison of programming paradigms]]—paradigm specific performance considerations
* [[Compiler optimization]]—compiler-derived optimization
* [[Computational complexity theory]]
* [[Computer performance]]—computer hardware metrics
* [[Data compression]]—reducing transmission bandwidth and disk storage
* [[Database index]]—a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table
* [[Entropy encoding]]—encoding data efficiently using frequency of occurrence of strings as a criterion for substitution
* [[Garbage collection (computer science)|Garbage collection]]—automatic freeing of memory after use
* [[Green computing]]—a move to implement 'greener' technologies, consuming less resources
* [[Huffman algorithm]]—an algorithm for efficient data encoding
* [[Locality of reference]]—for avoidance of [[CPU cache|caching]] delays caused by non-local memory access
* [[Loop optimization]]
* [[Memory management]]
* [[Optimization (computer science)]]
* [[Profiling (computer programming)|Performance analysis]]—methods of measuring actual performance of an algorithm at run-time
* [[Real-time computing]]—further examples of time-critical applications
* [[Run-time analysis]]—estimation of expected run-times and an algorithm's scalability
* [[Super-threading]]
* [[Simultaneous multithreading]]
* [[Speculative execution]] or [[Eager execution]]
* [[Threaded code]]—similar to virtual method table or branch table
* [[Virtual method table]]—branch table with dynamically assigned pointers for dispatching
* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647790.aspx Improving Managed code Performance]—Microsoft MSDN Library
==External links==
{{wikibooks|Optimizing Code for Speed}}
* [http://cgjennings.ca/fjs/index.html Animation of the Boyer-Moore algorithm] ([[Java Applet]])
* [http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xn8cg8_ted-talk-kevin-slavin-how-algorithms-shape-our-world_tech#.UNqz4axdxlM  "How algorithms shape our world".  ] A  [[TED (conference)]] Talk by Kevin Slavin.
* [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2003.07.004 Misconceptions about algorithmic efficiency in high-schools]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Algorithmic Efficiency}}
[[Category:Analysis of algorithms]]
[[Category:Computer performance]]
[[Category:Software optimization]]

Revision as of 00:03, 15 October 2013

30 year-old Entertainer or Range Artist Wesley from Drumheller, really loves vehicle, property developers properties for sale in singapore singapore and horse racing. Finds inspiration by traveling to Works of Antoni Gaudí. In computer science, algorithmic efficiency is used to describe those properties of an algorithm which relate to the amount of resources used by the algorithm. An algorithm must be analysed to determine its resource usage. Algorithmic efficiency can be thought of as analogous to engineering productivity for a repeating or continuous process.

For maximum efficiency we wish to minimize resource usage. However, the various resources (e.g. time, space) can not be compared directly, so which of two algorithms is considered to be more efficient often depends on which measure of efficiency is being considered as the most important, e.g. is the requirement for high speed, or for minimum memory usage, or for some other measure?

Note that this article is not about optimization, which is discussed in program optimization, optimizing compiler, loop optimization, object code optimizer, etc. The term 'optimization' is itself misleading, since all that can generally be done is an 'improvement'.


The importance of efficiency with respect to time was emphasised by Ada Lovelace in 1843 as applying to Charles Babbage's mechanical analytical engine:

"In almost every computation a great variety of arrangements for the succession of the processes is possible, and various considerations must influence the selections amongst them for the purposes of a calculating engine. One essential object is to choose that arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing the calculation"[1]

Early electronic computers were severely limited both by the speed of operations and the amount of memory available. In some cases it was realised that there was a space–time tradeoff, whereby a task could be handled either by using a fast algorithm which used quite a lot of working memory, or by using a slower algorithm which used very little working memory. The engineering tradeoff was then to use the fastest algorithm which would fit in the available memory.

Modern computers are very much faster than the early computers, and have a much larger amount of memory available (Gigabytes instead of Kilobytes). Nevertheless, Donald Knuth emphasised that efficiency is still an important consideration:

"In established engineering disciplines a 12% improvement, easily obtained, is never considered marginal and I believe the same viewpoint should prevail in software engineering"[2]


An algorithm is considered efficient if its resource consumption is at or below some acceptable level. Roughly speaking, 'acceptable' means: will it run in a reasonable amount of time on an available computer. Since the 1950s computers have seen dramatic increases in both the available computational power and in the available amount of memory, so current acceptable levels would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.

Computer manufacturers frequently bring out new models, often with higher performance. Software costs can be quite high, so in some cases the simplest and cheapest way of getting higher performance might be to just buy a faster computer, provided it is compatible with an existing computer.

There are many ways in which the resources used by an algorithm can be measured: the two most common measures are speed and memory usage; other measures could include transmission speed, temporary disk usage, long-term disk usage, power consumption, total cost of ownership, response time to external stimuli, etc. Many of these measures depend on the size of the input to the algorithm (i.e. the amount of data to be processed); they might also depend on the way in which the data is arranged (e.g. some sorting algorithms perform poorly on data which is already sorted, or which is sorted in reverse order).

In practice, there are other factors which can affect the efficiency of an algorithm, such as requirements for accuracy and/or reliability. As detailed below, the way in which an algorithm is implemented can also have a significant effect on actual efficiency, though many aspects of this relate to optimization issues.

Theoretical analysis

In the theoretical analysis of algorithms, the normal practice is to estimate their complexity in the asymptotic sense, i.e. use Big O notation to represent the complexity of an algorithm as a function of the size of the input n. This is generally sufficiently accurate when n is large, but may be misleading for small values of n (e.g. bubble sort may be faster than quicksort when only a few items are to be sorted).

Some examples of Big O notation include:

Notation Name Examples
O(1) constant Determining if a number is even or odd; Using a constant-size lookup table; Using a suitable hash function for looking up an item.
O(logn) logarithmic Finding an item in a sorted array with a binary search or a balanced search tree as well as all operations in a Binomial heap.
O(n) linear Finding an item in an unsorted list or a malformed tree (worst case) or in an unsorted array; Adding two n-bit integers by ripple carry.
O(nlogn) linearithmic, loglinear, or quasilinear Performing a Fast Fourier transform; heapsort, quicksort (best and average case), or merge sort
O(n2) quadratic Multiplying two n-digit numbers by a simple algorithm; bubble sort (worst case or naive implementation), Shell sort, quicksort (worst case), selection sort or insertion sort
O(cn),c>1 exponential Finding the (exact) solution to the travelling salesman problem using dynamic programming; determining if two logical statements are equivalent using brute-force search

Benchmarking: measuring performance

For new versions of software or to provide comparisons with competitive systems, benchmarks are sometimes used, which assist with gauging an algorithms relative performance. If a new sort algorithm is produced for example it can be compared with its predecessors to ensure that at least it is efficient as before with known data—taking into consideration any functional improvements. Benchmarks can be used by customers when comparing various products from alternative suppliers to estimate which product will best suit their specific requirements in terms of functionality and performance. For example in the mainframe world certain proprietary sort products from independent software companies such as Syncsort compete with products from the major suppliers such as IBM for speed.

Some benchmarks provide opportunities for producing an analysis comparing the relative speed of various compiled and interpreted languages for example[3][4] and The Computer Language Benchmarks Game[5] compares the performance of implementations of typical programming problems in several programming languages.

(Even creating "do it yourself" benchmarks to get at least some appreciation of the relative performance of different programming languages, using a variety of user specified criteria, is quite simple to produce as this "Nine language Performance roundup" by Christopher W. Cowell-Shah demonstrates by example)[6]

Implementation issues

Implementation issues can also have an effect on actual efficiency, such as the choice of programming language, or the way in which the algorithm is actually coded, or the choice of a compiler for a particular language, or the compilation options used, or even the operating system being used. In some cases a language implemented by an interpreter may be much slower than a language implemented by a compiler.[3]

There are other factors which may affect time or space issues, but which may be outside of a programmer's control; these include data alignment, data granuality, garbage collection, instruction-level parallelism, and subroutine calls.[7]

Some processors have capabilities for vector processing, which allow a single instruction to operate on multiple operands; it may or may not be easy for a programmer or compiler to use these capabilities. Algorithms designed for sequential processing may need to be completely redesigned to make use of parallel processing.

Another problem which can arise with compatible processors is that they may implement an instruction in different ways, so that instructions which are relatively fast on some models may be relatively slow on other models; this can make life difficult for an optimizing compiler.

Measures of resource usage

Measures are normally expressed as a function of the size of the input n.

The two most common measures are:

  • Time: how long does the algorithm take to complete.
  • Space: how much working memory (typically RAM) is needed by the algorithm. This has two aspects: the amount of memory needed by the code, and the amount of memory needed for the data on which the code operates.

For computers whose power is supplied by a battery (e.g. laptops), or for very long/large calculations (e.g. supercomputers), other measures of interest are:

  • Direct power consumption: power needed directly to operate the computer.
  • Indirect power consumption: power needed for cooling, lighting, etc.

In some cases other less common measures may also be relevant:

  • Transmission size: bandwidth could be a limiting factor. Data compression can be used to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted. Displaying a picture or image (e.g. Google logo) can result in transmitting tens of thousands of bytes (48K in this case) compared with transmitting six bytes for the text "Google".
  • External space: space needed on a disk or other external memory device; this could be for temporary storage while the algorithm is being carried out, or it could be long-term storage needed to be carried forward for future reference.
  • Response time: this is particularly relevant in a real-time application when the computer system must respond quickly to some external event.
  • Total cost of ownership: particularly if a computer is dedicated to one particular algorithm.



Analyse the algorithm, typically using time complexity analysis to get an estimate of the running time as a function as the size of the input data. The result is normally expressed using Big O notation. This is useful for comparing algorithms, especially when a large amount of data is to processed. More detailed estimates are needed for algorithm comparison when the amount of data is small (though in this situation time is less likely to be a problem anyway). Algorithms which include parallel processing may be more difficult to analyse.


Use a benchmark to time the use of an algorithm. Many programming languages have an available function which provides CPU time usage. For long-running algorithms the elapsed time could also be of interest. Results should generally be averaged over several tests.

This sort of test can be very sensitive to hardware configuration and the possibility of other programs or tasks running at the same time in a multi-processing and multi-programming environment.

This sort of test also depends heavily on the selection of a particular programming language, compiler, and compiler options, so algorithms being compared must all be implemented under the same conditions.


This section is concerned with the use of main memory (often RAM) while the algorithm is being carried out. As for time analysis above, analyse the algorithm, typically using space complexity analysis to get an estimate of the run-time memory needed as a function as the size of the input data. The result is normally expressed using Big O notation.

There are up to four aspects of memory usage to consider:

  • The amount of memory needed to hold the code for the algorithm.
  • The amount of memory needed for the input data.
  • The amount of memory needed for any output data (some algorithms, such as sorting, often just rearrange the input data and don't need any space for output data).
  • The amount of memory needed as working space during the calculation (this includes both named variables and any stack space needed by routines called during the calculation; this stack space can be significant for algorithms which use recursive techniques).

Early electronic computers, and early home computers, had relatively small amounts of working memory. E.g. the 1949 EDSAC had a maximum working memory of 1024 17-bit words, while the 1980 Sinclair ZX80 came initially with 1024 8-bit bytes of working memory.

Current computers can have relatively large amounts of memory (possibly Gigabytes), so having to squeeze an algorithm into a confined amount of memory is much less of a problem than it used to be. But the presence of three different categories of memory can be significant:

  • Cache memory (often static RAM) - this operates at speeds comparable with the CPU.
  • Main physical memory (often dynamic RAM) - this operates somewhat slower than the CPU.
  • Virtual memory (often on disk) - this gives the illusion of lots of memory, and operates thousands of times slower than RAM.

An algorithm whose memory needs will fit in cache memory will be much faster than an algorithm which fits in main memory, which in turn will be very much faster than an algorithm which has to resort to virtual memory. To further complicate the issue, some systems have up to three levels of cache memory, with varying effective speeds. Different systems will have different amounts of these various types of memory, so the effect of algorithm memory needs can vary greatly from one system to another.

In the early days of electronic computing, if an algorithm and its data wouldn't fit in main memory then the algorithm couldn't be used. Nowadays the use of virtual memory appears to provide lots of memory, but at the cost of performance. If an algorithm and its data will fit in cache memory, then very high speed can be obtained; in this case minimising space will also help minimise time. An algorithm which will not fit completely in cache memory but which exhibits locality of reference may perform reasonably well.

Examples of efficient algorithms

Criticism of the current state of programming

  • David May FRS a British computer scientist and currently Professor of Computer Science at University of Bristol and founder and CTO of XMOS Semiconductor, believes one of the problems is that there is a reliance on Moore's law to solve inefficiencies. He has advanced an 'alternative' to Moore's law (May's law) stated as follows:[8]

    Software efficiency halves every 18 months, compensating Moore's Law

    He goes on to state

    In ubiquitous systems, halving the instructions executed can double the battery life and big data sets bring big opportunities for better software and algorithms: Reducing the number of operations from N x N to N x log(N) has a dramatic effect when N is large... for N = 30 billion, this change is as good as 50 years of technology improvements

  • Software author Adam N. Rosenburg in his blog "The failure of the Digital computer", has described the current state of programming as nearing the "Software event horizon", (alluding to the fictitious "shoe event horizon" described by Douglas Adams in his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book[9]). He estimates there has been a 70 dB factor loss of productivity or "99.99999 percent, of its ability to deliver the goods", since the 1980s—"When Arthur C. Clarke compared the reality of computing in 2001 to the computer HAL in his book 2001: A Space Odyssey, he pointed out how wonderfully small and powerful computers were but how disappointing computer programming had become".
  • Conrad Weisert gives examples, some of which were published in ACM SIGPLAN (Special Interest Group on Programming Languages) Notices, December 1995 in: "Atrocious Programming Thrives"[10]
  • Marc Andreessen co-founder of Netscape is quoted in "Mavericks at Work" (ISBN 0060779616) as saying "Five great programmers can completely outperform 1,000 mediocre programmers."[1]

Competitions for the best algorithms

The following competitions invite entries for the best algorithms based on some arbitrary criteria decided by the judges:-

See also


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External links

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    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  2. Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  3. 3.0 3.1 Template:Cite web
  4. Template:Cite web
  5. Template:Cite web
  6. http://www.osnews.com/story/5602
  7. Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. "Debunking the 'Expensive Procedure Call' Myth, or, Procedure Call Implementations Considered Harmful, or, Lambda: The Ultimate GOTO". MIT AI Lab. AI Lab Memo AIM-443. October 1977.[2]
  8. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~dave/iee.pdf
  9. http://www.the-adam.com/adam/rantrave/computers.htm
  10. Template:Cite web
  11. Template:Cite news