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{{Orphan|date=August 2012}}

'''SigSpec''' is an acronym of "SIGnificance SPECtrum" and addresses a statistical technique to provide the reliability of periodicities in a measured (noisy and not necessarily equidistant) [[time series]].<ref>{{cite journal | author = P. Reegen | title = SigSpec - I. Frequency- and phase-resolved significance in Fourier space | journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume = 467 | pages = 1353–1371 | year = 2007 | doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20066597 | bibcode=2007A&A...467.1353R|arxiv = physics/0703160 }}</ref> It relies on the amplitude [[Spectral density|spectrum]] obtained by the [[Discrete Fourier transform]] (DFT) and assigns a quantity called the spectral significance (frequently abbreviated by “'''sig'''”) to each [[amplitude]]. This quantity is a [[logarithm]]ic measure of the [[probability]] that the given amplitude level is due to [[white noise]], in the sense of a [[type I error]]. It represents the answer to the question, “What would be the chance to obtain an amplitude like the measured one or higher, if the analysed time series were [[random]]?”

SigSpec may be considered a formal extension to the [[Least-squares spectral analysis|Lomb-Scargle periodogram]],<ref>{{cite journal | author = N. R. Lomb | title = Least-squares frequency analysis of unequally spaced data | journal = Astrophysics and Space Science | volume = 39 | pages = 447–462 | year = 1976|bibcode = 1976Ap&SS..39..447L |doi = 10.1007/BF00648343 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | author = J. D. Scargle | title = Studies in astronomical time series analysis. II. Statistical aspects of spectral analysis of unevenly spaced data | doi=10.1086/160554 | journal = The Astrophysical Journal | volume = 263 | pages = 835–853 | year = 1982 | bibcode=1982ApJ...263..835S}}</ref> appropriately incorporating a time series to be averaged to zero before applying the DFT, which is done in many practical applications. When a zero-mean corrected dataset has to be statistically compared to a [[random sample]], the [[Sample mean and sample covariance|sample mean]] (rather than the [[Mean|population mean]] only) has to be zero.
Tips for choosing right Leather luggage bag<br>For traveling purposes leather stands as preferred material and are quite popular now-days. More obviously they provides gracefulness to bags .Leather bags can never go out of fashion but instead they lasts longer .Style and elegance are the synonyms  for  leather luggage bag .<br>Nonetheless, there are wide varieties of leather is available in the market .Only few among those are of premium quality leathers and  [ ugg boots sale] rest are of better quality .Apart from the quality of the leather luggage bag , design also plays a crucial role in the selection of bags .Below are described  with tips and tricks  to find good leather luggage bags:<br><br>Firstly, you need to select for the best type and size of the bag as per your requirements. With the larger the bag size, you are [ supposed] to pay more. Most of the retailers mainly focus [ uggs on sale] the travel bags of different shapes and sizes .Traveling bags include rolling carts, duffel bags, etc.<br><br>After selecting the type and size of the bag , then you need  to  know about the difference  between different types of leathers .If you find a bag that's durable  for long-lasting years  make it sure it's of cowhide , buffalo leather and pig skin . These above mentioned types are effective and tough type of leather. Now-a-days leather made out of crocodile skin is  raising its popularity and are priced higher than other types.<br><br>Quality  [ uggs on sale] of any product matters a lot in its selection .Verify the quality of the leather luggage bag is very important .Prior to purchasing make sure it's of non-bonded leather and verify for the proper stitching of the product .Ensure that there is no patch work be done [ uggs on sale] the bag .Custom made travelling bags  made out of good quality leather have lifetime warranty.<br>Maintenance of leather luggage bags<br><br>Make use of special cleaner to polish the leather items .You can easily get those cleaners from shoe stores .Even you can make use of gentle moisturizer like Dove . Dissolve the soap in water till lather appears .Take a clean cloth and get it wetted with the solution and clean your bag gently. Then with a dry towel, dry it up once after cleaning the bag with soap solution.<br><br>If your bag has stains of grease, sprinkle talcum powder over the greasy surface and allow it to stay for 4 hours .The grease will be absorbed by the powder and you can easily wipe it off by a clean cloth.<br><br>Don't store leather luggage bags in humid and tight areas. This can cause fading of the material .place it an airy place and make use of it regularly.<br><br>If you are travelling through dirty places, gums can easily get stick to your bags .By placing ice cubes [ uggs on sale] the gum areas, you can wipe of it easily but ice should freeze gum. To remove the remaining residues apply dove soap [ uggs on sale] the residue area and wipe it off with a clean cloth.
== Probability density function (pdf) of white noise in Fourier space ==
Considering a time series to be represented by a set of <math>K</math> pairs <math>(t_k,x_k)</math>, the amplitude [[Probability density function|pdf]] of white noise in [[Fourier space]], depending on [[frequency]] and [[Phase (waves)|phase]] angle may be described in terms of three parameters, <math>\alpha_0</math>, <math>\beta_0</math>, <math>\theta_0</math>, defining the “sampling profile”, according to
:<math>\tan 2\theta_0 = \frac{K\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\sin 2\omega t_k - 2\left(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\cos\omega t_k\right)\left(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\sin\omega t_k\right)}{K\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\cos 2\omega t_k - \big(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\cos\omega t_k\big)^2 + \big(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\sin\omega t_k\big)^2},</math>
:<math>\alpha_0 = \sqrt{\frac{2}{K^2}\left( K\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\cos ^2\left(\omega t_k-\theta_0\right) -\left[\sum_{l=0}^{K-1}\cos\left(\omega t_k-\theta_0\right)\right]^2\right)},</math>
:<math>\beta_0 = \sqrt{\frac{2}{K^2}\left( K\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\sin ^2\left(\omega t_k-\theta_0\right) -\left[\sum_{l=0}^{K-1}\sin\left(\omega t_k-\theta_0\right)\right]^2\right)}.</math>
In terms of the phase angle in Fourier space, <math>\theta</math>, with
:<math>\tan\theta = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\sin\omega t_k}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\cos\omega t_k},</math>
the probability density of amplitudes is given by
:<math>\phi (A) = \frac{KA\cdot\operatorname{sock}}{2<x^2>}\exp\left(-\frac{KA^2}{4<x^2>}\cdot\operatorname{sock}\right),</math>
where the sock function is defined by
:<math>\operatorname{sock}(\omega ,\theta) = \left[\frac{\cos^2\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)}{\alpha_0^2}+\frac{\sin^2\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)}{\beta_0^2}\right]</math>
and <math><x^2></math> denotes the [[variance]] of the [[Dependent and independent variables|dependent variable]] <math>x_k</math>.
== False-alarm probability and spectral significance ==
Integration of the pdf yields the false-alarm probability that white noise in the [[time domain]] produces an amplitude of at least <math>A</math>,
:<math>\Phi_\operatorname{FA}(A) = \exp\left(-\frac{KA^2}{4<x^2>}\cdot\operatorname{sock}\right).</math>
The sig is defined as the negative logarithm of the false-alarm probability and evaluates to
:<math>\operatorname{sig}(A) = \frac{KA^2\log e}{4<x^2>}\cdot\operatorname{sock}.</math>
It returns the number of random time series one would have to examine to obtain one amplitude exceeding <math>A</math> at the given frequency and phase.
== Applications ==
SigSpec is primarily used in [[asteroseismology]] to identify [[variable star]]s and to classify stellar pulsation (see references below). The fact that this method incorporates the properties of the time-domain sampling appropriately makes it a valuable tool for typical astronomical measurements containing data gaps.
== References ==
<!--- See [[Wikipedia:Footnotes]] on how to create references using <ref></ref> tags which will then appear here automatically -->
* {{cite journal
| author = M. Breger, S. M. Rucinski, P. Reegen
| title = The Pulsation of EE Camelopardalis
  | journal = The Astronomical Journal
| volume = 134 | pages = 1994–1998 | year = 2007
| doi = 10.1086/522795
| bibcode=2007AJ....134.1994B|arxiv = 0709.3393 }}
* {{cite journal
  | author = M. Gruberbauer, K. Kolenberg, J. F. Rowe, D. Huber, J. M. Matthews, P. Reegen, R. Kuschnig, C. Cameron, T. Kallinger, W. W. Weiss, D. B. Guenther, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, G. A. H. Walker
| title = MOST photometry of the RRdLyrae variable AQLeo: two radial modes, 32 combination frequencies and beyond
  | journal = Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
| volume = 379 | pages = 1498–1506 | year = 2007
| doi = 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12042.x
| bibcode=2007MNRAS.379.1498G|arxiv = 0705.4603 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = M. Gruberbauer, H. Saio, D. Huber, T. Kallinger, W. W. Weiss, D. B. Guenther, R. Kuschnig, J. M. Matthews, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, G. A. H. Walker
| title = MOST photometry and modeling of the rapidly oscillating (roAp) star &gamma; Equulei
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 480 | pages = 223–232 | year = 2008
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20078830
| bibcode=2008A&A...480..223G|arxiv = 0801.0863 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = D. B. Guenther, T. Kallinger, P. Reegen, W. W. Weiss, J. M. Matthews, R. Kuschnig, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, G. A. H. Walker
| title = Searching for p-modes in &eta; Bootis & Procyon using MOST satellite data
| journal = Communications in Asteroseismology
| volume = 151 | pages = 5–25 | year = 2007
| doi = 10.1553/cia151s5
|bibcode = 2007CoAst.151....5G }}
* {{cite journal
| author = D. B. Guenther, T. Kallinger, K. Zwintz, W. W. Weiss, J. Tanner
| title = Seismology of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars in NGC 6530
| journal = The Astrophysical Journal
| volume = 671 | pages = 581–591 | year = 2007
| doi = 10.1086/522880
| bibcode=2007ApJ...671..581G}}
* {{cite journal
| author = D. Huber, H. Saio, M. Gruberbauer, W. W. Weiss, J. F. Rowe, M. Hareter, T. Kallinger, P. Reegen, J. M. Matthews, R. Kuschnig, D. B. Guenther, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, G. A. H. Walker
| title = MOST photometry of the roAp star 10 Aquilae
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 483 | pages = 239–248 | year = 2008
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20079220
| bibcode=2008A&A...483..239H|arxiv = 0803.1721 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = T. Kallinger, D. B. Guenther, J. M. Matthews, W. W. Weiss, D. Huber, R. Kuschnig, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov
| title = Nonradial p-modes in the G9.5 giant &epsilon; Ophiuchi? Pulsation model fits to MOST photometry
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 478 | pages = 497–505 | year = 2008
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20078171
| bibcode=2008A&A...478..497K|arxiv = 0711.0837 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = T. Kallinger, P. Reegen, W. W. Weiss
| title = A heuristic derivation of the uncertainty for frequency determination in time series data
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 481 | pages = 571–574 | year = 2008
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20077559
| bibcode=2008A&A...481..571K|arxiv = 0801.0683 }}
* {{cite book
| author = P. Reegen
| title = "SigSpec - reliable computation of significance in Fourier space", in ''The A-Star Puzzle, Proceedings IAU Symp. 224'', eds. J. Zverko, J. Ziznovsky, S.J. Adelman, W.W. Weiss
| work = The A-Star Puzzle, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 224
| location = Cambridge, UK
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| year = 2005
| pages = 791–798
| isbn = 0-521-85018-5
* {{cite journal
| author = P. Reegen, M. Gruberbauer, L. Schneider, W. W. Weiss
| title = Cinderella - Comparison of INDEpendent RELative Least-squares Amplitudes
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 484 | pages = 601–608 | year = 2008
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20078855
| bibcode=2008A&A...484..601R}}
* {{cite journal
| author = C. Schoenaers, A. E. Lynas-Gray
| title = A new slowly pulsating subdwarf-B star: HD 4539
| journal = Communications in Asteroseismology
| volume = 151 | pages = 67–76 | year = 2007
| doi = 10.1553/cia151s67
|bibcode = 2007CoAst.151...67S }}
* {{cite journal
| author = M. Zechmeister, M. Kuerster
| title = The gemeralised Lomb-Scargle periodogram. A new formalism for the floating-mean and Keplerian periodograms
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 496
| pages = 577–584
| year = 2009
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:200811296
| bibcode=2009A&A...496..577Z
|arxiv = 0901.2573 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = K. Zwintz, T. Kallinger, D. B. Guenther, M. Gruberbauer, D. Huber, J. Rowe, R. Kuschnig, W. W. Weiss, J. M. Matthews, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, G. A. H. Walker, M. P. Casey
| title = MOST photometry of the enigmatic PMS pulsator HD 142666
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 494
| pages = 1031–1040
| year = 2009
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:200811116
| bibcode=2009A&A...494.1031Z
|arxiv = 0812.1960 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = K. Zwintz, M. Hareter, R. Kuschnig, P. J. Amado, N. Nesvacil, E. Rodriguez, D. Diaz-Fraile, W. W. Weiss, T. Pribulla, D. B. Guenther,  J. M. Matthews, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, G. A. H. Walker
| title = MOST observations of the young open cluster NGC 2264
| journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
| volume = 502
| pages = 1239–252
| year = 2009
| doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:200911863
== External links ==
* [ Website with further information on SigSpec calculation, etc.]
[[Category:Time series analysis]]
[[Category:Fourier analysis]]
[[Category:Digital signal processing]]

Latest revision as of 01:13, 13 May 2014

Tips for choosing right Leather luggage bag
For traveling purposes leather stands as preferred material and are quite popular now-days. More obviously they provides gracefulness to bags .Leather bags can never go out of fashion but instead they lasts longer .Style and elegance are the synonyms for leather luggage bag .
Nonetheless, there are wide varieties of leather is available in the market .Only few among those are of premium quality leathers and ugg boots sale rest are of better quality .Apart from the quality of the leather luggage bag , design also plays a crucial role in the selection of bags .Below are described with tips and tricks to find good leather luggage bags:

Firstly, you need to select for the best type and size of the bag as per your requirements. With the larger the bag size, you are supposed to pay more. Most of the retailers mainly focus uggs on sale the travel bags of different shapes and sizes .Traveling bags include rolling carts, duffel bags, etc.

After selecting the type and size of the bag , then you need to know about the difference between different types of leathers .If you find a bag that's durable for long-lasting years make it sure it's of cowhide , buffalo leather and pig skin . These above mentioned types are effective and tough type of leather. Now-a-days leather made out of crocodile skin is raising its popularity and are priced higher than other types.

Quality uggs on sale of any product matters a lot in its selection .Verify the quality of the leather luggage bag is very important .Prior to purchasing make sure it's of non-bonded leather and verify for the proper stitching of the product .Ensure that there is no patch work be done uggs on sale the bag .Custom made travelling bags made out of good quality leather have lifetime warranty.
Maintenance of leather luggage bags

Make use of special cleaner to polish the leather items .You can easily get those cleaners from shoe stores .Even you can make use of gentle moisturizer like Dove . Dissolve the soap in water till lather appears .Take a clean cloth and get it wetted with the solution and clean your bag gently. Then with a dry towel, dry it up once after cleaning the bag with soap solution.

If your bag has stains of grease, sprinkle talcum powder over the greasy surface and allow it to stay for 4 hours .The grease will be absorbed by the powder and you can easily wipe it off by a clean cloth.

Don't store leather luggage bags in humid and tight areas. This can cause fading of the material .place it an airy place and make use of it regularly.

If you are travelling through dirty places, gums can easily get stick to your bags .By placing ice cubes uggs on sale the gum areas, you can wipe of it easily but ice should freeze gum. To remove the remaining residues apply dove soap uggs on sale the residue area and wipe it off with a clean cloth.