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m WP:CHECKWIKI errors fixed + general fixes using AWB (8961)
The disambiguation should be to the other meaning of "state", the mathematical not physics one
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In the [[mathematics|mathematical]] field of [[functional analysis]], [[Banach space]]s are among the most important objects of study. In other areas of [[mathematical analysis]], most spaces which arise in practice turn out to be Banach spaces as well.
Developing a different slogan seems to be a significant part of advertising? What if your site visitor is mostly curiosity about what you do or what you have to offer? <br><br>In a few ways the very best some ideas for internet marketing turn the tables of... <br><br>A number of the most readily useful a few ideas for web marketing defy reason. For example, if you were to produce an e commerce site as the key personalisation element you might well seek to ascertain your company name. Imagine if your business name is less important than you imagine? <br><br>Having a catchy slogan appears to be a vital part of advertising? What if your website visitor is mostly interest in what you do or what you&quot;ve to provide? <br><br>In some ways the best a few ideas for net personalisation leave the businessman standing on his common head and turn the tables of traditional thought. <br><br>Would it surprise you to learn that the most common elements potential customers try to find is the immediacy of information that allow them to get in touch with your site as a supplier of these need? Frankly, a number of these prospects are enthusiastic about your company name only after they determine if you can help them. This wonderful [http://www.sodahead.com//user/profile/3917571/rubberprofilesshock634/?editMode=true SodaHead.com - User 3917571] paper has oodles of surprising cautions for where to consider this thing. <br><br>By putting the what we do or sell ahead of the who are we anyway online business may find visitors will spend more time with the website and that may eventually result in a satisfied customer. Browse this link [http://www.indyarocks.com/blog/1737156/Law-of-Attraction--3-Confirmed-Methods-to-Master-Your-Money-Reality the infographic] to read the reason for this thing. <br><br>View it this way; I am trying to find an organization that offers grommets in mass. The search engine I use informs me there are over 2.5 million web sites which have regarding grommets. Now, if a web business that&quot;s selling grommets has conducted appropriate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques I can be pretty certain some of the most useful grommet stores will be displayed first. If you believe any thing, you will certainly claim to check up about [http://scriptogr.am/rubberprofilessnow rubberprofilessnow on scriptogr.am]. <br><br>But, if all I find on the opening page is really a fancy brand, mantra and a paragraph o-r two about how a grommet shop came into being I could well be tempted to hit the back button and carry on my search somewhere else. <br><br>Most on the web guests dont want to spend a great deal of time learning to steer a new site, especially if it ends up to become a site that will not fundamentally meet their needs. <br><br>By all means, build a stylish emblem that represents your business well, but let the marketing happen in the immediacy of information. This may probably influence them in a greater way than desirable thumb design that supplies little related element If you&quot;re able to answer your prospects simplest issues quickly. <br><br>Advertising is definitely about more than the logo and nothing less than an optimistic impression. <br><br>Does this change your thinking about how exactly to brand your business? So what can you do to take a positive advance?.<br><br>If you have any inquiries pertaining to where and ways to use [http://www.kiwibox.com/fancydogma820/blog free health insurance], you can contact us at our own page.
== Classical Banach spaces ==
According to {{harvtxt|Diestel|1984|loc=Chapter VII}}, the '''classical Banach spaces''' are those defined by {{harvtxt|Dunford|Schwartz|1958}}, which is the source for the following table.
Here '''K''' denotes the [[field (mathematics)|field]] of [[real numbers]] or [[complex numbers]] and ''I'' is a closed and bounded interval [''a'',''b''].  The number ''p'' is a [[real number]] with {{nowrap|1 < ''p'' < ∞}}, and ''q'' is its [[Hölder conjugate]] (also with {{nowrap|1 < ''q'' < ∞}}), so that the next equation holds:
: <math> \frac{1}{q}+\frac{1}{p}=1 ,</math>  
and thus
: <math> q=\frac{p}{p-1} .</math>  
The symbol &Sigma; denotes a [[sigma algebra|&sigma;-algebra]] of sets, and &Xi; denotes just an algebra of sets (for spaces only requiring finite additivity, such as the [[ba space]]).  The symbol &mu; denotes a positive measure: that is, a real-valued positive set function defined on a &sigma;-algebra which is countably additive.
{| align="left" class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|- align="center"
| style="border-bottom: 2px solid #303060" colspan=6| '''Classical Banach spaces'''
! !! [[Dual space]] !! [[Reflexive space|Reflexive]] !! [[Weak topology|weakly]]  [[complete metric space|complete]] !! [[Normed space|Norm]] !! Notes
! [[Euclidean space|'''K'''<sup>n</sup>]]
| '''K'''<sup>n</sup> ||{{yes}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_2 = \left(\sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|^2\right)^{1/2}</math> ||
!  [[Lp space|ℓ<sup>n</sup><sub>p</sub>]] ||  ℓ<sup>n</sup><sub>q</sub> || {{yes}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_p = \left(\sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|^p\right)^{1/p}</math> ||
! [[Lp space|ℓ<sup>n</sup><sub>∞</sub>]]
| ℓ<sup>n</sup><sub>1</sub> || {{yes}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_\infty = \max_{1\le i\le n} |x_i|</math> ||
!  [[Lp space|ℓ<sub>p</sub>]] ||  ℓ<sub>q</sub> || {{yes}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_p = \left(\sum_{i=1}^\infty |x_i|^p\right)^{1/p}</math> || 1 < p < ∞
!  [[Lp space|ℓ<sub>1</sub>]] ||  ℓ<sub>∞</sub> || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_1 = \sum_{i=1}^\infty |x_i|</math> ||
!  [[Lp space|ℓ<sub>∞</sub>]] ||  [[ba space|ba]] || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|x\|_\infty = \sup_i |x_i|</math> ||
! [[c space|''c'']]
| ℓ<sub>1</sub> || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|x\|_\infty = \sup_i |x_i|</math> ||
! [[c0 space|''c''<sub>0</sub>]]
| ℓ<sub>1</sub> || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|x\|_\infty = \sup_i |x_i|</math> || Isomorphic but not isometric to ''c''.
! [[bv space|''bv'']]
| ℓ<sub>1</sub> + '''K''' || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_{bv} = |x_1| + \sum_{i=1}^\infty|x_{i+1}-x_i|</math> ||
! [[bv space|''bv''<sub>0</sub>]]
| ℓ<sub>1</sub> || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|x\|_{bv_0} = \sum_{i=1}^\infty|x_{i+1}-x_i|</math> ||
! [[bs space|''bs'']]
| [[ba space|ba]] || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|x\|_{bs} = \sup_n\left|\sum_{i=1}^nx_i\right|</math> || Isometrically isomorphic to ℓ<sub>∞</sub>.
! [[bs space|''cs'']]
| ℓ<sub>1</sub> || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|x\|_{bs} = \sup_n\left|\sum_{i=1}^nx_i\right|</math> || Isometrically isomorphic to [[c space|c]].
! [[ba space|''B''(''X'',&nbsp;&Xi;)]] || [[ba space|ba(&Xi;)]] || {{no}} || {{no}} ||  <math>\|f\|_B = \sup_{x\in X}|f(x)|</math> ||
! [[Continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space|''C''(''X'')]]
| [[ba space|''rca''(''X'')]] || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|f\|_{B} = \sup_{x\in X}\left|f(x)\right|</math> || ''X'' is a [[compact Hausdorff space]].
! [[ba space|ba(&Xi;)]]
| ? || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|\mu\|_{ba} = \sup_{A\in\Sigma} |\mu|(A)</math>
([[Total_variation#Total_variation_in_measure_theory|variation of a measure]])
! [[ba space|ca(&Sigma;)]]
| ? || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|\mu\|_{ba} = \sup_{A\in\Sigma} |\mu|(A)</math> ||
! [[ba space|rca(&Sigma;)]]
| ? || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|\mu\|_{ba} = \sup_{A\in\Sigma} |\mu|(A)</math> ||
! [[Lp space|L<sup>p</sup>(&mu;)]]
| L<sup>q</sup>(&mu;) || {{yes}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|f\|_p = \left\{\int |f|^p\,d\mu\right\}^{1/p}</math> || 1 < p < ∞
! [[Lp space|L<sup>1</sup>(&mu;)]]
| L<sup>∞</sup>(&mu;) || {{no}} || ? || <math>\|f\|_1 = \int |f|\,d\mu</math> || If the measure ''μ'' on ''S'' is [[sigma-finite]]
! [[Lp space|L<sup>∞</sup>(&mu;)]]
| [[ba space|<math>N_\mu^\perp</math>]] || {{no}} || ? || <math>\|f\|_\infty \equiv \inf \{ C\ge 0 : |f(x)| \le C \mbox{ for almost every } x\}.</math> || where <math>N_\mu^\perp =\{\sigma\in ba(\Sigma) : \lambda \ll \mu\}</math>
! [[Bounded variation|BV(I)]]
| ? || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|f\|_{BV} = \lim_{x\to a^+}f(x) + V_f(I)</math> || ''V''<sub>f</sub>(''I'') is the [[total variation]] of ''f''.
! [[Bounded variation|NBV(I)]]
| ? || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|f\|_{BV} = V_f(I)</math> || NBV(''I'') consists of BV functions such that <math>\lim_{x\to a^+}f(x)=0</math>.
! [[Absolutely continuous function|AC(I)]]
| '''K'''+''L''<sup>∞</sup>(''I'') || {{no}} || {{yes}} || <math>\|f\|_{BV} = \lim_{x\to a^+}f(x) + V_f(I)</math> || Isomorphic to the [[Sobolev space]] ''W''<sup>1,1</sup>(''I'').
! [[Continuously differentiable|C<sup>''n''</sup>[''a'',''b'']]]
|| [[Ba space|rca([''a'',''b''])]] || {{no}} || {{no}} || <math>\|f\| = \sum_{i=0}^n \sup_{x\in [a,b]} |f^{(i)}(x)|.</math> || Isomorphic to '''R'''<sup>''n''</sup>&nbsp;&oplus;&nbsp;C([''a'',''b'']), essentially by [[Taylor's theorem]].
==Banach spaces in other areas of analysis==
* The [[Asplund space|Asplund spaces]]
* The [[Hardy space]]s
* The space ''BMO'' of functions of [[bounded mean oscillation]]
* The space of functions of [[bounded variation]]
* [[Sobolev space]]s
* The [[Birnbaum–Orlicz space]]s ''L''<sub>A</sub>(&mu;).
* [[Hölder space]]s C<sup>k,&alpha;</sup>(&Omega;).
* [[Lorentz space]]
==Banach spaces serving as counterexamples==
* [[Tsirelson space]]
* [[W.T. Gowers]] construction of a space ''X'' that is isomorphic to <math>X\oplus X\oplus X</math> but not <math>X\oplus X</math> serves as a counterexample for weakening the premises of the [[Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem|Schroeder–Bernstein theorem]] <ref>W.T. Gowers, "A solution to the Schroeder–Bernstein problem for Banach spaces", ''Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society'', '''28''' (1996) pp. 297–304.</ref>
* {{citation|title=Sequences and series in Banach spaces|first=Joseph|last=Diestel|publisher=Springer-Verlag|year=1984|isbn=0-387-90859-5}}.
* {{citation|first1=N.|last1=Dunford|first2=J.T.|last2=Schwartz|title=Linear operators, Part I|publisher=Wiley-Interscience|year=1958}}.
[[Category:Functional analysis]]
[[Category:Banach spaces]]

Latest revision as of 01:20, 2 March 2014

Developing a different slogan seems to be a significant part of advertising? What if your site visitor is mostly curiosity about what you do or what you have to offer?

In a few ways the very best some ideas for internet marketing turn the tables of...

A number of the most readily useful a few ideas for web marketing defy reason. For example, if you were to produce an e commerce site as the key personalisation element you might well seek to ascertain your company name. Imagine if your business name is less important than you imagine?

Having a catchy slogan appears to be a vital part of advertising? What if your website visitor is mostly interest in what you do or what you"ve to provide?

In some ways the best a few ideas for net personalisation leave the businessman standing on his common head and turn the tables of traditional thought.

Would it surprise you to learn that the most common elements potential customers try to find is the immediacy of information that allow them to get in touch with your site as a supplier of these need? Frankly, a number of these prospects are enthusiastic about your company name only after they determine if you can help them. This wonderful SodaHead.com - User 3917571 paper has oodles of surprising cautions for where to consider this thing.

By putting the what we do or sell ahead of the who are we anyway online business may find visitors will spend more time with the website and that may eventually result in a satisfied customer. Browse this link the infographic to read the reason for this thing.

View it this way; I am trying to find an organization that offers grommets in mass. The search engine I use informs me there are over 2.5 million web sites which have regarding grommets. Now, if a web business that"s selling grommets has conducted appropriate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques I can be pretty certain some of the most useful grommet stores will be displayed first. If you believe any thing, you will certainly claim to check up about rubberprofilessnow on scriptogr.am.

But, if all I find on the opening page is really a fancy brand, mantra and a paragraph o-r two about how a grommet shop came into being I could well be tempted to hit the back button and carry on my search somewhere else.

Most on the web guests dont want to spend a great deal of time learning to steer a new site, especially if it ends up to become a site that will not fundamentally meet their needs.

By all means, build a stylish emblem that represents your business well, but let the marketing happen in the immediacy of information. This may probably influence them in a greater way than desirable thumb design that supplies little related element If you"re able to answer your prospects simplest issues quickly.

Advertising is definitely about more than the logo and nothing less than an optimistic impression.

Does this change your thinking about how exactly to brand your business? So what can you do to take a positive advance?.

If you have any inquiries pertaining to where and ways to use free health insurance, you can contact us at our own page.