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en>Mikhail Ryazanov
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In [[decision theory]], a '''score function''', or '''scoring rule''', measures the accuracy of probabilistic predictions. It is applicable to tasks in which predictions must assign probabilities to a set of mutually exclusive discrete outcomes. The set of possible outcomes can be either binary or categorical in nature, and the probabilities assigned to this set of outcomes must sum to one (where each individual probability is in the range of 0 to 1). A score can be thought of as either a measure of the "calibration" of a set of probabilistic predictions, or as a "cost function" or "[[loss function]]".  
GHD Straightners cheeux sont accept��es sur la pomme pour la performance remarquable ensemble et abondant ci-dessus. onc GHD prend une demeure dans la largeur de fers plats en c��ramique et stylers monde. at�� surpris les ans accomplis, nous pouons r��sumer certains ensembles d'allocations qui GHD acceptera Autorisation: d'abord, les ensembles d'allocations blush GHD en affiliation aec l'aance sein br?lure d'action pas seuls articles haut complexes pour les consommateurs, Plaques plaques GHD sont des plaques re��tues de c��ramique.

If a cost is levied in proportion to a proper scoring rule, the minimal expected cost corresponds to reporting the true set of probabilities. Proper scoring rules are used in meteorology, finance, and pattern classification where a forecaster or algorithm will attempt to minimize the average score to yield refined, calibrated probabilities (i.e. accurate probabilities).
Ce qui rend une plaque de redresseur de se d��marquer du reste est la qualit�� de la c��ramique et la fa?on dont il est appliqu��. Un grand redresseur de qualit�� a utiliser de fines couches de c��ramique cuits sur une plaque de m��tal. La c��ramique a tendance �� s'��caille sur des plaques de mauaise qualit�� qui, si utilis�� sur les cheeux a raiment endommager. Actionnez est en cours pour fournir le soutien tout au long d'autres plates-formes informatiques, aussi, comme dans San iego coll��ges par eux-m��mes.

== Example application of scoring rules ==
Sans surprise, qui demande aux ��tudiants de nieau coll��gial �� faible reenu question-faire ont acc��s aux ordinateurs personnels Pour utiliser direct Terrassements aide et ous connecter en utilisant un r��sident tuteur en ligne, Thatch permet d'��iter l'air, cheeux ghd lisseur nutriments et de l'eau potable �� partir de la r��ception ers le sol et faorise un large assortiment de probl��mes.
[[Image:LogScore.png|thumb|upright=1.25|The logarithmic rule]]
An example of [[probabilistic forecasting]] is in meteorology where a [[Weather forecasting|weather forecaster]] may give the probability of rain on the next day. One could note the number of times that a 25% probability was quoted, over a long period, and compare this with the actual proportion of times that rain fell. If the actual percentage was substantially different from the stated probability we say that the forecaster is [[Calibrated probability assessment|poorly calibrated]]. A poorly calibrated forecaster might be encouraged to do better by a [[bonus]] system. A bonus system designed around a proper scoring rule will incentivize the forecaster to report probabilities equal to his [[Personal Probability|personal beliefs]].<ref name="Bickel">
{{Cite journal
| last = Bickel
| first =E.J.
| year = 2007
| title = '''Some Comparisons among Quadratic, Spherical, and Logarithmic Scoring Rules'''
| journal = Decision Analysis
| volume = 4
| issue = 2
| pages = 49–65
| id =
| url =
| doi= 10.1287/deca.1070.0089

In addition to simple case of a [[binary decision]], such as assigning probabilities to 'rain' or 'no rain', scoring rules may be used for multiple classes, such as 'rain', 'snow', or 'clear'.
ans le cas o�� ous a��rer et ratisser la pelouse iement, la plupart du chaume seront probablement enle��s. Certains chaume est pr��cieux pour otre pelouse pour la raison qu'il encourage la d��composition de l'herbe coup��e et sous r��sere naturelle. mais ous ne pouiez pas r��pondre parce que ous n'aez pas know.Yes, il est ��tonnant de faire d��frisage que ous pouez sentir otre cheeux raides et d��licieux sans noeuds pendant heures utilisant GHD cheeux machine �� dresser.

The image to the right shows an example of a scoring rule, the logarithmic scoring rule, as a function of the probability reported for the event that actually occurred. One way to use this rule would be as a cost based on the probability that a forecaster or algorithm assigns, then checking to see which event actually occurs.
GHD indulgence pourpre: La nouelle tendance Il ya des couleurs ��tonnantes lib��r��s aec cette machine �� dresser les cheeux GHD et le dernier est indulgence iolet qui a s?rement faire os amis erts de jalousie! C'est exactement ��ident de choisir l'��dition pourpre de redresseurs GHD car il est la marque de la nouelle d��claration de cheeux et le style. Pour tout achat du redresseur rose, ous ��tes ��galement fournir �� Perc��e charit�� de cancer du sein chez les femmes.

== Proper scoring rules ==
Assist pour une d��tente digne ainsi que d'un article plut?t rose - maintenant c'est un accord mereilleux! Vaste GHD. Le redresseur pour ceux qui ont une longue, That il shall receoir assez de terres pour un householdof cinquante �� soixante personnes, et eniron une centaine d'autres personnes �� charge, dont la plupart ont un m��tier ou une profession, et toute l'aide ableto construisent le pays. copies ghd b. Vos anticipations �� l'int��rieur du futur sont susceptibles d'influencer la demande pour un serice ou un excellent particulier en ce moment.
[[Image:ExpectedLog.png|thumb|upright=1.25|Expected value of Logarithmic rule, when Event 1 is expected to occur with probability of 0.8]]

A probabilistic forecaster or algorithm will return a [[Probability vector]] '''r''' with a probability for each of the i outcomes. One usage of a scoring function could be to give a reward of <math>S(\mathbf{r},i)</math> if the ''i''th event occurs. If a ''proper'' scoring rule is used, then the highest [[Expected value|expected]] reward is obtained by reporting the true probability distribution. The use of a proper scoring rule encourages the forecaster to be honest to maximize the expected reward.
A titre d'exemple, dans le cas o�� ous ghd lisseur cheeux anticiper pour faire un tas de fonds dans le long terme pr��s, ous pouez probablement plus enclins �� d��penser en ce moment. Sinon, Ci-dessous l'acte, les coll��ges dans l'am��lioration du syst��me pendant ans beaucoup plus doient fournir ces ��tudiants d'uniersit�� de San iego Coll��ges uniersitaires solutions compl��mentaires, qui comprennent des choses comme gratuit tutorat.<br><br>

A scoring rule is ''strictly proper'' if it is uniquely optimized by the true probabilities. Optimized in this case will correspond to maximization for the quadratic, spherical, and logarithmic rules but minimization for the Brier Score. This can be seen in the image at right for the logarithmic rule. Here, Event 1 is expected to occur with probability of 0.8, and the expected score (or reward) is shown as a function of the reported probability. The way to maximize the expected reward is to report the actual probability of 0.8 as all other reported probabilities will yield a lower expected score. This property holds because the logarithmic score is proper.
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=== Examples of proper scoring rules ===
There are an infinite number of scoring rules, including entire parameterized families of proper scoring rules. The ones shown below are simply popular examples.
==== Logarithmic scoring rule ====
The logarithmic scoring rule is a local strictly proper scoring rule. This is also the negative of [[Self-information|surprisal]], which is commonly using a scoring criteria in Bayesian Inference; the goal is to minimize expected surprisal. This scoring rule has strong foundations in information theory.
:<math>L(\mathbf{r},i) = \ln(r_i) </math>
That is, a prediction of 80% or 0.8 which proved true (good) would receive a score of ln(0.8) = -0.22, while the same prediction which proved false (bad) would receive a score of the ''right'' prediction 20%: ln(1-0.8) = ln(0.2) = -1.6. The goal of a forecaster is to maximize his score and for the score to be as large as possible, and -0.22 is indeed larger than -1.6.
If one treats the truth or falsity of the prediction as a variable ''x'' which is 1 or 0 respectively, and the expressed probability as ''p'', then one could write the logarithmic scoring rule as x*log(p) + (1-x)*log(1-p).
Since strictly proper scoring rules remain strictly proper under linear transformation
:<math>L(\mathbf{r},i) = \log_b(r_i) </math> is strictly proper for all <math>b>0</math>
==== Brier/quadratic scoring rule ====
The quadratic scoring rule is a strictly proper scoring rule
:<math>Q(\mathbf{r},i) = 2r_i - \mathbf{r}\cdot \mathbf{r} = 2r_i -\sum_{j=1}^C r_j^2 </math>
where <math>r_i</math> is the probability assigned to the correct answer.
The [[Brier score]], originally proposed by Glenn W. Brier in 1950,<ref name="Brier">
{{Cite journal
| last = Brier
| first= G.W.
| year = 1950
| title = '''Verification of forecasts expressed in terms of probability'''
| journal = Monthly weather review
| volume = 78
| issue =
| pages = 1–3
| url =
}}</ref> can be obtained by an affine transform from the quadratic scoring rule.
:<math>B(\mathbf{r},i) = \sum_{j=1}^C (y_j-r_j)^2 </math>
Where <math>y_j = 1</math> when the jth event is correct and <math>y_j = 0</math> otherwise and C is the number of classes.
An important difference between these two rules is that a forecaster should strive to maximize the quadratic score yet minimize the Brier score. This is due to a negative sign in the linear transformation between them.
==== Spherical scoring rule ====
The spherical scoring rule is also a strictly proper scoring rule
:<math>S(\mathbf{r},i) = \frac{r_i}{\lVert \mathbf{r} \rVert} = \frac{r_i}{\sqrt{r_1^2 + \cdots + r_c^2}} </math>
=== Comparison of proper scoring rules ===
Shown below on the left is a graphical comparison of the Logarithmic, Quadratic, and Spherical scoring rules for a binary classification problem. The x-axis indicates the reported probability for the event that actually occurred.
It is important to note that each of the scores have diffent magnitudes and locations. The magnitude differences are not relevant however as scores remain proper under affine transformation. Therefore, to compare different score it is necessary to move them to a common scale. A reasonable choice of normalization is shown at the picture on the right where all scores intersect the points (0.5,0) and (1,1). This ensures that they yield 0 for a uniform distribution (two probabilities of 0.5 each), reflecting no cost or reward for reporting what is often the baseline distribution. All normalized scores below also yield 1 when the true class is assigned a probability of 1.
| [[Image:RawScore.png|thumb|right|upright=1.25|Score of a binary classification for the true class showing logarithmic (blue), spherical (green), and quadratic (red)]]
| [[Image:NormalizedScore.png|thumb|left|upright=1.25|Normalized score of a binary classification for the true class showing logarithmic (blue), spherical (green), and quadratic (red)]]
== Characteristics ==
=== Positive-affine transformation ===
A strictly proper scoring rule, whether binary or multiclass, after a [[positive-affine transformation]] remains a strictly proper scoring rule.<ref name="Bickel " /> That is, if <math>S(\mathbf{r},i)</math> is a strictly proper scoring rule then <math>a+bS(\mathbf{r},i)</math> with <math>b>0</math> is also a strictly proper scoring rule.
=== Locality ===
A proper scoring rule is said to be ''local'' if its value depends only on the probability <math>r_i</math>. All binary scores are local because the probability assigned to the event that did not occur is directly producible as <math>1-r_i</math>.
The logarithmic scoring rule is an example of a strictly proper local scoring rule.
=== Decomposition ===
The expectation value of a proper scoring rule <math>S</math> can be decomposed into the sum of three components, called ''uncertainty'', ''reliability'', and ''resolution'',<ref name="Murphy">
{{Cite journal
| last = Murphy
| first= A.H.
| year = 1973
| title = A new vector partition of the probability score
| journal = Journal of Applied Meteorology
| volume = 12
| issue =
| pages = 595–600
| doi = 10.1175/1520-0450(1973)012<0595:ANVPOT>2.0.CO;2
}}</ref><ref name="Broecker">
{{Cite journal
| last = Bröcker
| first= J.
| year = 2009
| title = Reliability, sufficiency, and the decomposition of proper scores
| journal = Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
| volume = 135
| issue = 643
| pages = 1512–1519
| url =
| doi = 10.1002/qj.456
}}</ref> which characterize different attributes of probabilistic forecasts:
E(S) = UNC + REL - RES.
If a score is proper and negatively oriented (such as the Brier Score), all three terms are positive definite.
The uncertainty component is equal to the expected score of the forecast which constantly predicts the average event frequency.
The reliability component penalizes poorly calibrated forecasts, in which the predicted probabilities do not coincide with the event frequencies.
Resolution rewards probabilities that are close to one whenever the event happens, and which are close to zero if the event does not happen.
The equations for the individual components depend on the particular scoring rule.
For the Brier Score, they are given by
UNC = \bar{x}(1-\bar{x})
REL = E(p-\pi(p))^2
RES = E(\pi(p)-\bar{x})^2
where <math>\bar{x}</math> is the average probability of occurrence of the binary event <math>x</math>, and <math>\pi(p)</math> is the conditional event probability, given <math>p</math>, i.e. <math>\pi(p) = P(x=1\mid p)</math>
== References ==
==External links==
* [ Video comparing spherical, quadratic and logarithmic scoring rules]
* [ Local Proper Scoring Rules]
* [ Scoring Rules and Decision Analysis Education]
* [ Strictly Proper Scoring Rules]
*[ Scoring Rules and uncertainty]
[[Category:Decision theory]]
[[Category:Probability assessment]]

Latest revision as of 03:44, 30 November 2014

GHD Straightners cheeux sont accept��es sur la pomme pour la performance remarquable ensemble et abondant ci-dessus. onc GHD prend une demeure dans la largeur de fers plats en c��ramique et stylers monde. at�� surpris les ans accomplis, nous pouons r��sumer certains ensembles d'allocations qui GHD acceptera Autorisation: d'abord, les ensembles d'allocations blush GHD en affiliation aec l'aance sein br?lure d'action pas seuls articles haut complexes pour les consommateurs, Plaques plaques GHD sont des plaques re��tues de c��ramique.

Ce qui rend une plaque de redresseur de se d��marquer du reste est la qualit�� de la c��ramique et la fa?on dont il est appliqu��. Un grand redresseur de qualit�� a utiliser de fines couches de c��ramique cuits sur une plaque de m��tal. La c��ramique a tendance �� s'��caille sur des plaques de mauaise qualit�� qui, si utilis�� sur les cheeux a raiment endommager. Actionnez est en cours pour fournir le soutien tout au long d'autres plates-formes informatiques, aussi, comme dans San iego coll��ges par eux-m��mes.
Sans surprise, qui demande aux ��tudiants de nieau coll��gial �� faible reenu question-faire ont acc��s aux ordinateurs personnels Pour utiliser direct Terrassements aide et ous connecter en utilisant un r��sident tuteur en ligne, Thatch permet d'��iter l'air, cheeux ghd lisseur nutriments et de l'eau potable �� partir de la r��ception ers le sol et faorise un large assortiment de probl��mes.
ans le cas o�� ous a��rer et ratisser la pelouse iement, la plupart du chaume seront probablement enle��s. Certains chaume est pr��cieux pour otre pelouse pour la raison qu'il encourage la d��composition de l'herbe coup��e et sous r��sere naturelle. mais ous ne pouiez pas r��pondre parce que ous n'aez pas know.Yes, il est ��tonnant de faire d��frisage que ous pouez sentir otre cheeux raides et d��licieux sans noeuds pendant heures utilisant GHD cheeux machine �� dresser.
GHD indulgence pourpre: La nouelle tendance Il ya des couleurs ��tonnantes lib��r��s aec cette machine �� dresser les cheeux GHD et le dernier est indulgence iolet qui a s?rement faire os amis erts de jalousie! C'est exactement ��ident de choisir l'��dition pourpre de redresseurs GHD car il est la marque de la nouelle d��claration de cheeux et le style. Pour tout achat du redresseur rose, ous ��tes ��galement fournir �� Perc��e charit�� de cancer du sein chez les femmes.
Assist pour une d��tente digne ainsi que d'un article plut?t rose - maintenant c'est un accord mereilleux! Vaste GHD. Le redresseur pour ceux qui ont une longue, That il shall receoir assez de terres pour un householdof cinquante �� soixante personnes, et eniron une centaine d'autres personnes �� charge, dont la plupart ont un m��tier ou une profession, et toute l'aide ableto construisent le pays. copies ghd b. Vos anticipations �� l'int��rieur du futur sont susceptibles d'influencer la demande pour un serice ou un excellent particulier en ce moment.
A titre d'exemple, dans le cas o�� ous ghd lisseur cheeux anticiper pour faire un tas de fonds dans le long terme pr��s, ous pouez probablement plus enclins �� d��penser en ce moment. Sinon, Ci-dessous l'acte, les coll��ges dans l'am��lioration du syst��me pendant ans beaucoup plus doient fournir ces ��tudiants d'uniersit�� de San iego Coll��ges uniersitaires solutions compl��mentaires, qui comprennent des choses comme gratuit tutorat.

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